over 1 year ago - Diablo - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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1501s Sanctuary was never meant for humankind
1505s it was forged as a refuge from
1509s low in the high heaven haven't been the
1511s burning Hells
1513s instead it became a new Battleground in
1517s this eternal conflict
1519s a secretive group called The horadram
1523s has kept Mortals safe
1526s but now this once powerful order is a
1530s husk of what it was
1532s and sanctuaries ancient creators have
1534s returned to claim the hearts of
1537s humankind
1540s this is the story of their downfall
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1643s questions
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1723s hey guys uh Happy Tuesday this is the uh
1727s second Diablo 4 developer live stream my
1730s name is Adam Fletcher I'm the community
1731s lead for uh the Diablo franchise and I'm
1734s joined here by three wonderful guests we
1737s have mung song who is our lead system
1740s designer uh on Diablo 4. uh of course we
1743s got Arc peshkov who is our lead World
1745s designer on Diablo 4 and everyone knows
1748s Joe Shelley game director Diablo 4.
1750s we're all here to talk about some a lot
1753s of stuff actually today uh about Diablo
1755s 4 but I did want to throw out this fun
1757s fact because amongst these three
1759s gentlemen right here uh we have 53 and a
1763s half or no no it's 52 and a half years
1765s of experience uh here at blizzard uh in
1768s terms of tenure which is absolutely
1770s crazy and I I do want to ask of course
1772s for all of you guys
1774s um what is the first blizzard title each
1776s of you worked on I'll start with long I
1779s started working on uh Warcraft 3 Frozen
1782s throw making multiplayer maps that's
1785s crazy
1787s I was in college playing photography so
1790s yeah Joe yourself uh I started on World
1794s of Warcraft burning Crusade burning
1796s Crusade over here first thing uh I
1798s worked on was the curator
1801s nice that was in that was in the last
1803s season of uh shadowlands and and Mythic
1806s plus they they brought back I know uh
1807s karazhan and so forth so and then all
1811s right uh I started on World of Warcraft
1812s the original I was a q a analyst I
1814s actually remember testing a bunch of
1815s justballs
1821s um and so that just feels very recent
1823s compared to everything else but yeah we
1825s do have a lot of stuff we have obviously
1828s amazing guests here today and we have a
1829s lot of stuff to actually talk about and
1831s so uh I mean what you guys actually did
1835s just see during the countdown uh right
1837s before the stream was our intro
1838s cinematic for Diablo 4. that was
1840s actually revealed during the IGN Fan
1843s Fest uh uh broadcast uh earlier this
1846s month uh what's cool is that it was
1848s completely done in engine and so uh like
1852s you as a player can now essentially have
1855s uh your character that you create in
1857s Diablo 4 uh appear in all the in-game
1860s cinematics which is really really cool
1862s and something kind of unique within the
1863s game that's right yeah it's it's so you
1867s know we put so much more work into
1869s making the story uh immersive and
1902s you know we asked our Engineers to to
1906s make sure that we could show our
1908s in-engine uh idcs with um really high
1912s really high quality and also
1915s um also showing off the character that
1916s you've customized because it's so
1918s important to be able to personalize your
1919s character and that's that's the the
1921s really cool part about Diablo 4 this is
1923s kind of like the first Diablo game where
1924s you can really go into heavy heavy
1926s customization I mean Diablo mortal also
1928s had that as well but Diablo fours is
1930s like on a a really crazy level as well
1932s so it's gonna be really cool to see uh
1934s everyone's characters in different
1936s cinematics and so forth as you're kind
1938s of playing through the game see on
1940s YouTube there's no audio
1942s um so live stream we are figuring out uh
1945s YouTube audio issues if people are
1947s watching on YouTube right now
1949s um if not uh we're good okay we're good
1952s live streams guys uh now you know it's
1954s for sure
1956s as we figure out technical issues
1959s um but uh we do have a a pretty much a
1962s pack show to actually kind of go through
1964s today uh we're going to be giving uh uh
1967s extra information about the beta and
1969s what players are actually going to be
1970s experiencing there's a lot of
1972s information we haven't talked about
1973s regarding beta that we will be talking
1975s about today
1976s um Hmong is actually going to go over
1977s some armor systems in Diablo 4. we have
1979s a lot of people that have been asking
1980s about uh system specific details uh
1983s within Diablo 4 and armor is incredibly
1986s important and so uh we've got a lot of
1989s numbers and graphs to talk about today
1991s regarding that and then
1993s art is going to talk about uh a a
1997s essentially a new feature for Diablo
1999s which is uh the stronghold system within
2001s Diablo for so a lot to talk about one
2004s quick thing that we did want to call out
2006s really quickly which is the anaria
2008s statue which is behind me as I'm like
2010s trying to like showcase myself in my
2012s hands here
2013s um but the in our statue this was
2015s announced earlier this month
2017s um and we ended up actually uh putting
2021s this up on the gear store and what's
2022s cool about this uh statue is that it is
2025s actually
2026s um shipping right now so if you unlike
2030s the lowest statue which I know took like
2031s a few months to actually shift when that
2033s was announced this one is shipping
2034s immediately so it's really cool looking
2036s thing is massive pairs really well with
2038s Lila you have Mom and Dad there it's
2041s great you know I've seen pictures on
2043s Reddit of people putting in like side by
2045s side like some people already have the
2046s NRA statue and they have it like side by
2048s side on their TVs in their living room
2050s so it's actually really cool to see yeah
2052s um but yeah there it should be a QR code
2054s I think up on the screen now so if you
2056s uh do actually scan the QR code it does
2058s take you to the Gear store and to the
2060s page to check it out
2061s but beta beta is a big topic is coming
2066s up so we do want to actually talk a lot
2068s about uh beta itself as you guys know we
2072s did already announce the beta dates
2074s earlier this month
2076s um so for beta itself it's actually
2078s going to be we'll have an early access
2080s weekend and then we'll have an open Beta
2082s weekend so Early Access is going to be
2084s on March 17th uh we'll start on March
2087s 17th and we actually have times of when
2090s it's going to actually start that
2091s weekend so we are planning on opening up
2094s servers at 9 00 a.m Pacific on March
2097s 17th for Early Access and it'll actually
2099s go through March 20th until noon Pacific
2102s time so it kind of gives you a little
2105s bit of a uh more of an opportunity
2109s Beyond just the weekend because
2110s obviously time zones exist time zones we
2113s know people working on Saturdays exactly
2115s so it gives you at least a little bit
2117s more flexibility being able to try it
2118s out all throughout Friday and Saturday
2120s and even into Monday depending on where
2122s you actually live um the other really
2124s cool part about
2126s um
2127s uh the first weekend of beta is that
2129s there will be three classes available
2130s for players to actually uh check out and
2133s that is the Barbarian the Rogue and the
2136s Sorcerer so players can actually jump
2138s into uh beta itself uh during that first
2141s weekend and and try it out remember
2144s Early Access bait is only available to
2145s those that actually pre-order so if you
2148s haven't pre-ordered and want to jump in
2150s earlier you most definitely can yeah and
2152s then for open beta on March 24th through
2154s 26th those will start at the same times
2156s as well and that's at 9am Pacific and uh
2159s on the 24th and then end on the 26th at
2162s or on the 27th shall I say at noon so it
2166s does go a little bit longer again uh
2169s time zones so here's a little bit more
2172s of a time for people to jump in and uh a
2175s special thing about that second weekend
2177s is
2178s uh well you'll get access to two
2180s additional classes
2182s um so you can play all five classes
2183s which is important to us because the
2186s second time the second weekend in
2188s particular we want to get as many people
2190s as as possible onto the server so we
2192s want to stress test the game
2194s to make sure that all of our server
2196s infrastructure is in good shape for
2197s launch and we want to get feedback on
2200s balance so we want to have all the
2202s classes available so everyone can check
2204s out the balance and we can make changes
2207s ahead of launch if there are problems
2209s exactly so again during the Early Access
2212s beta you'll have um you'll be able to
2215s play Barbarian Rogue and Sorcerer And
2217s then during open Beta you can play
