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In no way shape or form have Bungie explicitly stated that buying the seasons will come with Dungeons. Many are worried that their anniversary party is an experiment to see if the community will be willing to pay for dungeons as standalone.

This post and the other are both speculation, but both agree that if you buy all the seasons then you should get access to the dungeons, and Bungie should not lock it behind yet another pay wall.

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over 3 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Hey everyone. We’ve seen some debate around the new dungeon content and wanted to clarify how it will be delivered next year.

If you get the Digital Deluxe Edition of The Witch Queen you will receive the expansion, all four Seasons for the next year, and the two Dungeons. If you get the Standard Edition, you can still upgrade to the Deluxe Edition to get the dungeons later. We will also be offering a separate way for you to purchase the Dungeons in the future, but they will not be included in the Season passes.

We will share more info on this closer to when this content is set to go live.

over 3 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by retartarder

i know it's not your fault, but you're going to get eviscerated here

It happens, just wanted to make sure there wasn't any ambiguity and everyone had the correct info.