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Exclusive Emblems Pinnacle power rewards Flawless Glows Masterwork Materials
Exclusive cosmetics More chances to get rolls on Trials gear

Winner winner, more than a chicken dinner.

Thoughts? I personally think trials weapons should at least have a perk or two intrinsically built into them when going flawless, as well as armor dropping with 60+ stats guaranteed.

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about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Technical-Present

Example 1001 how they are disconnected from their playerbase.

We have collected feedback regarding the following:

  • Lack of Pinnacle Weapons (Players would like to see Celerity as an Adept perk)
  • Players disliking that Glows require bi-weekly Flawless runs for upkeep
  • Armor pieces having a stat range (players want to see these drop at higher stats)
  • Masterwork materials - players would like to see more, so Trials could be in line with Nightfalls

My tweet was illustrating the current rewards, in response to some players who were illustrating Trials as an experience that lacked rewards.

There are indeed rewards, but some players are not currently satisfied with the amount. Cozmo had been replying to a few threads noting the above mentioned feedback items as well. Apologies that my tweet didn't contain all information.