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Video: https://youtu.be/cV37VymUV3k

This is the second in a series of videos where I use physics and game footage to calculate fun stuff, in this case: What's the actual temperature of the Golden Gun shot?

There are a few different ways I could have gona about this, but the one I settled on was as follows.

  • Since we know a GG shot nearly instantly vaporizes a guardian target, find out how much energy is required for such a feat. Luckily, I found exactly that Source. Read this. It's wild..

  • Take footage of guardians being shot by GG and determine the amount of time it takes for them to completely disappear upon point of impact.

  • Since the "bullet" is in direct contact with the victim, use the 1D heat conduction equation (with some appropriate simplifications) to solve for the GG temperature, using the above information.

The solution? 23.6 BILLION K, or 42.3 BILLION °F!!

That's crazy hot. Like hotter than the infant universe 100 seconds after the Big Bang. (Although interestingly not the hottest thing even on Earth, which goes to iron ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider). Part of the reason why is that this isn't normal vaporisation, it's the complete dissociation of the molecules (i.e. breaking them down into their base elements), which requires a metric crapton of energy.

However, it's not all perfect. See, we can vaporize a Vex Goblin just as easily, and in the exact same amount of time as a human. Only problem is, the energy required to dissociate metal is a loooot higher, meaning the temperature should be a lot higher... But then, guardians should vaporize much quicker... annd you see the problem. It's like the Golden Gun selectively changes temperature, or you know, it's just a video game.

Either way, I hope you guys have as much fun watching as I had making this video. Thanks for helping to make the last one Movie of the Week!

Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the awesome music I used. It's a synthwave remix of Deep Stone Lullaby by Cozy Robinson. He makes great stuff.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

What is the viscosity of Omolon juice?