16 days ago - Diablo - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Alright, here we go.
1s -Oh, there's smoke. -Oh, atmospheric!
3s Oh, cool.
7s Not a gruesome fan, so...
8s Oh, God.
11s You want to get out of here? Fine.
14s -Yeah! -Yes!
16s -I'm excited. -This is gonna be so cool.
21s Oh, this looks amazing.
23s Lots of dead fish. I already don't like this.
25s I like his tattoos.
27s Oh, it's so tense.
28s The sound of those flies.
31s -Yeah, yeah, that's Neyrelle. Oh, no. -Oh, you're not well.
34s -She's sweating. -A Soulstone?
36s -Please, my child, let me help you-- -Stay away from me!
39s -Here we go! -Neyrelle!
40s -The quality on this is crazy. -You're killing yourself.
43s -Is that mom? -Mom!
45s -Little Magpie. -"Little Magpie."
47s Oh, heck no.
48s There's this theme with Diablo and mothers.
52s Oh, honey.
53s Is that, like, tar coming out of her?
55s Okay, Mom's not so nice.
58s ...there would be consequences.
63s Damn!
64s Oh, God.
65s No! No!
66s Oh, my...
68s No.
69s -Oh, come on! -Oh, man!
71s Is she now just part of the flesh?
74s Oh, my God. Her legs ripped open, too.
75s That escalated quickly.
77s I don't like how it's breathing.
79s Ouchie.
80s No. No.
81s That is one scary-looking boss.
84s This looks more realistic than any other trailer I've seen.
86s Yeah. Is that a good thing?
88s Singing, you know, church songs the whole time on my inside, and...
92s -She's gonna be okay. -Yeah, she... See? She's fine!
98s Oh, no.
99s -What the...? -No. Wait, what?
103s There's no way you're just normal after that.
106s Just keep rowing...
109s through the dead fish.
115s That was awesome!
116s Extremely realistic, in the most terrifying ways.
118s That was a lot of yucky.
120s Frickin' arm was just ripped in half.
122s So sweaty right now.
124s This was great, guys.
126s Thank you so much for having me.
127s Of course, it will have to be educated.