2219s Barbarian Rogue and sorcerer but you can
2221s also play The Necromancer and the Druid
2223s that's right so uh it's a good
2225s opportunity to kind of jump in and as
2227s Joe mentioned stress test the servers
2229s speaking of stress testing the servers
2231s and for so we can get feedback and so
2233s forth before launch there is another
2236s feature within beta that we're really
2238s excited to share about which is uh World
2241s bosses we do have a world boss that will
2244s be active during beta and there will be
2249s four different spawns on each Saturday
2252s of beta for players to kind of jump into
2255s and check out is ashava who is
2259s um people probably remember Shava
2261s shava's the first world boss I believe
2263s we ended up revealing back in BlizzCon
2265s 2019 and so forth one of our three World
2268s bosses yeah so players will be able to
2270s jump in um there's going to be four
2272s different times like I mentioned uh
2273s because again we want to make sure that
2275s players from all around the world can
2277s actually jump in during beta during
2279s these moments and it gives an
2281s opportunity for people to kind of
2283s experience like a whole new thing within
2284s de-hop level of four yeah a shop is so
2287s cool the the one of the really cool
2288s things about the world bosses is you can
2290s just show up there there'll be other
2292s people uh for you to to work together to
2296s defeat the boss and these are these are
2298s huge bosses like the camera actually
2300s pulls out so you can get a better view
2302s of the battlefield so you can see other
2303s people fighting the world boss at the
2305s same time they have huge attacks that
2307s affect a very large area of the of the
2310s world
2311s um and it's all seamless you just show
2312s up there and there'll be people you
2314s don't have to have a group or or or
2317s um you know organize anything in
2319s particular you can just show up find a
2321s giant boss it's super cool yeah and uh
2323s so uh World boss is up to 12 players can
2326s actually uh uh go against a a world boss
2329s but then Diablo 4 and
2332s um I know it's recommended usually to be
2334s 20 but the 25 is the max level within
2337s beta itself yeah um and Michelle is
2340s level 25. okay there you go you're going
2342s to want to be close to that level
2344s um because uh you know if you're
2346s fighting a higher level boss or hybrid
2348s level monster you're going to be less
2349s effective and we're actually going to
2351s talk about that in a little bit with
2352s when you talk about armor perfect that's
2354s a the a perfect opportunity for us to
2356s talk a little bit more about armor and
2357s so forth there
2359s um but yeah the the four different times
2360s and all the all the details and so forth
2363s and times that we just mentioned will
2365s actually be available on the uh the beta
2368s blog that we do actually have up on
2370s diablo4.com so uh if people read that
2373s blog when we made announcement about
2375s beta earlier this month that blog will
2377s actually be updated after this stream
2379s with all those details so make sure to
2381s check out and reference that blog for
2383s all the details and times and so forth
2385s that we kind of mentioned here that's
2387s right and if you're trying to get Early
2389s Access you can you can pre-order the
2393s game like right up until or even during
2395s the Early Access period and you'll get
2397s access to it awesome let's expect to
2399s have a turnaround time of you know
2401s minutes to the most it should be an hour
2404s or so until you get access cool and then
2407s um a really popular question that we've
2409s gotten from the community uh is uh Min
2413s specs and recommended specs and I do
2415s want to note if you're playing on
2416s console on PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5
2418s or Xbox One or Xbox series consoles uh
2422s that that is also available and uh for
2424s for beta so players will be able to
2426s actually jump in during beta on those
2429s consoles but for PC we actually do have
2432s those Min specs and those recommended
2434s specs that we can showcase here uh
2436s really quickly for everyone
2438s um I think a huge shout out to our
2441s Engineers here because uh in blizzard
2444s fashion they've done a fantastic job at
2446s optimizing uh Diablo 4 for to ensure
2449s that you know as many players as
2451s possible can actually enjoy this on PC
2453s which is great to see yeah we're
2455s continuing to optimize right now as you
2457s said like every Blizzard game we want to
2459s make sure as many people as possible can
2461s play it yeah and I know we've gotten uh
2463s another big question regarding like PC
2465s specs and so forth and one of them is
2467s revolved around like Ray tracing and
2469s everything like that that's right Ray
2470s tracing will be coming after launch yeah
2472s so we'll have Ray tracing available
2473s after launch for Diablo 4 specifically
2476s on that side we'll have these Min specs
2478s and these recommended specs also
2480s available on the beta blog after after
2482s the the the broadcast here but a lot of
2485s people will be able to jump in
2486s um uh with their PCS and or on consoles
2489s and actually uh play uh Diablo 4 during
2492s the beta preload is is another big
2495s popular question that we've done there
2497s will be a preload available for the beta
2499s for Diablo 4 and that will actually be
2502s coming uh about a week or so before the
2504s actual beta and details on that will
2507s also be posted soon on the blog so make
2509s sure to stay tuned to like Diablo social
2511s channels and at the same time uh just
2514s checking out the blog we'll make sure to
2516s let people know when uh preload will be
2517s available so you can be prepared and you
2519s can jump in right during the the first
2521s minute of Early Access and so forth
2525s um and then another note about consoles
2527s is that uh you will be able to play
2529s co-op couch co-op on consoles yes which
2532s is really cool so if you if you're
2534s playing on PlayStation or or on Xbox uh
2537s you can have uh another person join you
2539s uh and play on on uh and do couch Co-op
2543s which is really cool for for Diablo 4.
2545s uh and for that Diablo experience itself
2548s um and one thing to note is that uh you
2550s just need uh access to the beta and the
2553s second person just both and both people
2555s need access to a Battlenet account of
2557s some sort uh to be able to experience
2559s each person will need about on that
2561s account exactly
2563s um you can create up to 10 characters
2564s for being an account up for the beta so
2567s you can actually experiment and try like
2568s if you want to go through the beginning
2570s again or something with like a whole new
2571s character or whatnot you most definitely
2573s can it's yeah it's a lot of I don't know
2575s how anyone could really have to maybe
2577s you're indecisive 10 different
2579s characters but there's so much content
2580s in the beta it's it's uh it's a really
2582s sizable look at that yeah and I know a
2585s lot of people ask about
2587s um progress between Early Access and
2589s open beta and like how that actually
2591s does carry over and so forth or if it
2593s does carry over uh specifically from
2596s that end yeah so your progress will
2597s carry over from Early Access to open
2599s beta so that'll give you more time to
2603s really get to level 25
2605s time to fight ashava if you didn't
2607s didn't get access you know if you didn't
2609s quite make it uh and more time to fight
2612s it go back and fight you can check out
2614s all of our side quests all of the rest
2616s of the content and Fracture Peaks um
2617s there's like I said
2619s um you know it's one of our five zones
2621s and uh it's just a huge area to explore
2624s with so much content in it that um
2626s there's there's plenty of stuff to do
2629s um but of course your your progress is
2631s not going to carry over to the shipping
2633s game because we want everyone to start
2635s with the start fresh exactly so yeah
2638s progress carries over from Early Access
2640s to open beta and then of course uh beta
2643s progress won't carry over the to the
2645s final game itself
2646s um but one thing we did want to announce
2648s at least today is that we actually do
2650s have some beta incentives and rewards
2652s for players that actually do partake in
2655s the actual beta test there's three
2657s different rewards that people can
2659s actually earn uh two of them are
2661s specific titles that will carry over to
2664s the final game and all these rewards
2666s actually do carry over to the final game
2667s that's why it's so important for us to
2669s ensure that you guys have Battlenet
2670s accounts when you're actually playing
2671s through the game and so forth but the
2674s first title is uh the title itself is
2677s called initial casualty
2679s um which uh is uh earned When You Reach
2684s uh kyova shot within the game and I I'm
2688s sure people are like let's get over shot
2689s well kill the shot's the capital city of
2691s fracture Peaks which is the area the
2693s snowy mountainous area of uh of
