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These recent changes to 2 particular guns have further proved that fact. Why, after this many years of Destiny, are guns that are good in one scenario being nerfed to oblivion in the other, just to help balance it where it is actually OP/a problem?

If a gun is overperforming in PvP but is just good/slightly above average in PvE, then adjust it for PvP accordingly and leave it alone in PvE, and vice-versa.

You've already proved to us you can do this, so why can't you do it consistently?

Please, stop ruining guns that are fun to use by neutering them in both modes.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We've definitely been making changes recently that affect PVP and PVE slightly differently. A few examples from 2.2.1

Buff now increases weapon damage

  • 25% in PvE
  • 20% in PvP

Lightning Reflexes:

  • Increased damage resistance while dodging from 25% to 40% in PvP
  • Increased damage resistance while dodging from 63% to 70% In PvE

But we do still want to maintain a consistent feel where possible so things don't behave wildly different depending on the activity.

I can definitely let the dev team know that there are concerns that the changes to Luna's Howl and Not Forgotten will have impacts on using those guns in PVE.

I just got Luna's recently and haven't used it in PVE that much yet, so let me know how you like to use LH/NF in PVE and what changes you would like to see to preserve it's effectiveness against combatants.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by InitialG

Luna is awesome in PVE for killing tough enemies since you can trigger magnificent howl and unload a bunch of magnificent howl crits into the enemy doing great damage as long as you're precise.

I would strongly recommend removing the change to magnificent howl and critical hits. This would allow the guns to be better than they used to be in PVE (150 damage will be better for ad clear) while still having a rare situational and skill intensive ttk boost in PVP. 2 crit kills were never a problem in PVP because of their rarity so this change is really only having a significant impact on how they perform in PVE.

I will pass along this feedback. Thanks.