u/Cozmo23 Do we have any news on this matter, to be clear I have not missed any steps I have run the full route as ask to by the ghost. Cosmodrone tutorial/Campaign, tower tutorial, Main Campaign Ect.
This is the same story on all three characters. I'm new to the game and loving it, its a great time. look great runs great. Gun play awesome. Never getting Exotics game breaking for me. If one character had it I would not be here, but I have none.
I've gotten over the fact Its going to take a lot longer to reach cap than it could of due to the lack of prime engram drops, that's fine. But hitting level cap and never being able to farm a god roll exotic or any exotic in general is a killer. BIG time!! I may be speaking for myself here but its no good man.
Thanks a lot for the reply before, any any future help on the matter. I understand u guys are going to be really busy with the fresh launch etc. Please make some time to fix this Please. Makes me not want to play......