about 1 year ago - Diablo - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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1348s oh
1355s in the Eternal conflict between the High
1357s Heavens and the burning Hells Diablo 4
1359s offers you more Choice than ever before
1361s player choice is infused into everything
1363s from how you look the skills you use the
1366s loot you equip your path through the
1368s non-linear story so how and when you
1371s choose to explore the shared open world
1372s we want players to play their own way
1375s and have their own choice of how they're
1377s going to build their character between
1378s all of our different systems you can
1380s really create a custom character in ways
1383s that was not available in previous
1384s Diablo titles
1388s when you log into Diablo 4 the first
1390s thing you're gonna have to do is create
1392s your character and those familiar with
1393s Diablo are going to be very familiar
1395s with the screen with all the classes
1397s sitting around the campfire on Diablo 4
1399s we got five classes the Barbarian is
1402s your fantasy of a fierce Warrior or
1404s fighter The Barbarians the weapon master
1406s of Diablo for being able to pick up any
1409s weapon jump into The Fray and do really
1412s badass stuff with it they're very strong
1415s they're very physical they can take
1416s different weapons for different
1417s situations and use them to their maximum
1420s effect the source order is really your
1421s Elemental Mage you have fire ice
1423s lightning you can either focus on one or
1425s you can kind of be a jack of all trades
1427s Mage and use abilities from all three
1429s they're a little more fragile than other
1431s classes tend to be more ranged the Rogue
1433s unlike the Barbarian they are a little
1435s bit more clever they're very fast they
1437s have the ability to imbue their weapons
1438s with different Elemental energies and
1440s they can modify them to do different
1441s things the Rogue has two different types
1444s of play style
1445s ranged
1448s like in your face daggers poisons you
1452s can leave the enemies into traps that
1453s have huge effects more stealthy type
1455s gameplay
1456s the Druid is really the shape-shifter
1458s when you cast certain skills you change
1460s your form what you look like and what
1462s you can do they can turn into where
1464s Bears or werewolves if I cast a werewolf
1467s skill I turn into a werewolf and I do
1468s werewolf things by cast like polar ice
1471s for example which is a werebearer skill
1472s I turn to wear bear I slam the ground
1474s really hard fits the fantasy it's pretty
1476s cool they can also become masters of
1478s nature magic with Earth and storm magic
1481s last but not least we got the
1482s Necromancer they raise armies of the
1484s Dead they have different types of
1486s minions you've got your skeletal
1487s Warriors your skeletal Mages and then
1489s your Golem you have blood magic or bone
1492s magic that also take advantage of and
1495s Tackle combat that way if you've played
1497s a previous Diablo game and you enjoyed a
1499s certain playstyle you can actually bring
1501s that into Diablo 4 or just try something
1503s completely new or no matter which class
1505s you play there's going to be multiple
1507s different Avenues and Fantasies that you
1509s can chase
1512s you can customize your character in ways
1514s you've never been able to before with
1516s near endless character creation and
1518s transmog options in previous Diablo
1520s games you had to be attached to certain
1522s archetypes and look a certain way and in
1524s Diablo 4 it's really up to you how you
1526s want your character to look you'll be be
1527s able to choose from different facial
1529s structures from people all over the
1531s world no matter where you are you'll be
1533s able to say hey I can actually make
1534s someone that looks like me or looks like
1536s someone from my part of the world which
1538s we're really proud of you can pick a
1540s hairstyle for your character and every
1542s class actually has a specific hairstyle
1544s that no other class can use you can pick
1547s your eye color we have some really fun
1549s ones we have eye glowing we have a
1551s bloodshot type I and then you can
1553s actually pick a marking which is a
1555s tattoo or design that covers your entire
1557s character and there are dozens of those
1559s transmog is the idea that you can take a
1562s piece of gear and change the appearance
1564s of it to look like a different piece of
1566s gear as far as Aesthetics the sky is the
1568s limit however you can think of making
1569s your character you can make it that way
1572s everyone but he's going to look
1573s completely different in Diablo 4.
1578s one of our pillars for class design idea
1580s before is this idea that we want players
1581s to play the way that they want to when
1583s you first start the game we introduce
1585s you to the idea of the skill tree as you
1586s level up you get access to these
1588s different skills or passives or upgrades
1590s to make your character more powerful
1592s each category has a few different skills
1595s that are all similar they're either all
1597s defensive or all offensive all ice or
1601s all fire you can either focus on a very
1603s specific section or you can pick and
1605s choose the first skill point when you
1607s unlock a new skill is going to give you
1608s access to that skill after that you can
1610s put additional points into any skill
1612s that you have and it's going to make it
1613s better whether it increases the radius
1615s or adds some new effect or reduces the
1618s cooldown through some special way you
1620s can actually Branch out in a very
1622s different direction even if two
1623s characters actually started at the same
1625s place the perryon board is a late game
1628s system that once you've completely
1630s filled out your skill tree you think you
1631s have a build it will really let you
1633s delve into the theory crafting and the
1635s depth of Diablo 4 skill system and these
1638s boards they can move through them
1639s spending their Paragon points and they
1641s have nodes that give them very basic
1643s stats like intellect or dexterity we
1645s also have more powerful nodes we have
1646s rare nodes that have different effects
1648s where they can totally modify a skill to
1650s do something additional or different or
1652s they can even make new connections
1653s between skills so that players can have
1655s new ways to play their character
1656s legendary notes are equivalent to
1658s Legendary powers where they have more
1660s powerful effects that can change the
1662s builds and ways that characters play
1665s winning this
1668s wall when I hit this node I'm going to
1670s apply this board and I'm going to start
1671s from this side and really just get into
1673s a super complex very specific build for
1676s your character
1679s legendary items are really rare and
1682s Powerful items that you're going to find
1683s As You Adventure through the world of
1685s sanctuary we have quite a few different
1686s categories of legendaries and how they
1688s do that some of them will actually
1689s change your skill or enhance it in some
1691s way Frozen orb for example it might say
1693s hey every single time you you use your
1695s Frozen orb it applies a new effect and
1697s then I can actually take advantage of
1699s that new effect that it has even if item
1701s itself is maybe not as good as the one
1703s you have you can still extract That
1705s Power from it take advantage of it and
1707s use it for your build one thing that our
1709s players can look forward to is that a
1710s lot of our classic really rare and most
1712s powerful items from previous titles are
1714s going to be returning as uniques in
1715s Diablo 4. unique very similar to
1718s legendary
1720s ninja means if that ability is actually
1722s on a chess piece it's always going to be
1724s on that chest piece because it's more
1726s powerful than a regular legendary effect
1728s crafting is a big part of Diablo 4. we
1731s have all kinds of different ways that
1733s you could upgrade and interact with NPCs
1735s to make your gear better you can
1736s increase the item level or power of your
1739s gear so you can actually get a piece of
1740s gear and just make it stronger you can
1741s also add sockets to your gear so that
1743s you can put gems inside of it there are
1745s a lot of different ways that players
1747s will be able to customize their
1748s experience in Diablo 4. every single
1750s player is going to have a different
1752s experience and a different build at the
1754s end of the day because we have all of
1755s these different ways to make your own
1757s character there's a lot more possibility
1760s compared to previous titles of how you
1762s want to play how you want to build your
1763s character we really are doubling down on
1765s this idea that you can look the way you
1767s want you can play the way you want you
1768s can really make your own fantasy in this
1769s game hello welcomes all and so does
1772s Diablo 4. in the coming weeks we'll be
1774s sharing even more about how to play your
1777s way our launch on June 6 is getting
1779s closer closer still if you've got Early
1781s Access and we can't wait to see you in
1783s sanctuary hail Lilith Blessed Mother
1789s thank you
1805s foreign
1818s my name is Adam Fletcher I'm the
1820s community lead for Diablo and we are
1822s here for the next Diablo 4 developer
1824s update live stream and I'm joined by
1825s this wonderful panel of people let's go
1828s overstating it but I'm overstating it
1829s but yeah
1830s um Rod Ferguson general manager of all
1832s things Diablo uh Joseph pipora I'm the
1834s associate game director for uh double
1836s four Kevin Clark director of product for
1840s awesome well we have a really packed
1842s show today and there's a lot of stuff
1844s obviously uh going on with Diablo lately
1847s I mean really not sure if you've got
1848s nothing going on I thought you did you
1849s just get back from vacation I
1851s I no you didn't did I I actually I was
1853s like I was in Chicago like a couple
1854s weeks ago we just lost all track of time
1857s uh but we you know we're only what 22 22
1861s days three two two weeks three weeks I
1863s think I've lost over the launch three
1865s weeks till early access 22 days 22 days
1868s oh look we have a wonderful account a
1870s few days four hours 15 minutes 43
1872s seconds exactly until uh the uh Early
1874s Access actually starts so if you
1876s actually uh uh have Early Access with a
1879s deluxe version or ultimate version of
1881s Diablo 4 you'll be able to play here in
1883s a little over three weeks which is
1885s pretty insane to think about it's wild
1888s to imagine having worked in this game
1889s for such a long time and then finally be
1891s able to be like we're three weeks away
1892s you know it's like every it feels like
1894s over two months away or three months it
1895s constantly it's just like oh my God I
1897s can't believe it's finally here it's
1898s almost time to put Diablo 4. but you
1900s know what we could do before launch to
1902s play Diablo 4.
