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I haven't had a smile on my face playing PvP in Destiny like this in a long while. I don't have to care about what is meta whatsoever, it's just me and eleven other crazy Guardians rocket-jumping across a map with wild abandon. I know the mode isn't new, but this is exactly the kind of thing Destiny 2 needs more of - lighthearted, fun activities that exist outside of the core grind of the game. If you haven't tried the mode yet, I highly urge you to do so, Destiny rocket jumping is absolute hilarity.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Glad to hear you're having a good time. Team made some changes while the mode was offline (Ex: added rocket jumping) - so it's great to see feedback that folks enjoy it.

See players chatting about the map sizes and height restrictions - keep that feedback coming!