over 1 year ago - Diablo - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s -[bell tolling] -[bats chittering]
8s [somber choral music]
18s [narrator] Hatred has returned,
20s and she shall not relent until she has corrupted us all.
26s But somewhere in the shadow of her Darkness...
29s [thunder crashing]
31s ...you must cast your Light,
34s to find hope in a flash of steel...
37s [axeblade clatters]
41s ...a wrath of nature...
43s [snarling]
45s ...or power of flame.
48s [flame whooshing]
53s You must stand up to hatred,
58s or she will destroy us all.
62s Your time is now.
69s [bell tolling]