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Based on the most recent trailer, class-specific swords are returning. For a quick refresher:

  • Hunters got Goldtusk: a lightweight frame sword that makes you move faster while equipped and had a unique run animation that made you look like a ninja
  • Titans got Throne-Cleaver: an aggressive frame sword that had a unique heavy attack that did more damage compared to others and looked like a claymore
  • Warlocks got Death's Razor: an adaptive frame sword (you know, the same as most other legendaries in the game) whose only "unique" perk was Infinite Guard...which was available to anyone that had Worldline Zero

Infinite Guard: Sword Guard has balanced defenses and maximized endurance

With the potential of these swords returning, I hope Bungie saw the tons of feedback on this subreddit and reworked the sword for warlocks...but I expect it will ship the same as it left: Underwhelming.

#BungieHatesWarlockFashion I was meaning this to be funny, not divisive.

Edit: Changed names of swords to reflect Heroic Menagerie random rolled versions

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almost 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

But what if the frame changed