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140 and 150 rpm hand cannons have been broken on console since the launch of destiny 2. Let that sink in for a moment. I just don't get it. Why is bungie ignoring the community about this? We're not even getting a "bloom is here to stay, get over it!". If we got that, I'd be mad, but at least then I'd know to stop making these posts!

And if you're a PC player whos going to come in here and trot out the same tired old arguments about "aim assist" and "pace your shots (even though they bloom anyway)", I'm not interested.

I'm not angry, I'm just really sad that one of my favourite weapon archetypes feels terrible to use.

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about 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

I let the sandbox team know about the feedback around Hand Cannon performance on console. I've have seen a lot of feedback that 180s feel good, but 140 and 150s aren't as competitive. Is that in line with everyone's thinking here?

I'll share more info after I speak further with Sandbox. I don't want to say anything dumb here as I don't make the guns. :)