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Yes, it takes twice the orbs to get to x4, but x4 now does 90% extra damage, it used to do 60% extra. New scale per stack is 22.5% extra super damage per stack, previously 15%.

Source: https://twitter.com/courtprojects/status/1397335331125530630?s=21

Edit: The user I originally heard of this buff from made a much more complete breakdown of what’s changed with the Star-Eater Scales, check it out below. https://reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/nlm8uj/stareater_scales_misinformation_miscommunication/

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almost 4 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Bad news is that this is a bug and we will be fixing it in the future.

Good news is we plan on leaving the upside damage increased more than it was before Hotfix earlier this week.

The goal of the change to SES was to increase the reward for risking losing your stacks of Feast of Light to try and get up to 8 stacks. When the bug is fixed, 8 stacks will still provide a higher bonus than the original max stacks damage bonus, and 4 stacks will be a slightly smaller bonus than the original max stacks damage bonus.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by DzhoArisu

Is that not exactly what it's doing now? I'm confused.

Right now 4 stacks gives 45%, which is slightly less than previous bonus. And 8 stacks gives 90%, which is higher.

Team is still working on the fix so I don't have exact numbers yet, but 8 stacks will be higher than 60% but lower than 90%.