Original Post — Direct link

This is my third time trying to join a fireteam for trials and getting a message like "yeah, you gotta pay to join." I'm pretty sure it's against your Terms of Use and you are doing nothing about it.

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about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Are you seeing “pay for card” in the post, or are people asking for it after the fact?

We do our best to remove solicitation when it’s clearly stated on the listing. Will talk to the team to see if more can be done for the companion experience.

about 5 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by salondesert

We would like to help more, but part of the problem is there's like 4 clicks through menus to report a post:

  1. Click on the post.
  2. Click to report.
  3. Click on the dropdown to select the reason.
  4. Click the submit report button.

It shouldn't take that long, that's bad UX for a common problem. Often you see multiple posts and it's a lot of work to report each one.

Make it easy for people to report.

We need 1-click reporting for $$$ solicitations/spam, and put it on the main listing page, not in a subpage.

Getting the reason wrong doesn't matter, the act of reporting matters more.

However, you bring up a good point - feedback on the systems that allow us to see nefarious actors is very helpful too. UI feedback, and also descriptions of patterns that you see people attempting to use to hide their intention is useful too. Sometimes you can see those better than us, since you're the ones being targeted by people attempting to solicit you.