Original Post — Direct link

Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50806



  • Changed how Mini Screebs from the Festering Rupture modifier are networked to give a more consistent experience. 
  • This should prevent mini-screebs from burrowing into the ground and ending otherwise perfect Nightfall runs. 


  • Trials of Osiris (and other matchmade activities) should no longer trigger Baboon errors if players quit between rounds or during a hard wipe.  



  • Updated the description of the "Pinnacle" Seasonal Challenge to better direct players to Pinnacle-tiered rewards 



  • Fixed some issues with Telesto 

    • Editor’s Note: Restart the clock 
  • No longer attaches to allies, will instead impact and detonate 

  • Bolts can no longer be shot and destroyed 

  • Reduce the bolt lifetime from 10 seconds to ~5 seconds when spawned on the environment (proximity to enemies still detonates) 



  • Fixed an issue that allowed allied players to be damaged and frozen by Diamond Lance. 
  • Fixed an issue where more Sentinel Shield super energy was being drained by Scorn sniper attacks than intended.
External link →
over 3 years ago - Destiny Dev Team - Direct link


  • Changed how Mini Screebs from the Festering Rupture modifier are networked to give a more consistent experience. 
  • This should prevent mini-screebs from burrowing into the ground and ending otherwise perfect Nightfall runs. 

  • Trials of Osiris (and other matchmade activities) should no longer trigger Baboon errors if players quit between rounds or during a hard wipe.  


  • Updated the description of the "Pinnacle" Seasonal Challenge to better direct players to Pinnacle-tiered rewards 


  • Fixed some issues with Telesto 
      • Editor’s Note: Restart the clock 
  • No longer attaches to allies, will instead impact and detonate 
  • Bolts can no longer be shot and destroyed 
  • Reduce the bolt lifetime from 10 seconds to ~5 seconds when spawned on the environment (proximity to enemies still detonates) 


  • Fixed an issue that allowed allied players to be damaged and frozen by Diamond Lance. 
  • Fixed an issue where more Sentinel Shield super energy was being drained by Scorn sniper attacks than intended.  
over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Jwilsonred

/u/dmg04 /u/cozmo23

Any word on a Nothing Manacles fix? It was mentioned a few TWABs ago, but no word since

No update. This investigation is on a longer timeline due to other projects in flight. Once we have updates, we'll let you know.