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Arbalest and Lorentz Driver are special linear fusion rifles.

Queenbreakers Bow and Tarantula are heavy linear fusion rifles.

Arbalest and Lorentz Driver one-shot to the head but do not one-shot to the body in Crucible.

Queenbreakers Bow and Tarantula one-shot to the head but do not one-shot to the body in Crucible.

...why the f*ck would anyone use heavy linear fusion rifles in Crucible? just move them to the special slot ffs (except Sleeper obv).

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about 3 years ago - /u/Trexus183 - Direct link

Heavy lineras 1 tapping to the body from any range would be too strong, so they compensate by not being exotics, and by having high aim assist stats relative to snipers.

They're not super meta for crucible.

about 3 years ago - /u/Trexus183 - Direct link

Originally posted by LetheAlbion

that's a horrible way to compensate. just saying. the spartan laser from halo was just fine one-tapping to the body bc it had such a long charge time. maybe do the same thing? or, you know, just move the current heavy linears to the special slot since they literally have the same kill conditions as the special linears.

In what way is it horrible?

Just because something works in one game doesn't mean it'll work in another

Extending charge times for 1 shot bodies is an interesting idea, and is essentially just Sleeper. Having that on a legendary is really strong though. In order to make it balanced, you'd have to push the charge time to a point where it feels impossible to use, and when you die to it it's still frustrating because there was no warning, you just instantly died to somone somewhere on the map with no opportunity for counter play, and they didn't even have to make a skillful shot to do it. Bad to play with, bad to play against.

Moving them to the special slot just makes them bad sniper rifles in pvp, and takes away an interesting heavy slot option for PvE.

Overall, they're fine how they are imo. Maybe needs a PvE buff, or some new perks, but really it's fine how it is.