1907s [Music]
1918s this is live by the way
1921s uh so yeah we actually do have our
1923s Diablo 4 server slam starts on May 12th
1925s uh it goes through the 14th it's another
1928s opportunity to play Diablo 4 before the
1930s launch of the game which is great and it
1932s helps us a ton so uh make sure to jump
1935s in this weekend there's a lot to do you
1938s can actually start the early download
1940s here after this stream at noon today so
1944s we'll actually have a early download
1946s available and players can download on
1949s Battlenet on Xbox and Playstation if you
1951s already have the beta client uh the beta
1954s client from the prior betas that we had
1956s beforehand those will actually just
1957s start auto updating and if you got rid
1960s of them or if you want to jump in for
1961s service land for the first time ever you
1963s will have the ability to do so uh by
1966s downloading at noon but it is a fresh
1968s start so even if you have the beta
1970s client from last time and it updates all
1973s new characters you're starting from
1974s level one
1976s um and there's like a bunch of different
1977s changes right Joe in terms of how we
1979s think about server slam versus the
1980s previous speed is yeah that's right so
1982s we made a number of changes and we
1984s talked about a few of these in our last
1985s live stream but uh we've gone ahead and
1986s made some adjustments to the way that
1988s dungeon objectives are laid out I would
1989s change some of the other dungeon flows
1991s as you're going through the uh the maps
1992s we have a lot more smiley faces and
1993s fewer family faces as you progressing
1995s through uh we've done some balance
1997s updates for classes to kind of like uh
1999s adjust based on like data we saw as
2000s we're looking at like how players were
2002s actually playing and like kind of
2003s reviewing how things were actually
2004s working in the live game uh which is
2006s really exciting we made some adjustments
2007s like the drop rates now they're more
2009s reflective of the actual base game
2011s experience when we're launching uh in
2013s the in the near future so during the the
2015s last beta we have like an accelerated
2016s drop rate for legendary items now you're
2018s going to get a sense of like what's
2019s going to really feel like in those early
2020s levels of Diablo 4 I was trying to like
2023s you know fight and try to find those
2024s legendary items right so actually server
2026s slam will actually prove to be a little
2027s bit more challenging because uh the
2029s level cap is lower it's not 25 it's 20.
2032s so you Max at 22 essentially five less
2034s skill points to play with and
2036s legendaries aren't going to be raining
2037s from the sky the way they were during
2039s the beta so you know we have this notion
2042s gained level 20 to get your wolf pack
2044s but and also to try to take on a Shava
2046s but like Shava is going to be more
2048s challenging than last time because of
2049s that five less skill points and not as
2051s many legendaries so that's gonna be
2053s really interesting to see if people can
2054s get to level 20 and beat ashava so that
2057s that's but it's a more accurate
2059s representation it's sort of like people
2060s talked about how does it actually feel
2062s to go from 1 to 20 and this is actually
2064s you know essentially the path we're
2066s pretty close to what we're shipping with
2068s at launch even the new font we didn't
2070s talk about the new font but that's true
2071s yeah we definitely have also updated the
2074s font so there's there's a lot what we're
2076s really trying to say is there's a lot to
2077s look forward to as far as server slam
2079s and importantly please come check it out
2081s really is going to help us for for
2082s launch to make sure that we get as many
2083s players as we can stressing out the
2085s servers and making sure that we have uh
2086s we have accurately estimated everything
2088s so we're in a really great spot so Kagan
2090s what do you what class are you playing
2091s in Slam I
2093s um only ever play Rogue
2096s but they play Rogue I really like high
2098s Mobility classes so like you know I want
2100s to zip around right Rogue is that yeah
2104s so yeah I uh I got my uh my druid up to
2107s 25 last time and I got a barbarian of 25
2109s last time I'm looking forward to Jumping
2111s I think into a necro this time oh and I
2112s got my sorceress up to 25 last time as
2114s well but necro this sign I wanted 805 I
2116s didn't have time to get all five this
2117s time but this round I want to try to get
2119s my uh my my neck grow up and Adam oh I
2123s don't know I I'd probably say
2125s Necromancer this time yeah I did Druid
2127s and Rogue last time uh and you know I
2130s haven't played Necromancer since way
2133s back when so I'm just like okay yes we
2135s are sorry we we have played the game
2138s before other people
2140s you have access to Diablo four were
2142s amazing yeah uh but yeah probably
2144s Necromancer this thing I'm gonna go I
2146s think I'm gonna go Druid just because
2147s like I'm gonna necro so hard in the main
2150s game that I didn't want to like I want
2152s to save that so I'm gonna I'm gonna go
2154s Drew it in the Slime I think say necro
2156s is a verb it sounds like you're talking
2157s like a thread one somewhere that's how
2159s you necro yeah that's true
2161s corpse explosion uh we hear Rod talk
2164s about necromancer
2166s all the time here it's not my fault that
2168s it's the best class I didn't design the
2169s game you did all the time the my fault
2171s the necro is the best class listen
2173s listen Barbarian launch
2176s okay no like all the classes are super
2179s fun they all have like interesting and
2180s different overpowered mechanics that's
2181s that's just the way we want to kind of
2183s gold out class generation for Diablo for
2185s yeah so uh and just a reminder like I
2188s said beforehand uh because we we have
2190s service land this weekend and then we're
2192s a little over three weeks from uh Early
2195s Access uh the deluxe and ultimate
2197s versions are available for pre-order for
2200s uh those uh to get Early Access for the
2203s four days or four to maybe five days a
2206s little bit early like depending on where
2208s you live well I mean it's still four
2210s days
2212s I mean it's like ish if you get in a
2215s plane though
2216s exactly you might get an extra couple
2218s thank you
2220s anyways we do have a QR code up here so
2223s you guys can actually go straight to the
2224s to the battle in that shop and you know
2226s actually show you all the different
2227s versions one of the questions we got
2228s around that is like because we have
2230s cross play and cross progression you
2232s know obviously you can play in console
2233s you can play on PC you can play with
2235s others on Console or PC and your
2237s progress carries over no matter where
2239s you are but that's also true for things
2240s like the rewards and the incentives so
2241s as an example if you were to play server
2243s slam on Xbox as an example or a
2246s PlayStation and you earn the rewards for
2249s the beta wolf pack or the The Cry of
2252s ashava like that stuff will carry over
2254s when you switch the platform same thing
2256s for the stuff when you buy the ultimate
2258s edition that stuff will carry over to
2259s other platforms and so you know when
2261s people like oh I want to buy two
2262s versions I'm going to buy the console
2264s version and a PC version you can buy the
2265s ultimate in one and the basic and
2267s another and share those rewards yeah the
2269s only the only caveat though is that uh
2271s Early Access from the ultimate version
2273s or the deluxe version stays on the
2275s platform that you actually purchase yeah
2276s so so if you are wanting to play Early
2279s Access on PC make sure to get the PC
2281s version like a PlayStation version or an
2284s Xbox version and actually carry over all
2286s all those other incentives over between
2288s different platforms that was an
2290s excellent job at fine print you did the
2292s fine print beautifully there it's caveat
2294s on that thank you lawyers have asked me
2296s to say that that you only get early
2297s access to answer that question many
2299s times for the last couple of months so
2302s um but we do have a lot to talk about
2303s today um I think one of the biggest
2305s things that we've been hearing from the
2306s community is the discussion around
2308s seasons and how they will work in Diablo
2310s 4. that's what we're here to talk about
2312s yeah exactly
2314s I'm hoping to remember why we're here
2317s I don't read that man
2319s um but as we all know like seasons are a
2322s big part of Diablo itself um you know we
2325s have seasons in Diablo 2 seasons and
2327s Deals three season four on May 4th for
2329s Diablo two resurrected but and we're
2332s still season 28 on Diablo 3. so rocking
2334s that out so yeah exciting yeah so uh but
2337s we but Seasons with Diablo 4 has been a
2339s big question because a lot of people
2340s want to know how it kind of works and
2342s like the structure of it and so forth
2343s and thankfully we have Joe and Kagan
2346s here to help us and talk about that I
2348s guess Rod too no I'm just saying I'm
2349s just here to interrupt their flow and
2351s annoy them that's my job but uh Joe how
2354s do seasons Diablo for
2356s C Adam Fletcher thank you so much for
2359s asking me I love to talk about this for
2361s a bit so what's yeah let's talk about
2363s Seasons um all right so we're gonna have
2366s a helpful infographic to show you in
2367s just a second but let me talk to you
2369s about Seasons as a general rule you know
2371s as we're thinking about Diablo 4 and the
2373s launch product of the game uh we are
2375s trying to make sure we've got a really
2376s great experience that players are going
2377s to be able to enjoy uh for their first
2379s you know character playthrough of the
2381s campaign they have an excellent
2382s excellent experience uh seasonal content
2385s are post-launch contents can be arriving
2387s shortly after the launch of the base
2388s game mid to late July mid to late July
2391s actually it's yeah yeah we haven't asked
2392s we haven't talked about that yet but
2393s absolutely it is mid to late July you've
2395s heard it from reference uh so but so
2397s that's the goal want to make sure that
2398s you've got enough time to play through
2399s your first character and really enjoy
2400s the campaign at your own pace and kind
2402s of explore potentially different classes
2404s as you go uh so when we're thinking
2406s about seasons and Diablo 4 we start off
2409s with thinking about a theme the seasonal
2412s content of that season so we're gonna
2414s have four seasons a year uh one per
2416s quarter and each of these are going to
2417s have a really strong theme associated
2419s with them and this theme is gonna like
2421s basically inform the things we want to
2423s do with the with all the content within
2425s the season with things about appearing
2426s in the battle pass uh things in the
2428s seasonal quest line uh things associated
2430s with like the new gameplay can't
2431s actually be adding as part of that
2432s season you really want to make sure
2433s these things feel like they're connected
2434s in one coherent experience for players
2436s when they log in and they play during
2438s the season right yeah and so then so as
2441s part of that season then to carry that
2443s theme forward and you're going to want
2444s to obviously have some sort of context
2446s or narrative around this season yes yes
