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The surprise reveal of her being alive was stunning on its own, but finding out we actually got to go see her every 3rd week was totally unexpected. Each time we saw her she gave us wisdom, hints toward future events (seeing the Emissary briefly), and WOULD have given us the most shocking reveal in D2 (Uldren being revived) if it wasn’t spoiled by Dataminers.

You HAD to be there to see her. Bungie didn’t lock the lore behind her having to still be there either, so new players don’t miss out on something tangible, but they missed out on the experience. And just like that.... she departed. Now you can still visit but she won’t be there. You can still get your Oracle reward, but the Queen’s throne is now empty. You just had to be there...

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Raggou

Hopefully /u/cozmo23 and the team @Bungie see this.

Here is a example of when you did it "right"

Yea this is a good example we can point to. It was an ongoing character performance that wasn't static in the game forever but players didn't mind it going away after it was finished.

Always appreciate when you give feedback on things you like and want more of as well as what you didn't like and would like less of or made better.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

but players didn't mind it going away after it was finished.

Really? Because I certainly did.

Sorry I should have qualified that with “most.” There’s almost always going to be players on both sides of any change or decision.

Also feel free to challenge the premise with this thread that “most” players were ok with the queens performance going away. I don’t remember there being a lot of complaints around this but let me know if my memory is fuzzy.