2696s sanctuary that the beta takes place in
2698s and uh it's a it's a big city there's
2701s lots of stuff to do it's not that far
2702s into the game You'll Play Through The
2704s prologue get accustomed to all of the
2706s mechanics and everything start to get
2708s introduce some of the characters and
2710s then you'll arrive at kill the shot so
2712s should be fairly fairly straightforward
2715s to get this one yeah so people will be
2717s able to earn the the um the initial
2719s casualty title uh within Diablo for uh
2722s by doing that and then another title
2724s that they'll earn once they hit level 20
2726s on at least just one character itself is
2729s an early Voyager title so just get up to
2732s level 20 within the beta and you'll
2734s actually end up earning that title and
2736s then last but not least we actually have
2738s a really really I'm very excited about
2741s this one it is a cosmetic reward that we
2744s are giving away to any player that does
2746s get uh that gets one character up to
2748s level 20 and it is a beta wolf pack it's
2752s a it's a cosmetic it is quite possibly
2756s the most adorable thing in the whole
2757s entire world
2759s but uh it is a little wolf uh uh like
2763s pack that you can actually carry around
2765s within the game in itself it's animated
2768s does move around it's absolutely
2770s adorable
2771s um and uh I mean you be slaying demons
2774s with the cutest little pop behind you
2776s which is absolutely
2782s we're showing it on the Barbarian here
2784s of course but uh it's uh wearable by any
2788s class so
2789s um you get to level 20 which takes some
2791s time it's gonna take some some effort
2793s but uh you can get this little pup who
2796s will follow you on your travels it's
2798s awesome so yeah this will carry over to
2799s the final game and uh it is for all
2802s classes so you just need to get one
2803s character to level 20 and you'll get uh
2806s one the early Voyager title and two
2808s you'll get the the the beta wolf pack so
2811s make sure to jump into beta uh and
2815s actually uh get a character to 20. so
2817s you can you can
2819s have your own wolf pack for for launch
2822s itself so uh there's a ton of uh that I
2824s know we just gave out a ton of
2826s information about beta uh here today
2829s again this will all be on our uh beta
2832s blog on diablo4.com uh immediately after
2836s the stream so make sure to check out all
2838s the details and the times and all the
2840s the requirements for instance to get uh
2844s those titles and the beta wolf pack
2845s itself
2847s um oh and one last thing I completely
2849s forgot during beta we actually have
2851s another live stream planned and and uh
2853s that is going to be on the 24th it'll be
2855s the first day of open Beta but we're
2857s going to do a community play live stream
2858s so it gives you guys an opportunity to
2861s actually play with the blues essentially
2862s the the the the employees here at
2864s blizzard uh some people from the dev
2866s team and the community team and again
2868s more details on that here uh coming
2870s really soon so
2872s um lots of information about beta glad
2874s we got to Showcase and talk about it uh
2877s all here today
2879s um we're gonna jump into the armor uh uh
2882s uh systems discussion here with Mong now
2885s um and I know that the community has
2887s been really asking especially our
2889s hardcore fans of Diablo I've been asking
2891s more details about systems and so forth
2893s so we actually do want to jump into a
2895s little bit of a deep dive into the armor
2897s systems within Diablo 4 so Hmong like
2900s take us through it yeah sure I'm happy
2902s to talk about the armor system uh so in
2905s Diablo 4 armor the the major way for
2908s player to mitigate incoming damage
2910s especially physical damage
2913s the major way for people to acquire
2915s armor is through the five armor slots
2918s they are Helm chest pants boots and
2922s gloves
2923s and mostly for Fantasy reason we made
2928s armor chest armor and the pants provide
2931s the most armor value well boots and
2934s gloves provide the the smallest amount
2938s of armor value
2939s um
2940s armor um
2943s in the armor value on the item is
2946s depends on depends on the the I the
2949s item's power and in Diablo we use the
2952s item power value to represent the power
2955s of the item yeah and I don't think we've
2958s talked a lot about how item power Works
2961s can you describe what it means for the
2964s lf4 yeah so in Diablo 4 the item when
2968s they when they start dropping it's based
2970s on the it's based on the Monsters uh
2973s Monster Power and we need a value to
2976s represent how powerful this is like when
2978s you start getting more challenging
2980s content in the later World here you
2983s you'll see uh you you'll get more and
2985s more powerful items and we need
2987s something to to evaluate that then and
2990s represent that power so we use the item
2992s power to represent that power and you
2994s can see that on the items 2 tape and if
2998s you like you can compare the two items
3000s if the item has a higher item power that
3002s means
3003s uh that item most likely going to be
3006s more powerful than the lower item power
3009s items but not always right not only the
3011s specific affixes or things that are
3014s especially powerful for your build yeah
3016s exactly
3017s and back to the armor value the armor
3020s value actually directly tied to this
3023s item power on on the arm items
3026s it's actually skating linearly with the
3029s item power the higher the item power the
3031s more our value that item provides and
3035s that's so that we know that you have we
3037s have some baseline for how much damage
3039s mitigation the player has exactly
3042s because because of this when you loot
3046s higher power items you naturally gain
3049s higher amount of armor and therefore
3052s it's guaranteed you always have a
3055s certain amount of damage mitigation
3057s against
3059s physical damage
3061s and so uh yeah so armor Works
3064s differently in Diablo 4 than it did in
3066s Diablo 3 right yeah particular for
3068s Elemental resistances yeah exactly like
3071s in Diablo 4
3073s um
3074s we so this is this is kind of like a
3077s long story like we uh we because of the
3080s mechanic we made sure the item the
3083s player have a certain amount of uh
3086s damage and mitigation against the
3087s physical damage but then we found out
3092s um some monster they they are doing
3095s non-physical damage and that caused
3097s trouble for the for the player like for
3099s example there's a there's a denim boss
3101s only deal Shadow damage and that caused
3105s some serious balance problem for the
3107s encounter team because
3108s for people who have a reasonable amount
3111s of Shadow resistant the boss is not that
3114s hard but some people like when they have
3117s zero Shadow resistance uh the boss is
3121s almost unbeatable like they will always
3123s get one shot for the for this boss
3126s and players at low level they might not
3128s have access to as much Shadow resistance
3130s they might not be as familiar with the
3131s game exactly
3133s so to solve this problem uh what we did
3136s is we made some change to the armor
3137s system so armor not only absorb
3143s or mitigate incoming physical damage we
3146s also make make
3148s it absorb a certain amount of
3150s non-physical damage so how it works is
3153s like this for whatever percentage the
3157s armor of the physical damage it also
3159s absorbs half a lot of the that amount of
3162s non-physical damage for example your
3164s armor absorb 60 physical damage
3167s so your armor will also absorb 30
3170s percent of all the non-feedable damage
3173s so fire damage shatter damage and so on
3175s exactly and and because of this
3178s people know also getting some among them
3181s not a big amount but some amount of uh
3184s mitigation against non-physical damage
3186s so that shadow balls
3188s is still challenging for people with
3190s zero Shadow resistance but it's in a
3193s much more uh controllable way
3198s and as players level up and they get
3200s access to higher World tiers those
3202s worlds here is actually uh have a
3204s penalty to your Elemental resistances
3206s right so you're going to have to really
3208s make sure that you're keeping up on
3210s those resistances yeah exactly
3213s um when you get to higher wood here
3216s um
3217s we we added more penalty for the players
3221s to make the higher World here more
3223s challenging and so you will have a uh we
3227s we put some 20
3229s uh penalty from uh from World here two
3233s to World tier 3. for the resistance so
3236s you you gain 20 less resistance and from
3239s World tier 3 to World tier 4 we put even
3241s higher penalty it's 40 so Warrior four
3245s will be a lot more challenging than what
3247s you're doing
3248s but players have access as they're
3250s getting up into those higher levels
3252s they're also getting access to more
3253s sources of Elemental resistance right
3256s yeah exactly
3258s um we we added a uh the elemental
3261s resistance into Wireless uh in-game
3264s system like skill tree like item affixes
