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There is absolutely ZERO fun involved with walking up to a boss with a shotgun, getting 1-2 shots in, getting stomped 8 miles away, and rinse and repeat.

It’s not like snipers took zero skill to use, as body shots were worthless and you could even miss your precision shots on a stationary boss due to flinch.

Snipers are just one of the least reliable weapon archetypes in the game ATM, and just like one of the recents top posts says, the re-nerf just feels like a lazy meta reaction rather than properly balancing the game.

EDIT: PS, if you want close range weapons to be more viable in the Endgame, then don’t put the Raid boss with a 3-inch crit spot 20ft in the air. How the hell did you not expect snipers to be the go-to for that one?

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

The team is definitely aware of the feedback around being stomped by bosses not being an enjoyable experience. I'll give feedback that you would like to see snipers re-tuned in a future update. Let me if there are specific changes you would like to see or just the previous reduction removed.