about 1 year ago - Diablo - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s (suspenseful music)
1s - [Nick] Hell's Ink has gone across the globe
3s and across the US.
4s We are very lucky to have this here in Dallas, Texas.
7s We are giving up our flesh for D4.
10s I mean, it's super cool.
11s You're getting one of nine different tattoos.
13s The way I see it, everybody's gonna be linked
14s for a long time, forever actually.
17s (dramatic boom)
20s - The whole place is fucking awesome.
23s Like the whole shop completely transformed
25s into this hellscape and honestly,
28s I kinda wanna keep it like this.
29s I was blown away by how many people
32s were standing outside, looking like they camped overnight.
35s - So we've been here eight hours,
37s nine hours with each other.
38s - I figured we were in for a long night,
41s so I brought my projector, I brought my switch.
44s - Clearly speaks volumes about how much
46s the game has changed people's lives.
48s (intense rock music)
50s - It doesn't feel real to be here.
52s Like walking in the shop, it feels like a dream actually.
55s But it's awesome.
56s Diablo means a lot to me
57s 'cause it was the first game I ever played
58s and it got me into gaming.
60s I would see my dad playing Diablo.
62s He would let me sit on his lap
63s and I would just sit there and watch him play.
64s And then my sister played it, my grandpa played it.
67s My whole family plays it.
68s But for Thanksgiving, that's the time
70s we can all come together.
71s We'll eat our food and then right after,
73s we'll all just sit there and play.
74s My grandpa will hop on Diablo too
76s and he will carry us 'cause he is really good.
79s And I hope to pass it down too.
80s It's cool that we can all do that.
82s So when I found out I won about the tattoo,
84s I was very conflicted on what I wanted.
86s I wanted either Tyrael or I wanted a sorceress.
89s I put the choice in Deanna's hands.
90s I made like a whole slide for her and everything.
92s I feel very excited for it.
94s I know whatever she came up with is awesome.
96s I'm gonna love it no matter what.
97s Diablo's a part of me,
98s so I'm excited to have that with me forever.
103s (intense rock music)
105s - I was lucky enough to be chosen as an opportunity
108s to get this custom tattoo with Hell's Ink.
111s Never won anything before.
112s So it's pretty frickin' awesome.
113s It felt almost surreal.
116s My buddies, they're excited to be here
117s and they're gonna be here all day with me.
118s It's cool, 'cause they're gaming buddies of mine.
120s So this is just another gaming experience
123s that we all get to do together
124s and be a part of it together.
125s In 2000, I think it was 2012, Diablo III came out
128s and so we all jumped on together and ever since then,
131s we kinda play every season a little bit when it comes out.
133s For my tattoo, when I got selected,
135s a lot of stuff crossed my mind.
136s Ultimately I landed with my favorite character
138s and all of Diablo and that's Tyrael.
141s He's just a really cool person,
142s especially to have tattooed on you, right?
143s Like, he just looks badass, so why not?
149s - Yeah, this game, it has a tight hold on me.
151s I love this game so much.
152s - Diablo IV's gonna have a big impact when it finally hits.
155s And the fact that you still get couch co-op,
157s you still get online play.
158s It brings everything that Diablo's had over the years,
160s kinda to that next level.
161s So it's gonna be awesome.
164s (intense rock music)