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We really are struggling for inventory space now with more currencies and components getting added every season now.

Even Tokens from crucible, vanguard, iron banner should be added to their own currency pool to free up space.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Hey all,

Thanks for the feedback. I can say right now that this would be a somewhat intensive task, which more than likely couldn't happen for some time. Even with that said, we can add it to the feedback list for Gambit, Prime, and Reckoning.

To give a little context, this is more than just moving an item from one inventory slot to another (which in itself can introduce a variety of bugs and issues). These items are consumables not only for the Synthesizer, but they can be used as one offs to give an amount of stats for your chosen role. This added complexity makes this feedback item a bit more difficult to consider, as it adds additional development, test, UI time that is being applied to future content.

Another way to say it, we wouldn't want to end up in a scenario where you lost some functionality, lost your stacks of items, or introduced a bug where the synthesizer didn't work at all. There's an unending list of risk that comes with touching old content, and while we understand the pressure on your inventory can be frustrating, it could be more damaging to attempt the change without proper planning or time.

I don't personally work on the code or create this content, but I wanted to give a fairly general explanation as to why this is more difficult than it would appear to be on paper.