3267s like a paragon system you can acquire
3270s those uh uh those uh resistance through
3274s uh more and more weight we actually
3276s expose more and more weights for you to
3278s be able to acquire armor and resistance
3281s at the end game so I think you brought
3283s some charts to show like in more detail
3286s how the mitigation Works sure so uh we
3290s have talked about like all the all the
3292s basic or how armor works I want to dive
3295s a little bit deeper into actually how
3298s armor affect players uh gameplay
3300s experience from level to level uh the
3303s first thing I want to talk about is at
3305s each level we have a expected armor I do
3309s for player and based on that we
3312s calculate what's the damage reduction
3313s player can get at each level and we
3316s balance the monster damage above it and
3318s from this chart you can see at the
3321s beginning you
3322s based on the expected armor value you
3324s can only get like a little about 10 time
3328s reduction but it goes up pretty fast and
3332s either at the late game you can get like
3334s over 40 damage reduction from the armor
3337s value it makes sense to quantity wise
3340s because like I think about it at the
3342s beginning you have only this light
3344s leather pants and absorbs a very small
3347s amount of damage but at a later level
3349s you get this epic played armor that is
3352s absorb a lot more
3355s um
3356s because of this uh because of this like
3359s the the damage reduction uh going up
3363s player also uh that means that we need
3368s to make the the the monster deal more
3373s and more damage to mitigate this damage
3375s reduction for the player
3378s and this is next I'm gonna talk about
3381s like a uh how actually each uh unit
3386s armor uh of door damage from level to
3389s level yeah because I think we have
3391s another graph here
3392s um that goes through yeah the armor so
3395s you see like uh it's opposite to how
3398s much damage reduction we expect for
3400s player to get from Level from level
3402s level it's from lower to higher but
3405s actually the time reduction per armor is
3408s going down with level so per point of
3410s armor that I have
3412s this is the chart that shows how much
3414s damage reduction that one what single
3416s point of armor gives me yes at a given
3418s level okay
3420s um and at the beginning like you can see
3422s from this chart like every 100 armor
3425s kind of absorb about five percent of the
3427s damage reduction but it goes down
3430s um pretty fast early and slow down at
3432s the end and at the end you can see it
3435s like each one 100 armor can only absorb
3438s uh one percent damage reduction
3440s we we make it uh work this way because
3444s we want to make sure that
3447s Designer have room to add more armor
3451s bonus at any at the end game
3454s we try to avoid the situation like at
3457s the beginning you get to a pretty good
3459s amount of armor then you totally forgot
3460s about this
3463s um uh like early on we talk about we add
3466s we added like a resistant penalty to to
3471s a four player from voltage World here
3473s that's actually for a very similar
3475s purpose because of this penalty even
3478s though you have a pretty good resistance
3480s either early game you still need to look
3482s for more resistance either at a late
3484s game and there are other ways that
3486s players can get that introduction too in
3489s addition to armor right yeah exactly
3492s um not only that they get this uh
3496s that's kind of like happened at the late
3498s game when the challenges starts they
3500s need to find a lot of other way like
3503s they can look for uh like for social
3506s class they can look for energy shield
3508s for Druid and Barbarian they look for 45
3511s power and for uh for uh yoga class they
3517s look for more touch hands so not only
3520s they build on the armor and resistance
3522s to mitigate the damage at the late again
3525s because the challenge becomes so so
3527s tough the world becomes the monster is
3530s so so harsh they need to find a multiple
3533s way to be able to survive in this harsh
3535s world
3536s uh so far I have been talking about like
3539s all all of this is the one player
3542s fighting uh the equal level monster so
3545s uh so next I'm gonna talk like like what
3548s if you fight against a different level
3550s monster if a monster higher than you or
3552s Monster lower than you so this chart
3555s shows a player with 2000 armor
3558s uh what happened how much damage
3561s reduction it actually absorbs for for
3563s that 2000 armor uh when they fight
3566s against different level monsters and you
3569s can see like the higher the monster
3571s level is uh the less damage reduction
3574s this 2000 armor actually absorb and you
3578s can see like at the lower level they're
3580s actually already like reached the the
3582s damage reduction cap we set for Armory
3585s which is 85 percent
3587s but I when you like uh for 2000 armor
3590s usually the player can come across this
3592s amount of armor around the level 30
3594s right but if you see this level 30
3596s character when they fight a level 100
3599s monster the 2000 armor can actually only
3603s absorb five percent of the incoming
3606s damage which is pretty minimum so that
3609s means
3610s when you one more player for them to
3612s challenge a higher level Monster not
3614s only the monster deal more damage they
3618s also penetrate more of your
3621s all of your armor so I'm gonna need more
3623s armor as I level up yeah yep uh during
3626s level up a campaign like while you're
3628s doing campaign how you do the open world
3630s content it's not a big issue because the
3634s motor monster skill with you but when
3637s you when you do uh the in-game content
3639s like a Neymar dungeon or Hell tied a lot
3643s of times you are forced to fight to
3645s fight higher level monster and in those
3648s cases uh
3651s you you will take like this building
3654s punishment
3656s to for the player uh so so you you you
3661s you have you need to like uh find a way
3664s to mitigate that the the the more damage
3667s some people like they build up their uh
3671s offensive power they try to finish the
3673s combat faster so that they can take less
3675s damage while other people they find all
3678s the way like like besides uh going
3680s through a paragon system skill tree Adam
3684s ethics is uh and the Legendary Power of
3688s all the using all the ways to mitigate
3690s that uh
3692s punishment we also uh added uh damage
3696s mitigation to monsters in Diablo 4 right
3699s yeah yeah exactly that's uh that's what
3701s I want to talk about
3702s um so we used to not have damage
3706s mitigation for Monsters so monsters used
3709s to not have armor so
3712s um however among the damage player deals
3717s that's Howard amount of damage the
3720s monster gonna take so it had Advantage
3723s it's pretty straightforward it's really
3725s easy to understand
3727s but it also has a problem that is
3729s whenever we want to increase the
3732s monster's defense power the only only
3734s way we can do it is through increasing
3737s the monster's hit point
3739s um like we say like we say from a level
3743s 31 a monster from level 31 to 32 we want
3747s to increase the their defined power of
3750s the time to kill by 10 that means level
3753s 32 months are going to have 10 more uh
3756s hit point on life
3758s than the level 31 monster if you do this
3762s from Level 1 to level 100 and at the end
3765s it ends up with a a super big number
3769s like a billions or even trillions
3771s and for people for players to be able to
3774s kill this monster in a reasonable time
3777s the player needs to have deal like
3780s billions of damage
3782s um
3783s and in Diablo 4 we we show this diamond
3787s number as the floating combat text we
3789s cannot hide it and so the the because
3791s the number is so big so long it covers a
3794s big chunk of the screen yeah it's hard
3796s to understand too like yeah average
3798s reading is you know combat and Diablos
3801s really fast you want to be able to
3802s quickly understand how much damage
3804s you're doing yeah
3805s um and we're trying to keep the numbers
3806s down yeah we we try to solve this
3809s problem also we get a lot of feedback
3811s from Community they also they also don't
3813s like this yeah I know the community has
3815s talked a lot about like big damage
3816s numbers and so forth and like like
3818s Diablo 3 for instance and so forth so
3820s yeah yeah so uh so therefore we decided
3823s to add this damage mitigation or we call
3825s the monster armor so at each level uh
3829s monster actually absorb a certain
3831s percentage of like uh players damage
3833s it's pretty low at the early level and
3836s it goes up at the uh at a later level uh
3840s then in our play test we increase is a a
3844s different problem because because this
3846s damn reduction going up pretty fast
3849s player actually deal less damage when
3851s they level up that's that's not what we
3854s want I don't want to get weaker when I
3855s level up yeah exactly so we have to take
3858s the time reduction number for the
3860s monster so that it always scales slower
3863s compared to the damage increase
