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I really like Legendary Astral Alignment, it felt frantic and more hectic than the normal mode. I probably prefer it to Normal. But the reward of 1 extra chest at the end is insulting, especially with how unexciting the loot from the activity is anyway. With umbral focusing we already have the rolls on the weapons and armor we want at this point so there's little incentive to run the activity at a higher level. I'm surprised there's not at least some materials that drop like with higher tier nightfalls. Honestly anything would be better than an extra chest that I still have to pay for to unlock.

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over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback. We'll be sure to pass it along to the team!

Scrolling through some replies, seeing suggestions for higher stat armor and potentially more rolls on T3 umbrals. Are there any other rewards that you believe would fit the challenge of this activity?