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almost 3 years ago - /u/Tocom - Direct link

Originally posted by Unbannableoffense

I’m going with it being Solar since Kevin Yanes said the Synaptic Spear is a way to test philosophies of Arc 3.0.

And unless everything I’ve been told about game development is a lie, there is no way we go from testing philosophy in one season, to getting its entire rework in the next season.

Just some inside baseball, but we often work on releases WAY ahead of time. Like right now we're wrapping work on S18 and starting S19.

So I wouldn't read too much into anything I say ever because on top of the above facts I also LOVE to f*ck with expectations. ;)

almost 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Tocom

Just some inside baseball, but we often work on releases WAY ahead of time. Like right now we're wrapping work on S18 and starting S19.

So I wouldn't read too much into anything I say ever because on top of the above facts I also LOVE to f**k with expectations. ;)

Translation: I LOVE to make dmg's life harder