3866s damage increase for the player so it
3871s it's players damage deal to the monster
3874s still
3876s increased from level to level but now we
3879s have a pretty good way to control how
3881s fast it increase and therefore we we get
3884s the damage number at a very late game
3886s into a pretty reasonable space and
3889s that's good that's awesome awesome
3891s well I know we talked a lot about uh the
3894s armor systems here and and even just
3896s like the the fact that like uh monsters
3898s themselves will will have armor which is
3901s uh which is uh new for uh Diablo and
3904s it's in itself but um I do want to spend
3906s some time to talk a little bit about
3908s strongholds because we have art here
3910s who's our our lead World designer
3913s um uh art I know uh has been focusing on
3916s strongholds and has a lot to talk about
3918s strongholds themselves is a brand new
3920s feature within Diablo 4. yeah yeah
3922s absolutely
3923s um so conceptually strongholds they are
3925s places of importance to the world and
3927s the people of sanctuary that have been
3929s overrun by evil pretty simple right
3932s um so uh this way this ends up working
3933s in practice is as you're exploring and
3936s navigating the huge world of Diablo 4 uh
3938s in sanctuary uh there will be multiple
3940s strongholds in every uh in each of our
3942s five zones for you to discover and these
3944s are completely unique so each stronghold
3947s is a unique location they have different
3949s stories they have different uh
3951s gameplay objectives bosses even some of
3954s the uh rewards are unique to each
3956s specific stronghold
3958s um and uh much like our campaign these
3961s are private experiences they're they're
3962s just for you uh or you and your party uh
3964s if you choose to bring some friends
3966s um so once you've completed uh the
3968s stronghold uh then uh the space becomes
3970s to uh becomes uh something that we refer
3972s to as a public space where you then
3973s might encounter and interact with other
3975s players if you want that's cool so like
3977s what type of spaces can strongholds
3979s themselves end up uh kind of like
3982s changing to after after you end up uh
3984s encountering them and then maybe like
3986s conquering them or going through them
3987s yourself yeah so um that's like actually
3990s one of the things that I'm most excited
3991s to talk about the system is that when
3993s you conquer a stronghold there's a
3994s there's a lasting impact on the world
3996s and we actually unlock a bunch of
3998s additional content for you to explore uh
4000s and engage with after the fact but I
4002s think I want to talk about that a little
4003s bit later all right uh yeah we I think
4006s we have footage as well for the the
4007s strongholds that we can actually like
4009s kind of throw up here and maybe we can
4010s explain like what what players are uh
4013s kind of experiencing or like what they
4014s would experience when they're going
4015s through you brought a clip yeah I did I
4017s found out
4018s [Laughter]
4022s the stronghold you're looking at here uh
4025s this is called hopes light
4026s um uh kind of uh in the in the jagged uh
4029s shores of Northern scosglenn uh there's
4031s this great Lighthouse called hopes light
4033s and its flame has been extinguished
4036s um
4037s so uh you know uh the particular the
4040s port town of Maryland uh nearby is
4041s particularly affected it's the only Port
4043s Town in all of Scotland they consider
4045s this uh sacred place and obviously the
4047s the sailors of these perilous Waters
4049s they kind of rely on the lighthouse to
4050s navigate uh so you're kind of high level
4052s objective is just find a path through uh
4055s to the lighthouse and figure out what
4056s happened
4057s um and you know as the player when you
4059s arrive there you notice the drown have
4061s risen
4062s um the drowner this brand new monster
4063s family in Diablo 4 they're the super
4065s mysterious creatures that kind of
4067s shamble up on the Shores from the depths
4069s of the sea and they drag these like
4071s bells and mysterious Idols with them
4073s nobody really knows like who they are or
4075s what they want but one of the other
4077s things that we're super excited to kind
4078s of do with strongholds is to try and
4080s showcase these monster families kind of
4082s give you a glimpse into uh into what
4085s they're about yeah because I know like
4087s um back during BlizzCon we we actually
4089s uh blisscon 2019 when we reveal Diablo 4
4094s we actually did showcase the drown for
4095s the first time and then since then we
4097s actually I know we had a quarterly
4099s update blog that talked a little bit
4100s about monster families uh where we even
4102s talked about like familiars for instance
4104s and so forth that that were up there but
4106s like yeah this is
4108s um kind of like the the first like
4109s updated look I think people are seeing
4110s of the drowned here in the NAA
4113s stronghold uh which is really cool to
4115s see oh legendary
4117s I never knew what it was because I was
4119s playing with the UI off
4122s um but uh actually that might be a you
4125s know going back to kind of strongholds
4126s at the at the system level
4128s um and you know kind of like why uh you
4131s the player might care uh so strongholds
4134s they provide you with a lot of really
4135s awesome rewards uh obviously you know
4137s you slay a bunch of monsters you kill a
4139s boss you're going to get a bunch of uh
4141s XP and loot uh beyond that uh
4143s strongholds also reward you with a high
4145s amount of renown uh Renown is another
4147s new system uh in Diablo 4 uh and just to
4150s quickly summarize that Renown uh it
4153s rewards you with engaging with multiple
4155s various open world activities you can
4157s Renown in each of the five regions of
4159s the game and when you hit certain
4161s Milestones of renown you'll get rewards
4163s you'll get really cool stuff like
4165s additional potion charges skill points
4167s even Paragon points at the later
4169s Milestones so yeah but uh beyond all
4172s this like strictly you know gold XP lude
4175s we're now beyond all this strictly
4177s character progression stuff
4178s I mentioned for uh conquering a
4181s stronghold has a lasting impact on the
4182s world and unlocks a bunch of additional
4184s content so when you've completed a
4187s stronghold uh and you know in some cases
4189s you've kind of uh you know cleansed the
4192s evil as much as it can be uh in in a
4194s world like Sanctuary uh people feel safe
4197s enough to come back and so
4199s um you know some some strongholds will
4201s actually become towns after you know
4203s they'll have vendors I guess waypoints
4206s other strongholds might unlock a short a
4209s shortcut path to a different area a
4212s waypoint uh side quests many strongholds
4217s unlock dungeons so you know if you are
4220s hunting for aspects in the Codex of
4222s power or you're engaging with The
4224s Whispers of the dead or nightmare
4225s Dungeons and game systems you're
4227s probably really going to want to
4228s discover
4229s that's awesome so yeah like just like
4231s the the last ring we had we talked a
4233s little bit about the Codex and power so
4235s um and you know obviously going through
4237s dungeons ends up unlocking or finding
4239s new codexes
4241s um so yeah actually are completing
4243s strongholds I will unlock new dungeons
4246s that will let you get more codecs uh or
4248s more Powers within your codex itself so
4250s it kind of like opens up more and more
4253s as especially with with strongholds
4255s itself that's that's awesome and and the
4257s the fact that it's a lasting impact on
4258s the world is is pretty pretty crazy can
4262s you see strongholds like on the map like
4264s as you're kind of like traversing
4265s through Sanctuary yeah yeah absolutely
4267s just so like like any other uh area of
4270s the game you know it stores this kind of
4271s undiscovered space and then once you've
4273s discovered it they show up on the map
4274s they have some iconography to let you
4276s know that hey there's a cool piece of
4277s content for you to go do here nice and
4280s then and players themselves will see
4281s tons of these all throughout uh all like
4284s as sanctuary that they can actually uh
4286s either maybe like do a little bit later
4288s or come back to and so forth
4289s yeah yeah absolutely they're like I said
4291s there's there's multiple strongholds in
4293s every region and uh one of the so strong
4295s strongholds actually have a like a
4297s minimum level so you might actually uh
4299s you know discover one that you're just
4301s under leveled for there's nothing
4302s stopping you from trying but you're
4305s probably gonna die unless you're playing
4306s hardcore and then you probably yeah then
4309s you make a new character because you
4311s died yeah exactly yeah that's when you
4313s question it a little bit Yeah so and
4315s that's another question we get a lot is
4316s like is it hardcore going to be in
4317s Diablo 4 and yes it will be um so that's
4320s when you would question the idea of
4321s wanting to try to conquer a stronghold