2448s that's absolutely right so that leads us
2449s to the seasonal quest line so one of the
2452s questions I see get asked either like
2454s online or occasionally we'll see in like
2456s you know like various chat channels uh
2459s it's just that like how how are we
2460s thinking about story as a as a with
2463s regards like the live service how are we
2464s extending the story of Diablo for and
2466s there's kind of like two approaches the
2467s way that we're looking at things uh with
2469s regards to seasons we're not going to be
2471s using this as an opportunity to expand
2473s upon the campaign story of Diablo 4
2475s right you know the the campaign story of
2477s Diablo 4 featuring like an Aries and
2479s little of the events of the of The
2480s Wanderer those events are really going
2482s to be told over the course of our
2483s expansions our post-launch expansions
2484s we're not talking specifically about
2486s today you know but that's really where
2487s the the high level narrative Diablo 4
2489s will continue to unfold but that leaves
2492s our hand open to do really interesting
2493s things in Seasons so if a season is
2496s supposed to have like a theme with a
2497s gameplay mechanic and other things
2498s associated with it it allows us to have
2500s like one really engaging seasonal quest
2502s line that manages to deliver on like a
2504s self-contained story that's going to
2505s guide the player through like again the
2507s mechanics and the themes of that season
2508s so like these are still like really big
2510s events that are happening in the world
2511s of sanctuary where the players gonna be
2513s able to like step in the role of the
2514s wander and like kind of go and help
2516s people and like and explore interesting
2517s mechanics right so you're not bound
2519s you're the ideas around the season are
2521s not bound by the campaign you're you
2523s you're basically creating quest lines in
2525s the open world that can be completely
2527s different and completely uh you know is
2529s not it's not constrained to it has to be
2531s about the initiation of the story it can
2533s be about anything that's sort of
2534s interesting you want to play into in the
2536s open world right absolutely so if for
2538s example uh we had a season theme for the
2540s first season which again we will not be
2542s discussing today folks we're gonna save
2544s season one to talk about a little bit
2546s later on yeah we plan on talking about
2548s season one after launch that's right but
2550s let's say for sake of argument that the
2552s first season was uh the theme was about
2554s zombies which it is not no this is a
2557s false premise okay let's just say for a
2559s sake of argument that it was about
2560s zombies is the theme that means that
2562s like things would be showing up in the
2563s battle pass might be related to some
2564s like zombie stuff the season questline
2566s might be about like rising of zombies
2567s throughout Sanctuary like that we try to
2569s make sure these things all feel
2570s connected so this is a quest line it's
2572s going to introduce new characters uh
2574s like great voice acting uh memorable
2576s quests and experiences will guide the
2578s player through the season and that's the
2579s way they're looking at things and so
2580s then that also then
2582s I feel like I'm doing your job actually
2584s am I doing your job I apologize I'm no
2585s you're you're doing great oh thanks
2587s you're doing amazing um
2590s thank you for the daily affirmation
2593s sorry I I'm just curious like when you
2597s think about the theme you know um that
2599s obviously goes beyond story construct
2601s but also goes into the mechanics like
2602s how you think of a gameplay yes
2604s absolutely and that brings us to the
2606s next major thing I want to discuss which
2607s is fresh gameplay this is what I would
2610s this is the greatest
2612s yes so fresh gameplay so with every new
2615s season obviously we'll be introducing
2616s new story content Jerry described uh and
2619s then we want to introduce new mechanics
2620s and gameplay for players to engage with
2621s over the course of that season so this
2623s comes down to things like uh just new
2625s power for players to earn or ways to
2627s experience the growth of their character
2628s these are the modify and change the way
2630s they're going to want to approach
2631s building their character every season
2632s this goes beyond meta changes or like
2634s balance and tuning and things like that
2635s it really come down to like just like
2637s wholesale like new features and things
2639s that are going to be available for the
2640s duration of that season for players to
2641s experience and then the idea the
2643s termination of the season when the
2644s season is over these sorts of features
2646s are going to be retired to be considered
2648s for again in the future if we like them
2650s or not but for now we want to make sure
2651s that we're kind of maintaining a certain
2653s level of parity across the game we're
2655s not kind of creating layers of like
2657s cropped and distraction from the core
2659s Diablo experience which we already feel
2660s is doing very well so yeah we're really
2662s excited to talk about those a lot more
2663s in the future but you can expect like
2664s exciting new features and gameplay to
2666s engage with between new monsters and
2667s mechanics uh things for players to craft
2669s or do change their gear or just change
2671s their skills so we're really excited
2673s about that stuff in the future
2674s and then when you think about seasonal
2676s stuff we talked about you know the when
2679s you look at say Diablo 3 has the
2680s chapters that you go through to get gift
2682s and those sorts of things so that
2683s there's a sense of progression through a
2685s season and we we've obviously talked
2687s about the Battle pass and and how that
2689s battle pass will be in our previous blog
2691s around this stuff as well but it's good
2693s to clarify again so when you think about
2694s not just like okay I have a seasonal
2697s narrative I have a seasonal mechanic or
2699s gameplay hook now but how do I think
2701s about progression within a season sure
2704s so great question uh so when we're
2706s thinking about Seasons we want to make
2707s sure we are creating new opportunities
2708s for long-term progression uh the first
2711s version of that we want to talk about
2712s really is the season Journey which does
2714s make a return from Diablo 3. so inside
2716s the season Journey uh the player is
2718s going to have an opportunity to complete
2719s a number of different objectives that
2720s are tied to mechanics uh story goals or
2723s other things are happening during the
2724s course of the season I think we might
2725s actually have an image for the uh for
2727s the season Journey we can maybe pull up
2729s as well that might help me explain some
2730s parts of this I think we hid the zombie
2732s stuff though so there's no zombies
2733s There's no zombie stuff yeah
2735s yes please note the top secret labels
2738s for this because I realize there's no
2740s image we can show that doesn't start to
2742s give away some of the things we're doing
2743s season one too bad you're gonna be able
2745s to talk more we'll talk more about that
2746s a little bit later on but here in the
2748s season Journey players will be able to
2749s complete a number of these objectives
2750s since I already called out objectives
2752s are separated chapters uh one of the big
2754s changes that we made as part of the
2755s Season journey is we've ensured that now
2757s players don't need to actually complete
2758s every one of the objectives within the
2760s chapter in order to advance they could
2762s choose to go back and they're still
2762s computers so if I go ahead yeah it's
2764s it's so it's it's pretty different than
2766s if you're a player of Diablo 3 and
2768s you're going through season Journey if
2769s if you remember like going you going
2771s through each chapter required you to
2773s finish every single little bit of it
2774s before you could progress to another
2776s chapter so this one obviously a little
2778s different in how you kind of approach it
2780s because you don't have to do every
2781s single thing you can actually complete
2783s it beforehand by doing most of the
2785s objectives and kind of choosing
2786s specifically yeah like if I'm not a PVP
2788s player I don't have to do the PVP
2790s objective to progress through the
2792s Journey right that's correct if we
2793s haven't objective disabled send you like
2795s the fields of hatred you wouldn't have
2796s to go there with that one you could do
2797s the other objectives associated with the
2799s season stud got it so when you're going
2800s through a new plot you're kind of
2801s completing the season Journey you're
2802s going to earn rewards for completing the
2804s objectives and you'll also earn some big
2805s rewards at the end of each chapter where
2807s you're going to get uh like packs of uh
2808s of like crafting materials and items and
2810s you can also unlock actual uh legendary
2813s aspects will go into your codex of power
2814s so not just earns through dungeons you
2816s can earn through the Yeah a different
2818s set of aspects in fact be available
2820s through the code of power in this way
2821s it's nothing new and some of the new
2822s legendary Powers we add in every season
2824s will also be made available through this
2826s method so you'll still be able to find
2827s them as item drops of course but you can
2829s start be able to experiment and play
2830s with them pretty early on do these drops
2833s and then the last thing I think is worth
2835s talking about here is every time you
2836s complete one of these objectives you're
2837s going to also be earning favor uh which
2839s is a kind of an experience system is
2840s used by the battle pass but uh without a
2843s ways to get like little drops from
2844s completing the objectives and big drops
2845s of that also from Queen the chapters uh
2848s but you know when it comes to launcher
2849s progression the battle pass okay would
2850s you mind maybe walking us through some
2852s of the how the battle pass works yeah
2853s absolutely so I know there's been a lot
2855s of questions about battle pass so let's
2857s talk through it today
2859s um so this is the seasons Tab and this
2863s is going to be you know the hub for all
2866s things Seasons under that top secret
2868s label
2870s um you can see the the uh season Journey
2873s um and then at the bottom here you can
2875s see the actual battle pass and what
2878s you're seeing is a mix of the free tiers
2880s and the premium tiers of the battle pass
2883s the way that you progress the battle
2885s pass is like Joe mentioned
2888s um with uh by earning favor and there's
2891s two sources of it uh you get it from the
2893s season Journey like Joe Manson mentioned
2895s but you also get it from leveling up and
2897s playing any seasonal character
2900s um so there's three levels of the battle
2902s pass there's the free track which like
2905s the name implies uh you don't have to
2907s pay for everybody has access to that the
2909s premium track which is roughly 10 US
2912s dollars depending on you know where you
2914s are in the world and then there's the
2916s accelerated track which is just like the
2918s premium track but it has includes 20
2921s tier skips it's you know folks who might
2923s have gotten a late start and a special
2925s cosmetic and that one is roughly 25 USD
2928s depending on where you are in the world
