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Just a gentle reminder that we still have a longer wait for the next expansion than most seasons have been in their totality. Use this time to finish up triumphs that you have been looking for, specific challenges you wanted to hit but haven't gotten around to and take breaks if you find yourself not having fun. During this time, lets talk about things we are excited for and things we think bungie could do better and not the long wait between content or the content running stale when it has to last over a month and a half longer than it was designed to. This has been the high point of year 3, but we are still in for a long wait until year 4 properly kicks off.

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over 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Some TWABS will be meaty, giving topics for you to chew on and discuss for hours on end. Others will be business as usual. This week may be a light week, depending on whether or not we can get some info together.

We have a bit to talk about before Nov 10, but things are still in development and we want to get our ducks in a row to make sure our messaging is clear and factual.

We know you want to hear about things like Transmog, further DCV details, Sandbox updates, and other general changes to Destiny 2 features. Details will come in time, and we’ll be more than happy to get that info to you when it’s ready. Until then, we’ve got Moments of Triumph, seasonal events, and general D2 gameplay to keep you company.