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Hello! Welcome to the most definitive post about the drop rate of items from the Solstice Event Packages.

I farmed 1,000 Solstice Packages from the EAZ and acquired enough key fragments to open them all, this took a pretty heavy toll on my sanity so I really hope the information we now have was worth it.

The following list is the total amount of items that dropped from the packages.

  • Blue Gear --------------------------- 915
  • Legendary Gear ----------------- 210
  • Solstice Armor ------------------- 324
  • Umbral Engrams ---------------- 163
  • Enhancement Cores ----------- 288
  • Enhancement Prisms --------- 6
  • Upgrade Modules --------------- 23
  • Legendary Shards --------------- 256
  • Planetary Materials ------------ 2,275

You also get Glimmer from each and every package, so I figured it's unnecessary to keep track of that.

I have also logged what I got from every single package so if anyone wants that info I will link the Excel spreadsheet. Thanks to my good friend Dan for helping me with the spreadsheet.

Some extra info; the lowest rolled Solstice Armor piece I got was 53(!) and the highest rolled was 68. I really think they should increase the lowest possible roll as 53 is just abysmal in my opinion.

https://imgur.com/a/oulk4gH - Proof that I have acquired all the packages and keys.

That's all folks, I think I'm going to bed now.

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over 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

A hero of the people. I think I'm at about 200 or so boxes. Been hunting a good helmet for my Hunter.

Thanks for the feedback on the armor rolls. Speaking with the team, these should be comparable to Raid drops (which also explains some of the armor rarity here as EAZ is much easier than a 6-player endgame activity) -- but a 53 roll does seem low.

If you have any other feedback, feel free to call it out! Cozmo and I will be collecting it throughout the event to give to the team.