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A short story:

I’ve been on the grind in PvP and my clanmate hit me up asking if I wanted to run The Shattered Throne. I had only been in the beginning”maze” area once and ended up looking up a map of the symbol locations but hadn’t done it.

So we booted it up and was doing the opening maze-like section which was cool but felt like standard Destiny. And then the real experience came. First off, this place is actually massive. It felt almost raid size with the amount of places you went. Everything was so fun. Wiped a few times on the Ogre boss trying to figure out the mechanics, but dang was it so rewarding. Then we wiped around 3-4 times on the end boss but when we beat it, it was such an awesome feeling.

The fact that we had to switch around our load outs to better match the encounter was a really fun thing. The actual encounter was very cool and super enjoyable. The entire dungeon was so fun.

It took us 1hr 48mins for the two of us to clear it and I ended just under 600 kills. I honestly would not mind running it again sometime just for the sake of running it. It made me immediately want a dungeon on every planet and to run those as well.

Just wanted to share this little story and to say a big thank you to Bungie. THIS is the kind of content that gets me excited. My raid team is all friends that have either never played Destiny, or quit around CoO. So I’m super excited to start running through all the raids they/we missed and beating them all. I’m loving Destiny so much right now with there being so much fun content to do and play. Not sure why I felt the need to post this, probably just coming off the high of beating that dungeon since it was so challenging and fun figuring out all the mechanics and what not. Just an awesome experience.

TL;DR: Clanmate and I cleared Shattered Throne dungeon semi-blind and had a fantastic experience. Would love to see Bungie release more and more of these dungeons. Amazing content!

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Now, do it solo flawless.