2931s um but let's talk a little bit more
2932s about the free and premium tracks
2936s um
2936s so the free track has 27 total tiers and
2940s what you're primarily getting from the
2942s free track are are what's called
2944s smoldering ashes and the smoldering
2946s ashes are going to be like the currency
2948s that you use to unlock seasonal
2950s blessings
2952s um
2953s so the seasonal blessings are different
2956s Buffs you can get that will help
2959s accelerate your progress through the
2960s season so you can see for example here
2963s um you know plus uh three percent to XP
2966s earned that's going to help players you
2968s know level up again level up multiple
2970s characters
2971s um and all of these are really just
2973s meant to help players through that
2975s seasonal progression through that
2976s seasonal Journey it's important to note
2978s though that you you know there is a
2982s secondary level requirement on every
2984s free tier of the battle pass that
2986s contains uh smoldering ashes so for
2989s example if you were level one and you
2992s bought you know a bunch of tear skips
2994s and hadn't played yet you wouldn't be
2996s able to access the smoldering ashes and
2999s spend them until you had actually like
3001s leveled up a character and met those
3003s level requirements and this is to you
3005s know prevent folks from buying a ton of
3007s tier skips and keep everybody on a level
3009s uh playing Ground so that is I had a
3011s question about that actually so there's
3013s there are no smoldering ashes available
3015s in the premium track of the battle pass
3017s right that is absolutely correct it is
3020s um that all the things that affect
3021s gameplay are only in the free track okay
3023s and so then basically that's we've said
3026s like our it's always cosmetic based so
3029s there's no you know you can't pay for
3030s power in Diablo 4 because as you saw the
3033s the stuff the season blessings are on
3036s the free track and they have a level
3037s requirement so you actually have to play
3039s to get to a certain point so right it
3040s keeps everybody on a Level Playing Field
3041s right right you may not uh pay for power
3044s in uh Diablo for
3047s um so yeah let's talk about next the the
3049s premium track so like I mentioned ten
3051s dollars USD depending on where you are
3053s in the world and this contains 63 total
3057s reward tiers so you add that to the 27
3059s from the free track you get the 90 total
3061s tiers in the battle pass yes
3064s um there is a ton of value in that um
3067s premium track so you get uh two full
3070s armor sets for every class and they're
3073s really themed to the season they're
3075s meant to be like a celebration of that
3076s season's theme
3078s and uh and there's other stuff in there
3081s there's the seasonal Mount there's the
3082s seasonal Mount armor which you can see
3084s here on this screen and then there's
3086s just like a bunch of fun other little
3087s Cosmetics like role-playing clothing
3091s um you know for example we have like a a
3093s big you know pair of white Bloomers in
3096s there so there's lots of fun stuff to
3098s find in the battle pass no that's what I
3099s wear when I role play
3102s I think that's actually a really fun
3103s idea though so like it's not like not
3105s necessarily like big armor or things but
3107s just more
3108s more other stuff so if you want to like
3109s play a particular role like there's
3111s options with some of that stuff and you
3112s can mix that and match all of it so you
3114s know you can create all kinds of ways to
3116s express yourself what's nice is that you
3119s just said there's 90 90 tiers and the
3121s season is three months right so you have
3124s quite a lot of time you have essentially
3125s 120 days to do 90 tiers that seems
3129s doable yeah we want it to be achievable
3131s yeah absolutely okay great
3133s I want to call it one thing also then
3135s we're looking at that image before
3136s there's that top secret label on the
3138s left yeah like that is ex like we that
3140s is explicitly a link that we're bringing
3142s to some part of the Season Journey as
3143s well the only reason it says top secret
3145s is there is because it's got uh language
3147s in there that I do not want to make sure
3148s that anyone is able to read to give away
3150s what's happening in season one exactly
3151s otherwise people don't know about the
3152s zombies
3154s it's not a zombie season you you use the
3157s example Joe that's on you I was just
3160s trying to pick something okay I'll say
3163s something in the circus next time
3167s I'll talk to people scary clowns yeah
3170s for sure um so yeah okay cool yeah it's
3173s nice to uh it's nice to get a little
3174s more information the battle pass like
3175s out there right and so okay so we had we
3178s talked about progression yeah uh we
3180s talked about in both in the season
3181s journey and in the awesome battle pass
3183s and so now when we think about what the
3185s seasons also provide is like obviously
3187s you know we're going to get we're
3188s hearing about balance we're going to be
3190s hearing about hey how do we improve
3191s people's experience based on what we saw
3193s in the previous season
3194s um and actually that before we get into
3195s that can if I can interject I'll steal
3198s one of your questions go go right ahead
3200s oh yeah all right so one of the things
3202s that comes up I get a lot on my Twitter
3203s feed is around hey how do I think about
3205s you know Diablo 3 Seasons uh there's and
3209s Kagan said earlier about like your
3211s seasonal character that notion of do I
3213s have to re-roll to be to get into and
3216s experience instances and experience the
3218s The Narrative wrapper to experience the
3219s mechanics to experience the progression
3221s basically do I have to start a new
3222s character uh yeah so dlforce balance
3225s around the idea of trying to make sure
3227s that that uh that level up experience 1
3230s 100 is really engaging and fun uh and
3232s very Punchy when items drop for you that
3234s your power progression feels a certain
3236s way as you play so you do as a result of
3238s that we do balance around the idea of
3240s playing over the course of a quarter
3241s character right you can go you play a
3243s lot longer than that if you want
3244s absolutely right you want to make sure
3245s it feels really good to play inside that
3246s nine-day period we do we are going to be
3248s having players uh like reroll make new
3250s characters with every new season and be
3252s able to experience the job the growth of
3253s their character over the course of each
3255s of those uh those borders and I think
3257s you might have said about just because
3258s you talk really fast I want to make sure
3259s it's really clear how dare no one has
3262s ever said that about me I'm a fast
3264s talker and you beat me so the notion
3266s around though that
3268s um you basically have to complete the
3270s campaign at least once before you can
3272s truly experience the season right yeah
3274s that's true actually there's a couple
3275s things that you well so once you like a
3277s couple things you'll you'll have them
3278s for your account from that point forward
3279s and I can just kind of maybe just yeah I
3282s mean we get so many questions about it I
3283s think it'd be good if we clear yeah sure
3284s so okay so
3285s uh so first thing is when you complete
3288s the campaign on any character whether
3289s you're playing in the hardcore uh mode
3291s of the game or the normal mode of the
3292s game no matter what difficulty of the
3293s game that you're playing and you beat
3294s the campaign on from that point forward
3296s every character that you make you're
3297s gonna have the option to skip the
3298s campaign as part of the playing that
3300s character so if you play the campaign as
3301s part of the uh this this preseason
3303s period before season one begins and you
3305s finish it when you start playing in
3307s season one you can choose to skip the
3308s campaign as part of your playthrough
3310s which means you get to experience the
3311s new seasonal content right away
3312s otherwise you can still choose to play
3314s through the campaign in Seasons uh but
3316s you'll need to finish the campaign
3317s content before the seasonal content is
3318s going to begin for you so just things to
3320s think about as you play so that's the
3322s first thing you get like have an account
3323s level unlock for your character as you
3325s play right the second is when you're
3326s playing through the campaign you're
3328s going to reach a point in this story
3329s where you're going to unlock your first
3330s horsey and when you get your first
3331s horsey uh Four Seasons once you unlock
3334s your first horsey uh you're then going
3335s to have the uh the ability to basically
3337s Mount up with every one of your
3338s characters in that point forward
3339s including characters you might have
3340s already rolled at that point having
3341s unlocked it once you've got that as an
3342s account level achievement effectively
3344s for your for yourself you'll be able to
3345s start like future Seasons even like
3347s start a new character level level one
3350s after skipping the campaign or even
3352s playing through the campaign in The
3353s Following Season you're gonna be able to
3354s like just go ahead and bounce up right
3356s away my horses in my cave with me yeah
3357s your horsey baby yes the Horseshoe that
3360s died is then going to immediately revive
3363s zombies oh my God we have showed the
3367s video people know okay okay honestly
3371s about if I if I spoiled that moment then
3372s I do deeply apologize and we should put
3374s spoiler warnings like zombie horses now
3378s is theme specific I think that goes
3379s leans right into that seasonal theme
3382s yeah yeah absolutely three weeks before
3384s lunch yeah sure sound off in the
3386s comments let's hear it
3389s um okay so that's the the second thing
3390s you'll have access to your mouth you
3391s unlock and then the last thing is that
3393s there's uh as you're playing through the
3394s uh as you probably played as part of
3395s like the open betas that we've done and
3397s we'll see again in SummerSlam uh you'll
3399s find these altars of low throughout the
3400s world
3401s server slam what did I say this summer
3411s wow I really did didn't I uh so during
3414s the silver slam uh you're gonna be
3415s finding altars as well throughout the
3416s world and when you collect these you get
3418s two things one yeah you're beginning
3419s renowned which is going to be basically
3421s used to uh get a number of different uh
3424s you know uh rewards for your characters
3425s on the on that realm uh within that from
3428s that zone so new skill points do healing
3430s potion charges things like that that
3431s you've got a chance to see before right
3432s uh and but you also get a permanent stat
3435s boost right you know for all characters
3436s on your account one of the main reasons
3438s to go after the altars yeah right but we
3440s don't want you to need to necessarily go
3441s after them every single quarter uh go
3443s and collect all of these we think it's
3444s really fun particularly the first time
3446s to go and find all these things right so
3447s once you get that stat boost the first
3449s time that stat boost can apply with all
3450s other characters in your account from
3451s that point forward right yeah so you
3454s don't have to get those together over
3455s and over again and when it comes to
3456s Renown you don't need to go get every
