about 1 year ago - Diablo - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s (heavy rock music)
3s - Hell's Ink is a way to get all of us together.
6s We give a pound of flesh to Lilith,
8s and for that we get branded with the mark of diablo,
11s or the mark of barbarian, druid, necromancer,
14s depending on your class. (chuckles)
16s (heavy rock music)
22s (distorted guitar music)
24s - Promotion for Diablo IV, which we're so excited to play.
27s - Oh yeah. - So excited,
29s - Drove four and a half hours.
30s We came from Richmond, Indiana.
31s Saw the Facebook posts about the Hell's Ink.
34s So we decided this would be the event to do it.
36s - The tattoos definitely symbolized us, our closeness
39s and our friendship as a whole.
41s - [Speaker] You don't need an icebreaker if we're all here
43s for the same reason.
43s - [Speaker] When you have a franchise
44s that people stick with,
45s it just takes that bond a little bit closer.
47s (heavy rock music)
52s - I won a tattoo from the lovely Sarah Miller,
55s it still doesn't feel real.
56s Seeing the cos player made it feel even less real.
59s She embodies Lilith perfectly.
62s Inarius and Lilith are very important to me
64s because their story is very much similar
67s to the story that I met my husband.
69s Me and my husband met actually during role playing game
72s which, out of game ended up blossoming
75s into a full relationship and now a marriage.
78s Shortly after we met DIII actually came out
81s and that kind of became our date night.
83s So the tattoo that I'm getting is Lilith
85s and Inarius embracing each other.
87s I had a Zoom call with Sarah Miller
91s and during that we kind of left the surprise, so I actually
95s won't get to see the tattoo until they're putting it on me.
100s (rock music)
102s - It didn't feel real at first. (chuckles)
105s I'm so excited.
106s The amount of effort that was put into this
107s is just incredible and I love every second of it.
111s It makes me feel like I'm immersed in it,
113s not just playing it.
114s I love Diablo because I get a sense of community with it,
118s whether it be with my friends, my family, we all play it.
122s So it's like we all come together
123s for that moment just to hang out and play the game.
126s My health issues kind of limit the amount
129s of time I can do things,
130s the amount of times I can be up moving around
132s and to be able to run through these worlds
136s and kind of lose myself
137s and be like, "I feel like I'm my character,"
139s and I'm not in pain at that moment,
141s I'm able to lose myself enough
143s that it gives me time to kind of relax in my own body.
146s So I decided to go with the Demon Hunter.
148s Her origin story speaks to me more
151s than any of the other characters that I've come across
154s in the Diablo Series.
155s She pulled herself from the ashes
157s and became a powerful, strong woman
160s and I feel kind of the same way for myself,
162s I've overcome a lot of my past trauma.
166s - [Speaker] So this game has been a long time coming
168s and I just cannot wait for it.
170s It's marked on our calendars,
172s I am so overwhelmed with happiness.
175s Sarah did an amazing job
176s and I couldn't ask for anything more.
179s (rock music)
about 1 year ago - Diablo - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s (heavy rock music)
3s - Hell's Ink is a way to get all of us together.
6s We give a pound of flesh to Lilith,
8s and for that we get branded with the mark of diablo,
11s or the mark of barbarian, druid, necromancer,
14s depending on your class. (chuckles)
16s (heavy rock music)
22s (distorted guitar music)
24s - Promotion for Diablo IV, which we're so excited to play.
27s - Oh yeah. - So excited,
29s - Drove four and a half hours.
30s We came from Richmond, Indiana.
31s Saw the Facebook posts about the Hell's Ink.
34s So we decided this would be the event to do it.
36s - The tattoos definitely symbolized us, our closeness
39s and our friendship as a whole.
41s - [Speaker] You don't need an icebreaker if we're all here
43s for the same reason.
43s - [Speaker] When you have a franchise
44s that people stick with,
45s it just takes that bond a little bit closer.
47s (heavy rock music)
52s - I won a tattoo from the lovely Sarah Miller,
55s it still doesn't feel real.
56s Seeing the cos player made it feel even less real.
59s She embodies Lilith perfectly.
62s Inarius and Lilith are very important to me
64s because their story is very much similar
67s to the story that I met my husband.
69s Me and my husband met actually during role playing game
72s which, out of game ended up blossoming
75s into a full relationship and now a marriage.
78s Shortly after we met DIII actually came out
81s and that kind of became our date night.
83s So the tattoo that I'm getting is Lilith
85s and Inarius embracing each other.
87s I had a Zoom call with Sarah Miller
91s and during that we kind of left the surprise, so I actually
95s won't get to see the tattoo until they're putting it on me.
100s (rock music)
102s - It didn't feel real at first. (chuckles)
105s I'm so excited.
106s The amount of effort that was put into this
107s is just incredible and I love every second of it.
111s It makes me feel like I'm immersed in it,
113s not just playing it.
114s I love Diablo because I get a sense of community with it,
118s whether it be with my friends, my family, we all play it.
122s So it's like we all come together
123s for that moment just to hang out and play the game.
126s My health issues kind of limit the amount
129s of time I can do things,
130s the amount of times I can be up moving around
132s and to be able to run through these worlds
136s and kind of lose myself
137s and be like, "I feel like I'm my character,"
139s and I'm not in pain at that moment,
141s I'm able to lose myself enough
143s that it gives me time to kind of relax in my own body.
146s So I decided to go with the Demon Hunter.
148s Her origin story speaks to me more
151s than any of the other characters that I've come across
154s in the Diablo Series.
155s She pulled herself from the ashes
157s and became a powerful, strong woman
160s and I feel kind of the same way for myself,
162s I've overcome a lot of my past trauma.
166s - [Speaker] So this game has been a long time coming
168s and I just cannot wait for it.
170s It's marked on our calendars,
172s I am so overwhelmed with happiness.
175s Sarah did an amazing job
176s and I couldn't ask for anything more.
179s (rock music)