4323s at a lower level so yeah um but yeah
4326s with the and and a lot again this is
4328s just a a brand new feature for for
4331s Diablo 4 in itself so it actually allows
4333s you to essentially just uh continue to
4336s add additional content to the game and
4338s change the world completely because the
4340s fact that you can actually get new wave
4341s points or uh you know a whole new town
4344s that you can actually interact with with
4346s new you know vendors and so forth from
4348s that side is also just completely
4351s like game changing yeah absolutely and a
4354s lot of the new content that you unlock
4355s uh it was also kind of like part of the
4358s renowned system so you complete a
4360s stronghold then you get you know side
4361s quests and Dungeons and all these things
4362s also feed into the renowned system uh so
4365s yeah there's a lot of cool stuff uh kind
4367s of completing a stronghold is kind of
4369s like only half of half of the future
4371s right and the other half is all the
4373s additional stuff that gets unlocked
4374s afterwards that's very cool yeah
4376s strongholds is uh uh sounding awesome I
4379s I know like myself I've I mean I've
4382s played the game people will be able to
4385s play here really soon but the perks of
4387s working out here first we play the game
4390s we play the game that person's working
4392s at blizzard uh but yeah it's uh it most
4394s definitely is a cool feature and I I you
4396s know had strongholds completely changed
4398s like the whole turn map and just having
4400s like even a waypoint closer to wherever
4401s you need to go for a dungeon is also
4403s really great to have so
4404s um of course uh an art provided here
4406s this footage here a barbarian kind of
4409s going through I know this Barbarian has
4410s got like some some legendary type of
4413s gear and like some unique skills and so
4415s forth that are like kind of modified
4416s based off the gear so trying to show off
4419s a little bit of a higher level Barbarian
4421s for people
4422s um uh because Bart's just having fun to
4424s play yeah super fun cool well I know
4427s that
4428s um we kind of went over a little bit
4430s about armor systems and uh the the
4432s strongholds themselves we do uh a lot of
4434s the feedback from the last stream is
4435s like you know they've people were hoping
4437s that we spend a little bit more time on
4439s Q a and we most definitely want to spend
4441s some time on Q a so
4443s um we will kind of like jump into some
4444s questions we're also going to take some
4446s questions from uh twitch chat as well uh
4449s because I know we have chat available
4450s and we've been pulling some throughout
4451s uh the the actual broadcast themselves
4454s so um I I know first question that we
4456s have and this is kind of a popular
4458s question that we've gotten a lot from a
4459s lot of people because they want to hear
4461s more about um some of the progression
4463s systems and the in-game systems that are
4464s coming to Diablo 4 and uh I will say
4467s that I can guarantee you that we
4469s actually have a lot of um aggression and
4472s end game items that we do want to talk
4474s about and it's going to come shortly
4475s after beta we actually even have a live
4478s stream that we are going to be planning
4479s after beta that we're going to be
4480s dedicating on those specific topics
4482s because there's a ton to kind of go over
4485s that so you guys are going to see a ton
4487s of videos and a live stream and so forth
4489s dedicated to all those specific pieces
4491s because it is probably one of the the
4493s big things that everyone's asking about
4495s about like hey how can I progress my
4497s character or how can I continue playing
4498s especially through the end game system
4500s so expect that right after beta it'll be
4502s shortly after beta we're excited to
4504s share all that stuff uh with everyone
4505s from from that end
4507s um
4508s another question that we get is
4512s believe is there a
4515s let me see do we have another question
4516s on the lower third there we go is there
4518s a limit on the number of people you can
4521s see in the open world oh sure yeah so
4524s there is a limit of the number of people
4526s you'll see at any one time and it
4529s adjusts dynamically depending on the
4532s kind of content you're doing right
4534s um we want the exploration of the open
4537s world to feel like Diablo to feel like a
4540s desolate place
4542s um if if you're running around
4545s um in this harsh world and you're being
4547s tasked to do things uh or you're trying
4551s to defeat evil but there are 20 other
4553s people to feed him the same evil at the
4554s same time you really lose that sense of
4557s of a Diablo experience right and so we
4561s were very we've been very careful and
4563s we've actually been tuning it throughout
4564s the development process
4566s um tuning exactly how many people you'll
4569s see when you're out exploring an open
4571s world area you know art was just talking
4573s about strongholds and strong dungeons
4576s are completely private experiences so
4578s you'll only see people that you've
4580s invited to your party or if you don't
4582s invite anyone you won't see anyone right
4584s and then of course when spaces when
4587s you're in public spaces or when a
4589s stronghold becomes a public space you'll
4591s start to see other people there but you
4593s won't see a whole lot of people in those
4594s areas because of that that um that sense
4598s of of you know exploration and
4600s experience there
4602s now when you're doing content that
4605s benefits from having lots of people at
4607s once like you're doing a Java you're
4608s doing a world box itself the beta
4611s um
4612s or you're doing you know an event uh
4615s that you know the world has events that
4617s show up dynamically if you're doing
4618s events like that you might see
4620s um more players uh Concrete in that area
4622s and then when you go to a town that's
4625s where you're going to see the most other
4626s people you're going to get to see
4628s um everyone else's cool cool gear and
4630s you can form parties and like you know
4633s engage in in various social activities
4635s with other players there so our town
4637s hubs you know if you think about heel of
4639s a shot and open Beta um you'll see lots
4641s it'll feel like a city there there are
4643s people running around and then when you
4644s head out of the city into you know the
4647s Frozen Wasteland it'll feel like a
4648s frozen Wasteland nice awesome very cool
4651s um I know we have a few other questions
4653s here that I'm just gonna like kind of
4655s spit fire out as I kind of see them
4657s um one quick question I know people are
4658s asking if you can stream the beta you
4660s most definitely can stream your beta
4661s even Early Access there's no uh
4663s restrictions on that so yes you can
4665s stream the beta you can watch your
4667s favorite streamer as they play through
4668s beta that will all be available
4669s specifically from that and
4672s um there is a question regarding Ultra
4674s wide support regarding uh Diablo 4. um I
4679s know we we had talked about well at
4681s least Joe and I have talked about this
4682s specifically that it does that the game
4684s does support
4685s um uh Ultra wide uh from for for the
4689s game itself
4690s um it's the I think it's like the super
4692s ultra wide or something it might be like
4693s yeah so we're up to three to one
4696s um
4698s uh so if you have an ultrawide mod
4700s you're gonna you're gonna get to see
4702s more of the world
4703s um uh if you have one of the mega super
4707s ultra wives uh you will see black bars
4709s on the side awesome
4711s um and then a PC controller support uh
4714s is there uh can you play uh on PC and
4718s use a controller absolutely that's the
4720s main way that I do it
4723s and fun fact it's a really good great
4725s way we also know how to use a mouse yeah
4728s it's a great way of grabbing shops too
4730s if you're like using a camera or
4731s something like that it gives you a
4732s stable hand for sure
4734s um let's see uh is open beta for anyone
4736s who uh may have purchased the base
4739s Edition yes if you pre-order at all you
4742s get actually access to the uh the Early
4746s Access uh beta so you can actually even
4748s play it the weekend beforehand and then
4749s of course open Beta is just open for
4751s everyone from that end
4753s um is Diablo 4 going to have seasons
4755s like three
4756s um so Diablo 4 will have seasons we're
4758s actually going to have more information
4759s on the uh like the first season of
4763s Diablo 4. as we get closer to launch
4766s specifically for my on that end uh I I
4769s think we had talked about uh in the last
4772s stream that uh the first season of
4775s Diablo 4 will end up starting uh a
4777s little after launch so uh the initial
4780s um uh game will launch during like kind
4782s of a pre-season or so from that end
4783s that's right yeah
4785s um we're going to talk a lot more about
4786s about sort of the scope and breadth of
4790s Seasons how how expansive they are uh as
4794s we get a little bit closer here and
4795s we'll be able to talk more specifically