3458s altable to finish off the renowned track
3460s in each one of these zones shows like
3461s the season Journey there's you don't
3463s have to do everything in the Renown
3465s track to get all the remain and you can
3466s do it maybe I want to do make them
3468s strongholds are my favorite features I
3469s can lean into strongholds or whatever so
3471s but what you're saying is hey I played
3473s the campaign I found all these altars of
3475s Lilith the first time and now when we go
3478s into a season they be are hidden again
3481s but I still keep all the Buffs I got the
3483s first time all the things that are
3484s permanent like the plus two intelligence
3486s plus two yeah God knows I need plus two
3488s intelligence but and plus two strength
3489s and what have you but the idea of going
3491s and finding an altar to add more Renown
3493s to the pool to progress I could still do
3495s that like absolutely I can still go find
3497s them if I wanted yeah and you get a
3498s little experience for doing it as well
3499s so yeah they're still kind of fun to
3501s stumble across part of your regular play
3502s experience within a season you just
3503s don't have to get them all again if you
3504s don't want to there's other things you
3505s can do instead okay so I think we
3507s covered the what's what sticks around
3509s that's right so that's great like the
3511s entries in your codex of Power are going
3512s to reset you're gonna have to go find
3513s those uh those aspects again go to the
3515s Dungeons and go to the dungeons again so
3517s yeah those are the things yep great
3519s um okay so that definitely a great long
3521s term that was really on topic actually
3523s in terms of long-term progression
3524s because it actually is long-term Yeah by
3527s by the letter of the law it's a
3528s long-term progression so yeah it runs
3529s 100 correct thank you but when you think
3532s about what else do seasons provide an
3534s opportunity for like you've talked about
3536s like all these things okay we have a new
3537s quest line we have new mechanics we have
3539s all this progression but it's also an
3540s opportunity to kind of react to player
3542s feedback and also what you're seeing in
3544s terms of the data coming in in terms of
3546s balance or things that maybe we need to
3548s smooth out and sand down yeah absolutely
3551s so we know that you know operating so
3554s operating a live service game with
3556s Diablo 4 after the game launches and
3558s Seasons come out you know that is going
3559s to be basically it's it's the best
3561s versions of this are always the
3561s conversation with the player base as we
3563s play in a conversation with Community as
3564s we play so as we're going to be
3566s receiving feedback and we're seeing how
3567s certain features and and content is
3569s performing that gives us opportunities
3570s to sort of like respond to that feedback
3572s and react to it with updates to the game
3574s now you know things take lead time so
3576s once we if we see uh immediately after
3579s launch that there's a there's something
3580s that we could get maybe make an
3581s improvement on it's tough to have like
3583s immediately and very quickly turn around
3584s like big changes but we want to to make
3586s sure that we are we are carefully
3587s iterating to make Diablo 4 the best
3589s version of itself that it can be as we
3591s go yeah and this is like a it brings up
3594s to the point like where we just had
3596s betas and we we literally took the
3599s feedback that we got from the community
3600s which we you know were obviously super
3602s appreciative because it just makes a
3604s better game in the end of the day and
3605s people will actually be able to
3606s experience those changes from the beta
3608s in in the server slam uh uh weekend this
3611s this coming weekend uh because of that
3614s feedback so players providing feedback
3616s on our Forums on Reddit social media
3618s we're always reading through all that
3619s stuff uh to to have that so yeah and I
3622s think it's worth mentioning too in terms
3623s of the way that like in order to do to
3626s have a game that has Seasons all the
3627s time and sort of this like having
3629s quarterly Seasons you you're not like
3631s once we start like once season one
3633s launches we start season two like season
3636s two has to be pretty much like very much
3639s in flight and that's what I think Joe
3640s was talking about around the idea that
3642s we wanted we're going to be as
3644s responsive as we can so if there's a bug
3646s especially if it's something we can fix
3647s on the server like we'll do things
3649s quickly but if there's a big change it
3651s may take a season to get there just
3653s because season two is already mostly in
3655s the can by the Time season one how game
3657s development Works you're developing
3659s things ahead of time you're unbelievable
3661s that's why we know we have zombies
3663s um and so then it's but just something
3665s in terms of patience and understanding
3666s is like the way that you have to build
3668s seasons is you're basically having two
3670s seasonal teams that are leapfrogging
3672s each other with like you know we kind of
3673s call it the odd team in the even team to
3675s be able to be able to keep up that pace
3678s and so that's why I was like oh I saw
3680s this thing in season one it's definitely
3681s addressed in season two it may not if
3682s it's big enough it may be that season
3685s one thing we saw is in season three
3686s because it was big enough to require
3687s that time yeah so just absolutely right
3690s just understand how that's all working
3691s yeah it's like reacting to bug fixes and
3693s other things that's going to be another
3694s really big part of the live service
3695s team's job right so like everything
3697s we're doing within Seasons we want to
3698s make sure that we're constantly
3699s responding to that kind of feedback from
3700s players and kind of making the game
3701s better as time goes on but the other
3703s part of the season is like you know
3705s we've got a lot of positive response on
3707s our character creation
3709s um and it would be great to get King
3710s back in to talk about sort of how we
3712s think about customization during the
3714s season because we know they're like
3716s maybe talk a little bit about what you
3717s can actually find in the world but also
3719s you know what we're excited about with
3720s the shop yeah absolutely I mean the the
3723s game is full of hundreds of incredible
3726s uh transmogs you know that you'll unlock
3729s just by salvaging gear and
3731s the transmogs in the game really give
3734s you this um this power this sense of
3737s like visceral power progression for your
3739s character right um and so they they're
3741s meant to really like bring that to life
3743s grounded in Diablo's story and its world
3745s and its lands
3747s um and what the shop offers is a lot of
3752s um diversity so like the way that we
3754s wanted diversity of like the fantasies
3755s so you can uh that you can experience
3758s and that you can express so the way that
3760s we wanted to support the development of
3762s the seasons was to you know add things
3765s to the game that players would
3767s appreciate you know to create
3769s art and beautiful things that are
3771s grounded in Diablo 4's world and it's
3773s it's uh it's art style but provide this
3777s like array of class fantasies and
3780s um so for example if you want to be like
3782s a thunder goddess as a sorceress or you
3784s want to be a big Barbarian that like
3787s rips the tongues out of your enemies and
3789s puts them on your arms very specific
3793s though that's completely unsettling but
3795s very specific you you can you know the
3798s shop is going to help provide a lot of
3800s this like diversity in the types of
3802s fantasies and then you can take all
3804s those pieces and mix and match them with
3806s the cool stuff that you find in the game
3808s um to express yourself all kinds of ways
3811s I think one fun thing about this too
3812s like players got chances like I saw
3814s ripping is that the fun thing
3816s but no I was actually going to talk
3817s about I was going to talk about our
3818s previous banners we got a chance to see
3820s a lot of players making really cool
3822s looking customized characters in the
3824s game and all the gear they're collecting
3825s it's still very low level gear like
3827s there's other there's a lot there
3828s there's much more stuff to go find wait
3830s there's no wait till you get to the end
3832s game well there's a lot more looks and
3834s appearances to find as you're
3835s progressing through more one of the
3836s things I love about the the equipment
3838s that's in the game is that we actually
3840s do Regional themed uh armor so here we
3844s go oh this is nice these are side by
3846s side this is not my to my point but it's
3848s fine it's good to speak to your point
3849s maybe all I was going to say quickly
3851s before so can you go back and talk about
3853s this but I just think it's really cool
3854s that we have like Regional looks like
3857s the notion of like oh there's a cause
3858s you know there's like a how's our look
3860s and there is a fractured Peaks looking
3862s and that kind of thing that just kind of
3863s interesting that when you go into a
3865s particular Zone in the world and you
3867s start collecting loot you're actually
3868s picking up pieces that are of that zone
3871s so you can actually dress more like a
3872s person from that zone if you wanted to
3874s that's right particularly at the
3875s legendary gear when you're leveling up
3876s 100 yes there's a lot more to discover
3878s even after that as you get into World
3879s tears and more did you want to can you
3881s want to talk us through some of the
3882s examples yeah let's take a look at some
3884s of the Shoppers this is tongue ripping
3885s right yeah
3889s but this guy I think his name is death
3892s Raven um the shop guy um but yeah as you
3895s can see you can see
3898s um sort of like a side by side of
3900s in-game armor for the Barb versus like a
3902s shopper primer I think I just wanna one
3904s thing I think it's so funny that we we
3906s accidentally got these really awesome
3908s poses for the Indian cameras and all the
3911s shop armors are just a person's day
3914s look in the mirror he's like you're
3916s technically intentional but it wasn't
3917s funny
3918s because two different teams made the
3920s pictures yeah
3922s but yeah like let's look through some of
3925s the other side by sides um
3930s [Music]
3932s and then we have one of my favorites
3934s from the shop there oh yes and this is a
3936s rogue side by side so you can see I
3939s think uh the shop Rogue here is called
3941s deathwalker so keep an eye out for
3943s um tons of really cool diversity I love
3946s the tacits on the in-game armor and I
3948s love the pauldrons on the uh the shop
3950s armor let's use the word there is
3952s honestly like the MTX is focused on
3955s collection right like it's it's not like
3957s we're trying to like put only the cool
3959s stuff in one channel or the other the
3962s there's stuff there's awesome stuff to
3964s collect from the game and the show and
3967s like you said earlier like you can mix
3969s and match create your own fantasy which
3970s is really cool see now we're talking my
3972s language with the necro but like for
3973s example so if I really like the in-game
3975s look but I I want that uh the shop
3977s helmet like when I buy that armor set I
3980s can take that helmet and apply it to my
