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In the January 9th TWAB my video of me flawlessly soloing Pit with two sidearms and a pre-buff sword got honorable mention, and now, almost 3 months later, I haven't gotten my Movie of the Week emblem in game.

I didn't ask about it for the first month since I've heard from others who won an emblem from Bungie that they had to wait at least a month before they got theirs, but after that first month I have made THREE different posts on Bungie's help forums about it and have gotten complete silence from them there.

Since the help forums didn't work I tried messaging dmg and Cozmo directly on twitter. I messaged dmg and did not get any response from him, and Cozmo's DMs were closed so I made a tweet at both of them instead, which got no response from either of them.

The ONLY response I've gotten about any of this was from Griffin Bennett, who responded to me literally two minutes after I messaged him on Twitter and he said he'd pass my message along. I appreciate how quick his response was, but its been exactly a month since I messaged him and I still don't have my emblem.

Now I don't know what it takes on Bungie's end to give someone the MOTW emblem, but it can't be that hard when Bert won MOTW and then posted a tweet of his new MOTW emblem just a couple of hours after that TWAB went live. Its frustrating to have to wait almost 3 months for my emblem if its something that can be done that quickly. It feels like whether or not you get your emblem is up to if they actually remember to give it to you or not, and from anyone I've heard that won an emblem, Bungie seems to forget all the time.

bungo pls, I just want my emblem

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Sorry about that. I need an account to send them emblem to. Please link your Bungie.net profile in the video description and I'll do the grant.