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Back in the 2018 Bungie Forsaken Twitch Stream #2, we saw Josh Hamrick and Deej say we may see some players surprise us with their ability to be successful running double special weapons. This Season, I became a BELIEVER.

I've run dual special weapons for almost the entirety of Season of the Drifter and I don't think I'll ever go back to a normal load out. It is so ridiculously fun, rewarding, and powerful if played correctly with the right gear (scavenger perks). I managed to make it to Legend in competitive and be successful in a ton of Rumble games. Yes. Against Luna, NF, Dust Rock, you name it! I even had quite a blast in Gambit Prime with it!

You can see some of that in the montage I created for this Season: BELIEVER - https://youtu.be/RuXjoqpfc7E

Notes on running dual special weapons:

  • Scavenger perks are what really make this work. If you even pick up one special ammo brick while running two different scavenger perks in the crucible, you will pick up +2 special ammo FOR EACH GUN. +4 total!!! I believe in PvE it's even more than that.
  • It made sniping fun again, which made the GAME itself extremely more fun for me. I loved sniping in D1, but I just kind of put it away in D2 thinking that I just couldn't compete with it if I missed. Now if I miss my first sniper shot at a distance, I can whip out my other one-hit-kill weapon and counter the person rushing me.
  • The confusion you will put on people! OH! IF I COULD SEE THE LOOK ON THEIR FACES as they rush me with a shotgun thinking they are going to face a hand cannon after I missed my sniper shot. Hahaha. It's such a fantastic feeling giving them the one shot VOOP.
  • You'll have to get used to the ammo situation. There will be times where you run out of everything if you are not doing well gathering ammo bricks. You can get pretty creative with only grenades and your fists though!
  • Also, I don't want to forget about PvE even though I don't have much gameplay to show for it. Running a kinetic grenade launcher with Jotunn for maximum boss damage is a TREAT! I was doing at least 50% of the boss damage in Gambit Prime almost every time I played.

TL;DR: Running Double Special Weapons is something definitely worth checking out. Especially if you are bored with your current load out or meta. I can't express how much running dual special has reignited my love for Destiny. I've been excited to play just normal Crucible matches every single day.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Just. Awesome.