14 days ago - Diablo - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

18s Oh, look out! She's got a knife!
20s What was the question?
22s What are pets?
23s So, pets are a new feature coming to Diablo IV
25s in the mid-season patch.
28s So distracted already.
29s Puppy pile-up occurring.
30s Puppies, take two.
33s Hello. I am Kayleigh Calder.
35s I am a Lead Game Producer on Diablo IV.
38s And I believe we're here today to talk about companions
42s and meet some puppies.
47s You're so cute. Oh, no! Hi!
49s Pets are one of the coolest features
52s that Diablo IV has ever added.
53s They are non-combat followers that follow your character around,
57s and they pick up gold and materials for you.
60s I really want to, you know, double down on how cute they are.
63s No biting.
64s We already got some pee on the mat. Hi.
66s There will be a quest coming up soon
69s where there will be a little dog.
70s And it has a name.
72s It's called Well-Behaved Dog.
74s And all you have to is click on it,
75s and you get the option to say, "Who's a good dog?"
77s Hey, come here!
78s If you pre-purchase our expansion,
80s we are also offering three additional pets.
83s You can get a tiger, a snow leopard, and...
86s -What am I missing? -An armored husky.
88s An armored husky, right. How could I forget that?
90s Don't chew the mic.
91s She is chewing...
93s Yeah, I'm sorry, Dusty.
96s She chewed the mic.
97s But once you unlock your pet and they're running around with you,
100s you can run up to them.
101s And if you do the "hello" emote, your character will pet the dog for you.
105s And if you try to pet a cat,
106s there's a good chance it's going to ignore you,
108s just like my cat does at home.
110s Hi. Cats or dogs?
113s Oh, you can't possibly... I can't...
115s Don't make me choose!
117s Dogs. Dogs.
119s Dogs, for sure.
121s Cats are very cute, too.
124s Cats are cute.
125s But there's a reason we have puppies here right now.
127s Do you want to come home with me?
129s Are these puppies adoptable?
130s Yep, all of them, from Girls of Dog Rescue.