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Does your inventory need to be in a specific order?

Do you take a very specific path through the tower every time?

Which obstacle do you just need to parkour over even if its much easier/faster to simply go around it?

Any sentimental or important weapons/emblems/shaders you need to have on your character or else things don't feel right?

I think these kinds of things would be fun to discuss just to see that while all of us play the same game, we all play it in our unique ways. I also think it gives a fun spin on the "play your way" narrative that Destiny has always strived to achieve.

As for me personally, with thousands of hours on gunslinger, if I'm using Golden Gun, I need to jump in the air before I activate it. Does it give it more damage? No. Does it make it last longer? No. Does it look way cooler and make me feel like more of a badass? Absolutely. Using it on the ground just feels......wrong.

Would love to hear your experiences!

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about 3 years ago - /u/Trexus183 - Direct link

Originally posted by PoddyPod

I always speak to him through the window. Good thing our Guardian rarely speaks, or Variks would just be hearing mumbles through the glass.

Yep, way easier to go through the drive thru.