3981s in-game if I wanted to yes that's right
3982s and you can dye everything oh in the
3984s wardrobe I can actually recolor
3985s everything too yeah you can dye
3987s everything in from the shop and in the
3988s game
3989s um I think there are eight colors in the
3990s dye palette so yeah
3992s yeah if you haven't had a chance to
3993s check that out during uh during service
3995s land you should make sure that you get a
3996s chance to play the Wardrobe and try
3998s dying some gear yeah yeah
4001s so that's customization and then one
4002s more thing is related to customization
4003s not tied to uh appearances and looks
4005s which I think we already have a good
4007s coverage on uh but you'll also be adding
4009s we'll be adding new like legendary
4010s powers like I called up before and also
4012s new unique items uh with every new uh
4014s every new season make sure there's like
4015s new builds and uh and ways to kind of
4017s like create customized characters and
4019s those will stay those aren't seasonal
4020s those yeah those will be going the
4021s Eternal realm as well as the seasonal
4022s realm and they're going to be Evergreen
4023s they're gonna be uh they're gonna be
4024s there after the season is over we're
4026s continuing to add to the pool and So
4028s speaking of Evergreen like that's true
4029s like there's potential to add side
4031s quests and things like that like there's
4033s ways to continue to enrich the open
4034s world through Seasons that will actually
4036s stay as people sort of move from the
4038s season into the Eternal realm or to the
4041s next season yes yep 100 we already
4043s looking for those opportunities to kind
4044s of continue to add to the world of
4046s Diablo 4 and continue to build out
4047s Sanctuary these are things that we're
4048s really excited about as a team and we
4050s never actually I think maybe that might
4051s have been the first time someone's
4052s mentioned the Eternal realm but like
4053s that is the intention much like Diablo 3
4055s that a seasonal character will you know
4058s be in the season uh playing everything
4059s that we've been talking about so far and
4061s then when that season ends that
4063s character will then move to the Eternal
4064s realm where it will live on and you can
4065s choose to play there or you can choose
4067s for the next season while the new season
4068s could be a season seasonal character and
4069s vote again yeah that's absolutely right
4071s so the characters will get merged down
4072s the Eternal realm at the end of the
4073s season give you an opportunity to take
4074s some of the stuff they collected over
4075s that period of time and then build new
4077s characters part of the next season yeah
4078s there's no reason to feel like
4080s um like to shy away from starting a new
4082s character on the season because you will
4084s retain all that progress absolutely yeah
4087s okay cool
4088s um and so what about
4090s um when we think about when I play the
4092s main game outside of a season we know we
4095s have Capstone dungeons to be able to
4097s change my difficulty tier we know that
4100s at the end there's some mysterious level
4101s 100 boss that I want to try to get to to
4103s get you know max out and prove I can
4105s beat this level 100 boss at level cap
4107s like are there other things within
4109s Seasons that are kind of like that or
4111s how do I think about that sort of notion
4112s about like this sort of looking to the
4114s Horizon and what I want to do oh once
4116s again Rod Ferguson I couldn't ask for a
4117s better tea up in this case let's discuss
4119s the idea additional challenges so with
4123s every season we want to continue to
4124s build upon the end game and the goals a
4126s player is going to have for themselves
4127s every season of Diablo 4. you know and
4129s we've got some particularly Big Ideas as
4131s we go through the first couple seasons
4132s in the game uh when the game launches so
4134s with every season but we do want to add
4136s these these really really Pinnacle
4137s challenges for players to go and engage
4139s with Pickles challenges Pinnacle
4141s challenge
4143s we all heard pickles zombies and pickles
4146s yeah all right okay well fair enough
4148s fair enough all right I'm doing some
4149s mayo in there
4152s this is the level of perspective Joseph
4156s I'm looking forward to the pickle
4158s challenge okay so basically uh we want
4161s to make sure that we've got these new
4162s big challenges for players to go and
4163s engage with every time we release a
4164s season and uh and as we go we'll
4166s continue to add more depth to this one
4167s thing we want to be very careful about
4169s is we're not looking to just sort of
4170s like arbitrarily continue to make the
4172s game longer and longer and longer and
4173s longer to play right that's not the goal
4174s again we are balanced around hitting
4176s level 100 and earning your Paragon
4178s points getting off your legendary unique
4179s items that's that's the real focus of
4181s power progression for the player want to
4183s provide new and distinct opportunities
4185s for players to come Express that power
4186s new goals in the chase over the course
4188s of the Season without necessarily making
4189s like just more stuff that you have to go
4191s through in order to play the game so
4194s yeah yeah things are very excited about
4195s new bosses new major encounters New
4197s dungeons new new things and then as we
4199s see how players are reacting to the game
4201s as it is we'll continue to build in that
4202s direction as well
4203s yeah and I think it's it's really
4205s interesting when you talked about like
4206s side quests and things that I think it's
4208s also true kind of for the end game is
4209s that we may use Seasons to experiment
4212s with new in-game features and then if
4214s it's working really well we might decide
4215s to keep it if it's not working quite so
4217s well we may have it leave with the
4219s season and then maybe bring it back
4220s later and then like it what I like about
4222s the kind of quarterly seasonal flow we
4225s have going is that allows us to
4226s experiment a little bit and see what
4227s works and what doesn't and if it doesn't
4229s work we know it's only there for three
4230s months if it does work hey maybe we
4232s should have it stick around so it's a
4233s great opportunity to try stuff out
4235s absolutely particularly to content too
4237s so you should be able to bring in like
4238s these really tough encounters and
4239s different bosses and things of that
4240s nature uh and then these mechanical
4242s features as we see how they perform and
4244s we see how players react to them we may
4245s or may not decide to keep them on to
4247s your point and if they're they're
4248s particularly popular we just had to keep
4249s them in
4250s we want to hear from players about
4252s what's working what they're enjoying
4254s what's you know and also you know what
4257s kinds of fantasies they want us to make
4258s in the shop so let us know anything that
4261s you want gameplay or
4263s um from the shop and battle yes like I
4265s said earlier this is ultimately going to
4266s be a conversation and as we see how
4267s players are actually playing Diablo 4
4269s that's going to that's going to help us
4270s advise us on how we want to build Diablo
4272s for uh corpse exploding necro look I'm
4275s looking for a corpse exploding in that
4276s crazy
4277s you're gonna have to stay tuned for a
4280s future okay yeah and I will say like I
4283s know we glossed over it really quickly
4284s but we were talking about like meta
4286s changes and things like that and like
4287s balancing and whatnot that is included
4289s in the feedback that is incredibly
4291s important for hearing from players
4293s related to that yeah I don't want to
4295s skip over that either that's thank you
4296s Adam for calling that out so you know if
4298s Diablo 4's game about choice we want to
4300s make sure that we don't allow uh balance
4302s issues persist so long that they start
4304s to kind of interrupt or disrupt that
4305s choice that we're trying to provide for
4307s players we don't want like any one
4308s particular to build to feel so powerful
4310s that there's not a reason to put up to
4312s play other builds within a season so we
4314s want to make adjustments to make sure
4315s that like you know player uh bills that
4316s might not be seeing as much play and you
4318s know get a buffed and adjusted
4320s appropriately make sure that they do see
4321s more use as time goes on that is
4322s important to us we will make new changes
4324s on a regular basis yeah we don't want
4325s one way to play we want every class and
4328s to have builds that all are equally as
4330s effective in terms of being successful
4332s we don't want to be like only Whirlwind
4333s barbarians can succeed so only
4335s everybody's playing yeah that's the
4336s ideal the reality is that they're some
4338s every every season will be like
4339s something's a little bit more powerful
4340s than something else so we're just want
4341s to make sure that the uh you know the
4342s distinction the the the Divide there is
4344s not so great that it feels like you're
4346s making the wrong choice mathematically
4347s to ever play anything beyond whatever's
4349s sort of meta for that moment right right
4350s it's not like RPG players are Min maxers
4352s at all they never they never try to do
4354s the most with the least ever
4356s um
4360s I think like this I think for in the
4364s spirit of managing expectations and
4366s ripping Band-Aids off I do think there's
4367s something we haven't talked about that
4368s we should at least say Claire knowing
4370s that we haven't talked about which is
4371s leaderboards I think the notion that I
4374s think people with Diablo 3 and even like
4375s d2r as an example the main thing about
4379s the d2r season is a leaderboard
4381s um and so just saying that what in the
4383s early Seasons at least for season one
4386s and two there will not be a leaderboard
4388s and that is something again as I said a
4390s lot of stuff's already in Flight we
4391s understand the importance of
4392s leaderboards we understand people
4393s wanting to be competitive in their PVE
4395s play competitive in their build play be
4397s able to show their Mastery of certain
4399s things and that's so it's definitely on
4401s our backlog that that is a thing we're
4403s working towards to provide the player
4404s committee with leaderboards as we move
4406s forward through Seasons but it's not
4407s something you're going to see in season
4408s one and potentially not in season two
4410s again I'm just managing expectations so
4413s you're not yelling at me on Twitter
4413s after uh we hear you we know we want it
4416s we're working on it it's just not going
4418s to be there at launch
4423s as soon as we can awesome well um I know
4427s we have a lot of questions here and
4429s we've been collecting questions through
4430s chat and so forth like that so I did
4432s want to go into at least a little bit of
4434s q a from from people in chat so if you
4436s guys have questions feel free to throw
4437s them in chat and we'll we'll try to
4439s answer as many as possible
4441s um but I I know we we did touch on this
4443s really quickly uh as we're collecting
4445s these questions right now but uh When
4447s will season one launch mid July mentally
4450s July mid to late July I mean and the
4453s reason around the timing is too twofold
4455s one is we want to make sure that we
4457s launch this season we launch it into the
