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We need MORE sources for cores, not fewer. Enough with this one step forward one step back dance.

Sure, whatever gunsmith bounties may be could be okay but these scrapper bounties are SUPER easy and solid sources or cores. In a moderate crucible session I can knock out 3-5 of these things and get myself a stack of cores for just playing the game normally.

That's all we want really - allow us to get cores while playing the game, without having to waste time on a core-specific activity.

There is absolutely no reason to remove these except to artificially limit the core economy even more than it already is.

Keep the scrapper bounties, add the gunsmith bounties, and now we're talking.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Thanks, I will give this suggestion to the team. I know the current goal is too both make EC acquisition more deterministic so you aren't having to dismantle a bunch of gear hoping for a bounty to pop. But I will let them know that it would be preferred to still have scrapper bounties pop up as bonus acquisition methods.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by spinto1

The guy plays, too, but with a full time job, a wife, and a toddler, he's got limited time. I'm sure he doesn't want to spend a chunk of it farming cores.

That reminds me, u/Cozmo23 was your wife proud of you when you managed to get to Fabled?

She was like "That's nice dear."