4797s about what stuff for coming to season
4799s one and and our plans to to Really
4802s expand that future but the key thing to
4805s to know is that our ambition here is to
4809s make the seasons sub stantially meteor
4811s than we've seen in the past like we
4813s really want this to be a live game
4816s that's you know changing with every
4817s season introducing new gameplay elements
4820s um and it's something we're putting a
4822s lot of
4823s a lot of work and um you know effort
4827s into developing
4828s um there was a question about because I
4830s I know we had talked about this um when
4832s uh during uh when Diablo 4 was
4834s originally announced about runes and
4836s Rune roots and so forth
4838s um question about roon runes and Rune
4841s words are they going to be available uh
4843s in Diablo 4 like right at launch or is
4846s there any plans in the future and so
4847s forth yeah so you know this is one of
4851s the really interesting things about
4853s developing
4855s um developing the game and showing it
4858s off like we've we've tried as we've
4859s developed the game to talk about
4861s everything that we're doing as much as
4863s possible and one effect of that is that
4866s because the game is in development we're
4868s we're experimenting with things and
4870s we're you know if you look at some of
4872s the shots of the skill tree that we've
4873s showed it's changed dramatically
4876s um you know as we've looked at player
4878s feedback from showing it off that's
4879s that's the great thing about showing
4881s stuff off is we can get feedback from
4883s players and make adjustments right
4885s um it also means that sometimes we'll
4888s announce features like Rune words
4890s um and uh we'll realize that like you
4893s know what this needs more time to get
4896s right and we know especially with
4898s something like ruined words that it's
4900s something that
4902s um players because it it's an existing
4904s Concept in Diablo right like if we made
4907s up a name and said oh here's this new
4908s system and it's super cool and here's
4910s what it does great no problem but if we
4912s say oh here's this new system and it's
4914s Rune words and players say well I
4917s remember what roon words were and this
4918s is not Rune words
4920s then you know we need to make sure that
4922s we're fulfilling the player expectations
4923s there and so that's something that um
4926s you know we plan to to return to in the
4929s future cool awesome
4931s um in the game are there like
4932s achievements and so forth for players to
4935s potentially like earn or whatnot I I
4937s guess it's almost kind of like we kind
4939s of most definitely have some sort of of
4942s way of being able to track like specific
4945s goals or whatnot within the game oh yeah
4947s of course so
4949s um yeah there are achievements there are
4951s um also a number of challenges that um
4954s you can do their class-based challenges
4956s their challenges that are associated
4958s with particular content
4959s um all kinds of cool stuff yeah and I
4962s mean I mean and some of those challenges
4963s unlock even like things like what you
4965s guys might what we talked about even
4967s during beta where just getting to like
4970s you have a shot for instance ended up
4971s unlocking like a title or whatnot so a
4973s title and when you get to level 20 you
4976s get that beta wolf pack exactly with the
4978s wolf pup exactly
4981s um I know uh there's a question about uh
4983s like wasde movement uh
4985s I say it wasdy some people call it wasd
4988s keyboard movement on on Diablo 4 people
4992s are asking if
4993s um potentially there was that uh within
4995s D4 yeah so we've tried to extend the so
4999s we don't support was the movement at
5000s launch let me be clear on that
5003s um but what we have tried to do is
5004s really expand the way that you can
5006s customize the way you're playing both
5008s for accessibility reasons and also
5010s because people just have lots of
5013s different ways they want to play Diablo
5015s and we recognize that some folks want to
5017s play wasp movement and this is something
5018s we'll continue to look into
5020s um but if you look at Diablo 4 compared
5023s to previous titles you can do a lot more
5025s customization of like what's on your
5027s left Mouse button you can our Engineers
5030s have put a lot of work into like even
5032s things like do I wanna like if I bind
5034s something else to my left Mouse button
5036s am I going to like click to move forward
5038s or can I can I move those bindings
5040s around so you have a lot of control over
5042s which skills are in which slots and how
5045s you want to interact with the game and
5046s of course with the controller as well
5048s and I know like uh this kind of like
5050s segues into another question I just saw
5053s um or um we're going to call out names
5057s rrmxx intuition ended up going out I
5060s know that's why I'm not calling out name
5062s I'm going to butcher everyone's name uh
5064s but they were asking about like
5065s accessibility options within Diablo 4
5067s and I know we have a team that is uh
5069s like our UI and ux teams have been like
5071s super super dedicated on making sure
5074s that we can hit as many audiences as
5076s possible yeah with D4 and we actually
5079s are planning on going into like a
5081s detailed like summary of all the
5083s accessibility options that are going to
5084s be incorporated into D4 uh so that you
5087s know obviously more players can enjoy
5089s and and and take part in the world of
5092s sanctuary so it's actually really cool
5094s so we'll be going into more details on
5096s that uh party size a lot of people are
5098s asking like how big are parties within
5100s D4 uh specifically four players four
5103s players there you go easy easy easy
5105s going
5106s um let's see uh
5109s I know we haven't gone into like details
5112s about like skins in store we will before
5114s launch
5115s um but uh so we'll get back to like
5117s purchase skins and being available on
5119s all characters and stuff will have a
5121s whole detailed list on that
5124s um and then uh this is a fun question
5127s for you guys uh what are your favorite
5128s classes and would you guys plan on
5130s meaning during launch each of you I
5133s guess
5135s uh all right I'll start
5137s um I usually say Rogue
5140s um uh that's mostly because uh
5143s I think we did such an incredible job
5145s fulfilling the fantasy of having like a
5148s hybrid melee ranged glass or I can take
5151s like skills that are range skills and
5153s skills that are melee skills and and
5155s really use them seamlessly between
5159s um we that's actually something that
5162s um sort of we got when we developed the
5164s Barbarian we knew we wanted to have this
5168s weapon Master that's wielding just lots
5170s and lots of different weapons so we
5172s developed the Arsenal system for the
5173s Barbarian
5175s um and a consequence of that development
5177s is that it solved this sort of problem
5179s we had with like well do I have if I'm a
5183s arranged class like a rogue that also uh
5186s you know part of the fantasies is being
5188s a range hustle or melee class or
5190s something mix
5191s um and do I have to like go into my
5193s inventory and switch to my melee weapons
5195s and you know how does that work right um
5197s and uh so we're able to use some of that
5200s same Tech to make it really really a fun
5202s experience nice what about you Mom uh
5205s I'll uh I'll mostly focus on playing uh
5208s my first character will be a sorceress
5210s because uh I have that fun memory like a
5213s farming more physical
5216s it was D2 memories yeah with my
5218s lightning static saucers and also I play
5221s a lot of saucers also in Diablo 3. so
5224s it's I I'm always like so uh get like
5228s emotional with the fire code and the
5230s underlining kind of a fantasy of
5232s softwares
5235s for me I think it's a tough choice
5237s between Rogue uh like Joe said I really
5239s like the kind of like positional
5241s requirements and the fast movement pace
5242s of playing that character Aura Druid I
5245s really like the kind of the hybrid
5246s element I've been having a lot of fun
5249s with uh like kind of hybrid werewolf
5251s Caster builds uh experimenting with them
5253s lately so I think that might be what
5254s I'll go with on release yeah I think for
5256s me
5257s um Druid for sure I I've I've I've been
5260s playing you know Druid was my when the
5262s expansion for D2 came out I just dropped
5264s every character and just only focused on
5266s Druid
5267s um and I you know I've always loved
5269s playing uh that type of class fantasy in
5271s any any type of game even like wow for
5273s instance I always played Druid
5275s um but I will say Rogue is really good
5276s rogue rogue has like the if you want
5278s flashy Rogue is most definitely super
5281s flashy like the idea that they even have
5283s skills where you can like literally
5285s throw your daggers into someone and then
5287s jump to them that is like the most
5289s flashy thing in the world so
5291s um I'm gonna end with one last question
5293s because I know we've been getting this a
