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Are you some sort of sick f*ck who doesn't like shooting things, and instead likes watching them slowly die? Me too. Hi, I'm Eldritchqueen, and today I moved on from the cocaine that is Fighting Lion to the meth that is Witherhoard.

Fighting Lion is a kinetic primary grenade launcher. Poor thing takes PRIMARY ammo. Pathetic. Witherhoard is the twisted deformed special-ammo-eating infant child of Dragon Breath and Anarchy's sick copulation. Shoot and forget. Witherhoard ain't something you need to have up constantly, it's just THAT good. You see a crowd of enemies coming towards you? Shoot the ground in front of them. The stupid motherf*ckers will run right through it and create MORE blights. IDIOTS!

But there is a darker act. With enough grenade launcher mods, and perhaps an Ophidian Aspect with enhanced grenade launcher loaders, one can come unto true power by using Witherhoard as a f*cking primary weapon. DO NOT BACK AWAY FROM YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN. I know power like this is scary, but please stay calm. You can litter the field with your disease-ridden, entropy-causing puddles of anguish and death. Someone in the air? Scared that the blight will spawn beneath them? DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT! The blight spawns ON them, you hear me? This sh*t can bounce of WALLS if you want, do some crazy around-the-corner blighting! What if there are enemies right on you? SHOOT THEM IN MELEE RANGE! YOU WON'T TAKE DAMAGE, f*ckER, BECAUSE WITHERHOARD LOVES YOU AND YOU LOVE WITHERHOARD.

The power the Darkness holds is so very strong, friends. Reject modernity. Accept strength. Put away your Fighting Lions. Hail the true exotic breech-loading queen. Long live Witherhoard!

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almost 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Re: Destroying Raid bosses is under two seconds

This is unintentional, and will be fixed. Expect a timeline soon. Enjoy it while it lasts.