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I was bored and I had some time on my hands so I decided to fire up Photoshop and create something for the game I love. Well, I say create ... it's more a personal spin on things known and common (class and subclass logos). I'm not really pleased with my take on the Hunter subclasses because of the bitch of a class logo (canvas wise) and in retrospect I could've done Warlock better but I'm pleased with Titan overall. Which is ironic, Titan's the only class I don't play.

Anyway, I just wanted to show this off.


EDIT: Turns out I have today off and didn't realize this until my boss asked "What are you doing here?". So I got my behind into gear and made the wallpapers in 1920x1080. https://imgur.com/a/Jd1hYRG

EDIT 2: The new super symbols added in Forsaken will take some time. There isn't any good source material of the symbols online (at least I couldn't find them) and it seems I have to create them from scratch. Which will suck.

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about 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Awesome stuff!