4460s best state the game can be in to accept
4461s that season we don't you know there's a
4464s launch of a game of this scale can there
4466s can always be some things that we have
4467s to work through and settle in but two is
4469s just we again as Joe talked about
4472s um you need to be able to get through
4473s the campaign before you start the season
4475s so by having enough time in the pre what
4477s we call the pre-season and so in the
4479s preseason Kagan
4481s um no battle pass because it's a
4482s pre-season but there will be a basically
4484s a sort of a reduced scope shop yes yeah
4487s there'll be some things yeah you can
4488s sort of get
4489s it we have there's you know
4492s um armor sets mounts and mount armors
4495s and then there's some other cool things
4497s like emotes and um headstones so like if
4500s you die on the field of battle you can
4502s leave behind a monument that is special
4504s nice as we said hardcore players careful
4508s of PVP when you die you're dead yeah
4511s Dead Forever Dead Forever so
4514s um
4514s in the game
4516s [Laughter]
4518s no no we come to your house
4523s I thought that was our butcher April
4524s Fool's thing it is
4526s true hardcore mode so that that is a
4529s popular question that we've gotten where
4531s people were confused by like hey if you
4533s die in hardcore like are you do you come
4536s back to life or do you just like start
4538s off like you know with no gears yeah but
4542s that's that's Anne in PvP too people yes
4544s and that speaks to something that um you
4547s know as we talk about the shop and
4548s customization is one of the things is
4549s that when you buy a you know one of the
4552s things that's sort of different the
4553s battle pass as you talked about is the
4555s the armor and those sorts of things are
4557s classic Gnostic that when I buy
4559s something or when I get something in the
4560s battle pass I can apply it to whatever
4562s class I'm playing but the shop is
4564s different because the shop you can
4565s actually Target I can go and say oh I
4567s want this Necromancer look and it's not
4569s I know it doesn't go it's very specific
4571s to like the Necromancer fantasy right
4573s but yeah and but it's not character
4576s basis accountability so if I for
4577s whatever reason roll five necromancers I
4580s can apply that armor to all five of them
4582s right all future necromancers that you
4584s ever created the infinite Rogue like me
4588s um you know it's gonna get I'm gonna get
4589s a lot of value right right right okay
4591s great
4593s um all right I'm gonna try to pronounce
4595s these names and some of them are easy
4597s thankfully but I'm going to try to
4599s include people like he's like I'm gonna
4600s try this but Bob asks
4606s so we have a question from uh negative
4608s capable if we get the premium battle
4610s pass late is the favor retroactively
4613s applied it is like you will earn the
4615s favor and then it will unlock the the
4617s tiers that uh like the premium tiers
4619s that um you didn't unlock because you
4622s hadn't unlocked the premium battle pass
4623s yet cool yeah like you'll still earn
4625s everything in the free track as well
4626s like you're kind of making progress like
4628s the whole time the whole time when you
4630s get the premium versions when you get to
4631s get all the people rewards yeah then
4632s it'll just suddenly unlock all those
4634s like locked premium tiers that you
4636s already went through and and just a
4638s reminder premium tiers just being
4640s obviously the Cosmetics blessings are
4642s part of the free that's right there are
4644s no yeah there's no smoldering Ash in
4645s though zip zero no smoldering Ash no pay
4649s for power in premium tears yeah and no
4652s no pay for power at all exactly yes I'm
4654s just saying there's smoldering action
4655s premium tears yes
4657s um but that's also just to clarify
4659s that's also true of the Season journey
4661s is that if I let's say
4663s um you know I'm starting a new I'm not
4666s getting the game until much later it's
4667s season two and I'm buying the game at
4669s season two when I play the campaign in
4672s the background it's tracking the the
4674s season Journey accomplishments I'm doing
4677s while I'm playing the campaign so it's
4678s not everything in the season journey is
4680s tied to like sort of open world seasonal
4683s play it's also some things can be
4684s accomplished by playing the campaign and
4686s so when I finish and I go into the
4688s seasons all of a sudden ding ding ding
4689s ding a bunch of stuff in the season
4690s Journey it will complete yes yeah that's
4692s the expectations you want to move
4693s through that she's really more quickly
4694s if you start in the campaign you might
4696s not be able to like finish every chapter
4697s as you go because there's gonna be some
4699s things you have to kind of like I like
4700s participate in the season quest line or
4702s the season mechanics in order to be able
4703s to really get but you will be making
4704s progress the entire time but I don't
4706s think your hypothetical case is likely
4707s to happen because obviously everybody is
4709s going to buy Diablo 4 on or before
4711s launch right so yeah it's a good call
4714s um question from QR codes
4722s question from Chuck duck lacks around
4726s what level will you end up getting to to
4730s the mount specifically the problem
4732s wasn't the name it was the question
4734s itself I'm just trying to like work
4735s correct
4737s um I think that is around level 30ish
4740s yeah it's around level 30ish it depends
4742s like everything happens
4744s is going to be depending on how you play
4746s are you open World playing and you're
4748s driving up your level before you do the
4749s golden path campaign like basically the
4752s the horsey yeah and pony we use
4754s different names for these but the mount
4756s is unlocked as part of your campaign
4759s progression right so you have to play
4760s the campaign at some point to unlock
4763s them out if you decide I'm not touching
4765s the campaign I'm going to get to level
4767s 100 just in the open world you will not
4769s unlock that horse that's completely true
4771s yeah a question from
4777s day two
4779s um uh are you going to move the altars
4781s each season so we J
4783s um so they're in different locations
4786s every single season right now the plan
4788s is not to move them every season that's
4790s something we've discussed as a team uh
4792s we'll see what the feedback is like but
4793s right now we we don't want you to have
4795s to ReDiscover the locations every time
4797s if you're looking for them but we'll see
4798s how things adjust as we play awesome uh
4802s not hard for us to do
4804s and just to mess with you we might
4806s anyway maybe now I will exactly
4809s a question from slimy Saul uh people
4814s need it we need more self-esteem in our
4817s community I'm just telling you right now
4818s um uh what about seasonal Cosmetics are
4821s they a count bound they are so like uh
4824s if you unlock it if you unlock a uh I
4827s assume you're talking about the shop and
4828s battle pass Cosmetics yeah yeah so
4831s um if you unlock a armor for your
4834s Barbarian all future barbarians that you
4836s ever make and the on the Eternal realm
4838s on the seasonal realm uh it's usable on
4840s all of them
4841s cool uh kiddo ass easier do ashes
4846s transfer transfer over from previous
4848s Seasons uh no so with every new season
4851s you'll be resetting and starting to go
4853s through your Ash collection once again
4854s it's also like one of the things you
4856s maybe we didn't call it but like the
4858s season because they're seasoned
4859s blessings there was actually one of
4860s those top secrets so there's there'll be
4862s blessings those blessings will be
4864s playing with those so yeah there'll be
4865s season specific blessings and we may
4867s mess with what blessings are working or
4869s not again it's part of the quality of
4871s life and we go like hey we see this is
4873s an issue or this is not working the way
4875s or we see another opportunity so this is
4878s another place we can play every season
4881s um question from infernal Odin uh do you
4884s need to have the premium battle pass for
4885s the blessings uh you you do not yeah you
4889s don't that's why that's why on the free
4892s track itself so and you need the ashes
4894s for the blessings and it's again there's
4897s a two conditions you have to have the
4898s favor to get to those free tiers and you
4901s need to have the level requirements so
4902s that you um again so everybody's at the
4904s same place kind of from a play
4906s perspective so there's no way to
4908s accelerate that and that you're somehow
4910s using tier skips to pay for power you're
4912s not it's because you have it's on the
4914s free track and you have to have a
4915s certain level requirement to be able to
4917s unlock that uh that Ash to be able to
4919s use in the blessing
4923s this is a long name I'm not going to try
4925s uh is every season two level one well I
4929s thought that was her name that is
4931s awesome it is every season oh my God
4934s uh every season is uh every season to
4937s level 100. I mean the season is still to
4940s the point where the player decides
4941s they've paid all the goals they have to
4943s tell you but I mean you are gonna start
4945s level one and you are gonna play level
4947s 100 you know without if you choose to
4949s with every season uh but it's again it's
4951s up for a player to choose what goals
4952s they want to really go after
4954s a question from with tells will shop
4958s items stay in the shop or will there be
4960s limited Cosmetics too
4962s oh that is a great question sorry
4964s um so when items you know the shop is
4968s actually personalized um there's limited
4970s shelf space in there so you know you'll
4972s see a set of of uh items in the shop and
4976s then they'll they'll swap out
4977s periodically so in preseason once a week
4979s on Tuesdays some new things will come
4983s into the shop some old things will come
4984s out of the shop but when things leave
4986s they're not like put into a vault they
4988s will come back into the shop fairly
4990s frequently yeah and then that's the
4993s personalized the we actually have a
4994s thing like recommended for you which is
4996s one of the things that's really
4997s interesting is like when something
4998s leaves the shop it actually goes into a
5000s pool of things that can be recommended
5002s so if someone like Kagan who's
5004s constantly playing Rogue or somebody
5006s like me who's constantly playing necro
5007s they'll actually say like hey you seem
5009s to be playing a lot of Rogue here's some
5011s Rogue things that may either be new or
5012s something you may have missed previously
5014s or hey there's some necro stuff and so
5016s it's one of the things that's really
5017s nice about the shop is it has a little
5018s bit of that in you know intelligence and
5021s then that has a recommendation and
5022s General can go and say like hey I
5024s noticed these kind you seem to you know
5026s you seem to be really interested in
5028s blood looking things here's a new
5029s blood-looking thing you know that kind
5030s of stuff so I think it will be it'll be
5033s a nice way to keep the shop fresh and
5034s interesting and actually tailored to the
5036s person so so just to be like so in the
5038s recommend for you like kagan's thing her
5041s shop may look different with Rogue as
5043s mine would be filled with necros
5044s potentially I mean they'll be uh you'll
