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So I thought in order to understand destiny(2) a bit more I should buy it so I bought it for my ps4 and started playing. Keeping in mind that I am terrible and have little to no understanding of the game, I knew it was going to be difficult. A while ago I googled "how do I summon my motorcylce?" because I didnt know it was called a sparrow at the time. Unfortunately my boyfriend was on my phone and saw my history and I haven't stopped hearing about it. He laughed so hard at how hard I was trying to understand. The boy is so lucky I'm even trying

(He laughed in a way that was like "oh my God that's so cute")

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almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Next time you talk to him, ask him which sparrow is better:

The motorcycle, or the Lawnmower.