5294s lot and it's real starting trading
5296s within Diablo 4 and I think there's like
5298s nuances and so forth but people are
5300s asking is there trading in D4 because
5303s obviously like D3 it was it was it was
5305s almost non-existent so yeah it's uh
5308s people are curious to know how that
5310s works in before yeah we we get this
5313s question a lot and we're continuing to
5315s you know trading in D4 is less
5318s restrictive than it is in D3 but it's by
5321s no means wide open trading
5324s um and we know that there are lots of
5326s players who uh who enjoy the trading
5329s like enjoy the game for the trading
5331s experience and that those players would
5333s like to have you know as as few
5335s restrictions on trading as possible
5337s um and so we want to support that to the
5339s extent that we can but we also want to
5342s protect the core game Loop of killing
5345s monsters to get loot right
5347s um and so there are some restrictions on
5349s trading to incur to further encourage
5353s the situation where the best way to get
5355s the most powerful loot is to kill
5357s monsters that's that's sort of our
5358s overriding directive there
5360s um but you know when you think about all
5364s the stuff that we're doing with that we
5365s plan to do with seasons and the gaming
5367s live service we could certainly see
5369s opportunities for different trading rule
5372s sets in the future well awesome and I'm
5374s going to answer this really quickly
5376s because everyone's like spamming it yes
5377s there are treasure goblins
5380s we were like are there goblins are there
5382s goblins yes there are treasure dolphins
5384s in Diablo 4. so
5386s um thank you guys for joining us uh
5388s today on the Diablo 4 live stream well I
5391s I will note this is actually the end of
5393s where we will be talking about some
5394s Diablo 4 stuff we do have one last thing
5397s we do want to do this is not related to
5399s Diablo 4 so I do want to just like
5401s set expectations here and so forth but
5404s we actually do have some special guests
5405s including this wonderful pie that's
5408s sitting behind me that I'm sure a lot of
5409s people are like what's going on I don't
5411s understand why a pie is here but we do
5413s have some special guests today
5415s um and I do want to introduce uh three
5417s people here uh first is the GM of the
5420s Diablo franchise it's Rod Ferguson he's
5423s actually joining us here he's actually
5424s going to walk in slowly we're actually
5425s going to start to shuffle around here
5428s because we're we're gonna we're doing
5429s this live so
5432s we're doing it live we are so and look I
5435s get to be a reporter while I do this but
5438s um
5439s uh and we also have two other guests
5441s here
5442s we have uh Neil
5446s oh sorry no problem ideal is gonna be
5450s walking in and as me is also going to be
5453s walking in she's excited to do this by
5456s the way I mean I'm excited to see this
5459s um but I I do want to I do want to like
5461s at least let people know uh we have a
5463s camera here oh look at this we got like
5465s production company everything like you
5468s know what you're doing exactly so uh Rod
5470s uh Jesus that's aggressive mike
5473s placement
5474s uh why are we here
5476s what are we doing uh so basically uh
5479s what we're doing is we're following up
5481s on a tradition I might like I like the
5483s wave the hand like look at that camera
5484s uh you know one of the things that um
5487s our team the Diablo team is a bicostal
5489s team we have the team and out well
5491s actually we're kind of like a national
5492s international team but when you think
5493s about our two main offices we have
5495s Albany and Irvine and one of the things
5497s we've been doing as part of the culture
5498s of the team as we've become this one big
5500s team is like share traditions and things
5502s that we do in the culture and uh the
5504s Albany office has a great tradition
5505s around Christmas which is they take
5508s donations for Toys for Tots and as
5510s people donate they're able to offer up a
5514s leader to get pied in the face and the
5516s person who puts the most money as the
5518s donation is the person who gets to
5519s deliver the pie the deliverer of the pie
5521s uh and we thought that was great when
5523s something we wanted to do as the full
5525s Diablo team and not just have it be in
5526s Albany and so uh we did that we raised a
5530s lot of money for Toys for Tots which I'm
5531s excited about uh and weirdly shocking I
5534s don't know how this came to be I was
5536s voted the one who takes the pie so
5538s surprise surprise it's me yeah
5541s that's perfect so we actually have Neil
5542s here Neil hey how's it going
5545s anyone to everyone what you do on the
5547s team uh I am a senior character
5549s technical artist
5550s um
5551s so and donator to toys and donator and
5554s you know the lucky person to do the deed
5556s exactly so is this last day on the job
5559s by the way yeah I've already packed
5561s myself I have to like trade mics here
5563s back and forth everyone's like but uh uh
5566s I know uh Neil is going to be pieing rod
5569s in the face and then we have uh Esme
5571s over here Esme is the wonderful person
5574s that actually prepped the pie here
5577s um as me like
5578s did you put because this is this is Rod
5581s yes I'm assuming you you went through a
5585s lot of thought about how much whipped
5587s cream there should be in fact I think
5589s you actually have extra whipped cream
5591s just in case you want to make sure it's
5593s soft when it lands on his face she told
5595s me she told me the ratio of she told me
5597s the ratio of whipped cream to Broken
5599s Glass was hard to figure out that was
5600s the thing she was struggling with there
5601s we go so yeah so as we prep the pie for
5605s us
5606s um and we actually have she actually
5608s brought in extra can of whipped cream
5610s which we will be adding on top of the
5613s pie uh so I think uh Rod this is a good
5617s opportunity for you to take your seat
5618s why does it look why does it look like
5621s Dexter's lap like why doesn't we have
5622s like it's tarped up like we're about to
5624s go kill people
5626s it's true it's perfect you know I've had
5630s this beard for like 28 years this is
5632s probably the first day I've regretted
5633s having a beard for what's about to
5634s happen yeah I I will say I'm I'm I know
5637s the whole team like the whole entire
5639s Diablo team is watching right now and
5641s they should be fixing bugs actually can
5642s we stop watching Diablo team fix more
5646s bugs we've been we've been hyping this
5647s off within this so we're actually really
5649s stoked to share with the community as
5651s well so uh Rod feel free to take your
5653s seat take a seat okay
5658s yes we'll have Neil or actually let's
5661s let's let me put this stuff down over
5663s here and give that over here and we're
5665s gonna grab
5666s pie
5668s uh this is all for Charities thank you
5670s everybody and then I think we have uh
5672s extra whipped cream somewhere I believe
5675s I'm not sure
5678s oh well maybe we don't so it might
5681s actually hurt
5681s [Laughter]
5685s [Music]
5691s any any last words wrong I think really
5695s any last words and be gentle I don't
5699s know like uh well oh he does uh we found
5703s the cream
5707s um but yes anyway uh yeah I mean like I
5709s said it's it's all for a good cause and
5712s I'm really proud of the team for you
5714s know the money that they raised and yeah
5717s we're happy to share this tradition as
5719s part of the Diablo team with the
5720s community I think that's good that's
5721s perfect oh God so Neil you've enjoyed
5723s working on Diablo I did yeah I've
5727s already
5736s we're gonna do a countdown really
5739s quickly uh and uh we're gonna do a
5742s countdown really quickly and uh I guess
5744s in three so uh goodbye Diablo hoodie I'm
5748s sorry uh
5752s all right all right and three two one
5757s oh
5762s pulling it in
5768s all right well uh Rod how was that uh
5773s it's refreshing uh it's good for the
5775s pores I don't know
5786s um well uh
5789s thank you guys
5798s thank you uh
5800s thank you guys very much I really
5802s appreciate it
5804s everywhere are you guys tuning in for
5807s the Diablo 4 developer live stream again
5809s we have a lot of stuff uh all across
5811s Diablo Diablo 3's new season actually
5813s kicked off uh this past week D2 is on a
5817s new uh update as well as of a couple
5819s weeks ago with the new season kicked off
5821s as on their end Diablo Mortals got a ton
5823s of updates they just had they just had a
5826s phishing to the game which is really
5827s cool and of course beta beta is coming
5830s up early access starts on March 17th
5832s make sure to check our Diablo blogs
5835s pre-order get in early access and you
5837s know you want to get the level 20
5838s because you want that baby exactly so
5840s thank you guys again thanks fraud thank
5844s you Neil and thanks to everyone on team
5845s on team three Diablo mortal team our
5848s Diablo Legacy teams and so forth and
5850s thanks for tuning in see you guys next
5852s time
5868s [Music]
5877s foreign
5881s [Music]