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Beyond light is a good expansion bogged down by some awful design choices that ruin the experience for many. There's already a lot of unhappy people in the sub right now. Just wait until the honeymoon period is over and more people start to realize what's wrong.

Bungie, you need to address these things. all of them.

We're all worried about the future of the game and want to see it thrive. But there are so many glaring design flaws that we have to wonder if you know what's best for the game.

  • Sunsetting removed 70% of weapons. We got virtually nothing to replace them. HMGs are all sunset except for 3. 1 is unobtainable, 1 is from europa, one is from the raid. The other archetypes aren't fairing much better. Presumably this will be fixed over time as we get new seasons, but the state it's currently in is unacceptable. I would have personally been okay with sunsetting if there was a surplus of new and reprised weapons to earn. But there isn't./

  • No refresh to vendors outside of armor. And the armor itself are all reskins of eachother.

  • World drop legendaries are virtually the same as last season.

  • The looter shooter currently has so little loot to obtain.

  • stasis is super fun in PvE, but is absolutely breaking the game in PvP.

  • Forsaken and Shadowkeep still cost money, but all the gear earned from those expansions outside of the raids is sunset. You can actually do activities in game right now that drop gear you can't even use in modern PvE activities or trials.

  • Two of the PAID EXPANSIONS are irrelevant now as well so if someone thought they should play each expansion in order and gets forsaken first, they basically wasted $40.

  • New light has virtually no content now that all the destinations and raids are vaulted.

  • Your steam discription reads as follows: "Destiny 2 is an action MMO with a single evolving world that you and your friends can join anytime, anywhere, absolutely free." This is very, VERY misleading and you know it. There's almost no meaningful free content. Destiny 2 isn't a free-to-play game, it's a paid game with some free content.

  • No reprised loot from D1 for the return of the cosmodrome?? You bring back the omnigul strike and NOT the grasp of malok??

  • On pc, many people are experiencing some SERIOUS performance decreases. Myself personally I used to get 100+ fps on the EDZ and Tangled Shore at 1440p highest settings. It goes below 40 now, even if I lower my settings.

  • You're now describing Destiny as an MMO, when previously you always avoided that description. If we are to compare this to other MMOs on the market, Destiny 2 is seriously lacking in content.

  • we know you're all working from home. But that still doesn't excuse all of this. You even DELAYED the expansion and I can't for the life of me figure out where the extra time went to.

There's probably a ton more that I haven't listed here. There is a lot of good to this expansion. But there's just as many, if not, more bad things about it.

Edit: I am NOT asking for them to stop everything they're doing and fix these issues right away. I'm simply asking for communication. We are at a crucial turning point in Destiny and a lot of people are upset over the changes. We need to hear, now more than ever, that they understand what we're saying and that they will work to fix it. They have, in the past, ignored user feedback and pretended it didn't exist. "swept it under the rug" and ignored it until nobody brought it up anymore. They cannot do this here. We need to hear from them, and I believe this sub should not stop critiquing their questionable design choices until they do.

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over 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Hey all,

First and foremost, I want to say that these issues aren't being swept under the rug. We're passing up the feedback, and the team has been reading through your thoughts on a variety of topics. Feedback on loot, power caps, etc is definitely heard.

Re: Loot feedback- A few things were added to the ritual activities (armor set, ritual weapon, reprises for a few activities) but most of the new content is focused on Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt. Europa has a full armor set and slew of weapons to earn with new perks not available through other means. The raid will have an armor set, various weapons, and mods to earn. Many of you are on the quest for exotics, with more coming in to the fold as you discover them.

We definitely understand the comparison to previous releases, and even the amount of weapons that were recently phased out through the max power cap. The team is looking to make the weapons you earn exciting, and they're already looking at loot for future seasons. This isn't to say that your feedback and concerns aren't valid, just noting what rewards are in the game to earn currently.

For the Free to play experience, we definitely acknowledge that much of the free content just transitioned into the Destiny Content Vault. That said, we sought to replace this with the Cosmodrome returning to the fold, creating the New Light onramp quest to better get players into the game, and creating some quests for subclass unlocks, etc. Once those are completed, players can jump into the ritual content for additional rewards. This doesn't replace the free raid content, but that definitely feedback that we'll get in front of the team.

Re: Stasis in PvP - Feedback is definitely heard. The team is monitoring community feedback, analytics data, and our own live experiences to address issues as they pop up. Once we have details on future tuning passes, we'll be sure to let you know.

Re: Issues with PC perf decreases - Highly recommend posting to the help forum on Bungie.net. The player support team is fielding as many bugs and issues as they can find. Please give some details on your build, helps the team track down the potential issues in compat testing. I've personally hit a few minor framerate issues, but they're occuring once every few hours for a second or two. The more information we get on the help forum, the faster we can get this prioritized and potentially fixed!

Again - thank you to everyone who's providing feedback. Beyond Light was a huge change to D2 with the introduction of the Destiny Content Vault, loot being rotated out via max infusion caps, and more. The team is looking at the biggest painpoints/issues and prioritizing them as necessary. Some issues may iron out over time as more content is introduced into the game/we get deeper into seasons. Others will take some time to address. In any case, we'll be sure to communicate when we have more info.

over 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by M4J35T1C_W0MB4T

But hey, they'll fix the Lost Sector legendary engram drop rate immediately

We've been pushing for more backend updates to enable us to hit bugs as they arise. Over the last few seasons, we've been able to make quick server side changes to address issues, and this fell into that bucket. Another example was when we upped the drop rates for cipher keys during FOTL.

Some issues, though, still take time to investigate, create a fix, test a fix, and push live. Always looking to improve, though.

over 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by PlentifulOrgans

I'd just perhaps like to point out the obvious:

If you bring things back, please don't make us regrind them again. Especially armour sets.

Also, the moon and dreaming city dropping literally useless gear is not great. Unsunsetting dreaming city and moon armour and weapons would go a long way to fixing some of the issue.

Definitely bringing this feedback to the team. The loss of Forsaken/Shadowkeep loot is felt.

One pain point that we've highlighted already with the team - getting a sniper that's available in legendary engrams during the Beyond Light story quest was rough.