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With today's weekly reset the Eververse store stock refreshed, with a new ad on the carousel of the Featured page. It markets that Season of the Undying is ending soon, last chance to get season of the undying items. Which is shady in its own right since most of the stuff you cant get anymore or was sold only once. However it also features a sparrow that has never before been sold for silver OR bright dust.


So unless im forgetting this sparrow, Bungie is marketing:

A.) something that has never been available in the first place and

B.) to buy things that are literally impossible to buy at this point since they were only sold for a week

edit: the sparrow is called "Magneton Trust", I found it through the game wiki here: https://d2.destinygamewiki.com/wiki/Sparrows

So even if this is something that was datamined, they're now advertising it as something that could have been got this season. sucks.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Hey all,

This sparrow was pulled before the season launched, but it looks like we missed the image. Many apologies.

The sparrow will be available through Eververse in a future season.