So one of our fellow guardians had used a Spectrogram to scan the community emblem and has uncovered an audio file.
It sounds like someone saying 'I am in trouble'.
Very excited to find out where this leads & hats off to the amazing guardians who uncover this and Bungie for the effort ^_^
P.S: The voice in the audio file is very similar to the spooky whispers we heard in the Cabal ship interiors.
In the Skydock IV Lost Sector boss room on Earth after you kill the boss if you stand next to a console or anywhere in the room after all enemies are dead, you can hear a whisper of someone saying 'I saw it happen'.
This has been there for sometime now with people speculating that these are maybe hallucinations induced by the darkness on guardians or something far more sinister.
Here is an article from Paul tassi with the video of the whisper itself.
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