5046s get a mix right like it'll it'll make we
5049s want to make sure that the shop is
5051s um serving you things that are actually
5052s interesting to you
5054s um and that we're not like forcing you
5056s to scroll through lots and lots of pages
5058s to you know find the exact thing you
5060s want so but the and to answer the
5062s question uh know when things leave the
5064s shop they are not gone for good they
5065s will rotate back in and the shop is
5067s trying to show you things that you want
5069s to buy yeah right but there and there
5071s are like it's not just that section
5073s where things are being recommended you
5074s also have class specific areas so even
5077s if I'm playing nectar all the time but
5078s I'm really curious I'm about to go play
5079s a rogue I want to go and look at the
5081s Rogue those that stuff's all there too
5082s it's not like I'm only limited to the
5084s stuff that it's recommending I can go
5085s and browse the shop as well on other
5088s classes and such right that's right yep
5091s um do you lose all season progress when
5093s a hardcore character dies uh so the the
5096s things you can put in the season Journey
5097s are all a countdown so you won't lose
5099s that progress but the things you collect
5101s on your character that stuff's gonna go
5103s away yeah so if you happen to find like
5105s really good gear or something you're
5106s wearing it they're gone just gone yeah
5109s but you're you're the chapters you've
5110s unlocked or the favor you've earned yeah
5113s that's what that all states absolutely
5114s absolutely true yep uh yeah that is true
5117s yep and then
5120s um this is actually something that we
5122s should clarify here because someone's so
5123s tesday was asking I'm missing something
5126s or ashes is it still a Pay to Win
5128s mechanic since you can advance 20 levels
5130s on pat on the pass by paying that the
5134s thing that you may not caught was that
5136s there is a secondary requirement which
5137s is you have to get to a specific level
5140s um if to to unlock that specification
5143s and and so even if you bust through
5146s those first 20 tiers by buying the
5147s accelerated pass you won't have met the
5149s secondary level requirement on the free
5151s tiers that have smoldering ashes in them
5153s so you won't be able to unlock them
5155s faster that way yep exactly
5158s um
5159s funny question from tactica when when
5162s will we get Rod's hoodie in the shop
5164s um Broad City has been in the shop
5166s unfortunately I sent people that are
5168s like hey if you want to go to this gear
5169s shop and they only have Smalls
5171s um so technically it's still there if
5174s you want if you can buy if you're small
5175s which I am not
5177s um we are very aware of some certain
5180s things that we have in the shop that are
5181s very popular one was the the Lilith
5183s denim jacket with the hoodie sleeves
5184s that I think was uh awesome a few couple
5187s years ago that we didn't I don't know
5189s why we didn't bring back we were
5190s literally just talking about this before
5192s the stream started too yeah exactly and
5193s so we know we we hear we hear the
5196s comments that I wear this because in any
5199s interview that's required me to sit I
5201s need to hide all the folds and stuff so
5203s I use this as my shelter but
5206s um people like it so I need to uh we
5208s need to bring it back in the shop and
5209s get more stock so
5210s um that's weird
5212s um let's see there is a question
5216s regarding
5217s um when you skip the campaign from this
5220s from Master Barbarian you're probably
5221s playing Barbarian uh it's not stuck
5224s Aaron shocker when you skip the campaign
5226s what level do you actually start at
5227s level one level one every character you
5230s make a Diablo 4's gonna start at level
5231s one okay and I think I answered this
5233s wrong on Twitter so you can you can
5235s correct me when someone asked me when
5238s you skip the campaign where do you start
5240s I need your said you start in the cave
5242s and that's not true right when you skip
5244s the campaign you're starting kill the
5245s shot yes so it for for season one and
5247s for the preseason when you always get
5249s the campaign you'll start with you have
5250s a shot might not always be in Kill
5252s machine
5254s foreshadowing I guess yeah sure you
5258s start in a grave as a zombie that you
5259s wake up and then
5260s Zombie Thing
5263s now people are just completely gonna
5266s believe that like I know
5268s the zombies from here just don't get
5270s like heavily attached to the zombie
5271s ideas
5275s it's not happening uh will there be
5278s unlockable amounts or Cosmetics through
5280s defeating like gameplay challenges or
5282s will those only be through the shop
5283s itself yes uh there are some mounts and
5286s other things you can collect uh like
5287s trophies other like and certainly like
5289s titles and things along those lines you
5290s will get from overcoming particular
5292s challenges throughout Diablo 4. so
5294s there's plenty of stuff to actually
5295s collect as well it's not just even just
5297s like finding gear on the ground picking
5298s up and salvaging it there's other things
5299s you'll get as like achievement level
5301s rewards for having include certain kinds
5303s of content and and seasons will have new
5305s titles and new things like that yeah it
5306s seems to have like new titles uh and
5308s like again the aspects everything should
5309s be collecting as you play
5312s um and then this is a question about the
5313s server slam stuff which was uh if you
5316s have the open if they had the open Beta
5318s app on Playstation uh do they need to
5320s download a different one the answer is
5322s no you won't uh here in like the next
5325s couple minutes or so uh you will be able
5327s to two minutes well I two-ish minutes
5331s two ish minutes uh please don't come
5333s after me at like 12 o'clock when it's
5335s like not available
5358s if you didn't get your wolf uh puppy
5361s pack
5363s um you this is another opportunity so if
5365s you reach level 20 with any character
5367s during server slam which you have 48
5369s hours to do it and you could probably
5371s probably knock it out on a Friday with a
5372s little no lifing but
5374s um level 20 to get your beta puppy pack
5377s and then we have a new reward around
5379s defeating the Shava at level 20. so the
5382s and it has to be level 20.
5384s um and so um
5392s to be super clear though because I've
5394s had this question it is not the horse or
5396s the horse's armor or the horsey or the
5398s pony it is actually the claw on the back
5401s which we call the Chavez the cryovach
5404s because when if you were declawed you
5406s would cry too but you have to beat
5409s ashava at level 20. if you beat ashava
5412s at level 19 no claw for you that's right
5415s you'll be the one crying not a shotgun
5417s so that was just mean but what if I have
5419s friends who can like Carry Me Through
5421s the combat I could just go to your level
5423s nine you have to be level 20 to get the
5424s call like you can beat ashava but plus
5426s don't be that person those are 11 people
5428s who want who need another level 20 to
5431s show up like do not if you go early
5433s you're just bringing the team down don't
5434s go early get to level 20. it's not that
5437s hard and then and then represent and
5439s then you'll get the the cool new amount
5441s of trouble and it's an example of one of
5442s the other cosmetic types we have or the
5444s mount trophies but a lot of it is around
5445s achievements like we have stuff for PVP
5447s where you can demonstrate like I'm a
5449s badass who kills other players errors
5451s and so you can have a certain amount
5452s trophy for that so it it's a cool new
5454s reward uh it's just we want people to go
5456s in and so you'll have nine chances so
5458s what we've done is the game server sign
5461s will start on Friday at 9am and then
5465s sorry at noon I apologize Friday at noon
5468s the game service line will start and
5469s then you basically have till Saturday at
5471s 9 A.M to get to level 20 and then at 9
5474s A.M we start ashava every three hours so
5476s based on that you'll have nine chances
5478s to kill a Shava so those are your your
5481s windows of opportunity so highly
5483s recommend you spend Friday getting to 20
5485s and then Saturday and trying to kill the
5488s Shabba and please get to 20 before don't
5490s be that person
5491s there's a lot of time to get to 20 and a
5494s lot more opportunities now compared to
5496s even the beta where uh Shava only
5499s spawned four times that whole entire
5500s weekend right now you have a lot more
5502s opportunities to actually take down
5503s ashava it is more of a challenge as we
5506s said before fewer legendaries lower
5508s level cap yeah
5510s can be done on both World tiers but if
5512s you're having a difficult time with a
5513s particular attempt don't be afraid to
5515s step down to uh to Adventure or tear no
5517s you can't even make it a little bit
5518s easier for yourself potentially not at
5519s all
5520s um we one last question before we we
5523s will wrap up because this gives an
5525s opportunity for people to start
5526s downloading uh server slam uh which is
5529s uh when you spend small during Ash can
5531s you re-roll that smoldering Ash like
5533s onto like different blessings and so
5535s forth like can you unspend it can you
5537s unspend it and put it on other blessings
5539s honestly I'll have to follow up with
5540s that with I will follow up on that there
5543s we go and I will provide an answer you
5544s stumped us yeah we've been stumps we've
5548s been stumped um uh so uh just a reminder
5551s server slam downloads we'll be starting
5552s here momentarily so you've already
5554s started two minutes ago uh so you should
5557s be able to grab it from the the
5558s Battlenet client from PlayStation Xbox
5560s as well uh and if you already have the
5563s beta clients those will start to update
5564s automatically so you'll be prepared for
5566s this weekend
5567s um provide feedback on our forums you
5570s can see all the amazing rewards here and
5571s so forth uh for for service land this
5574s weekend uh provide all your feedback on
5576s the forums uh we'll be reading forums
5578s Reddit social media and so forth yeah I
5581s think we should also um
5584s I was working last time I didn't get the
5587s puppies so you didn't hit 20 last time I
5589s didn't I was working
5592s awesome I mean I think
5594s uh to be clear too like I just want to
5597s mention again as we talk about the
5599s realities of development you know we I
5600s feel like the team did an amazing job
5602s responding to the feedback on the uh
5605s open beta and being able to make all the
5607s changes that you know I made for the
5608s dungeon and the font and and all the
5610s stuff that all the great feedback we had
5611s and we still want that same feedback
5613s coming off service line but please
5615s recognize the game went gold a little
5617s while ago uh we are 22 days away from
5619s launch so our ability to respond in a
5621s really big way to feedback is going to
5623s be somewhat limited as we're kind of
5624s coming in to land this airplane if you
5626s will so uh we're doing our best and
5629s we're going to respond as best we can
5630s but just in terms of the scope of
5632s changes like we were able to do a lot
5634s coming off open Beta probably less off
5636s service land this is really meant to be
5638s hey we're getting ready to go live we
5640s want our servers to we want to make sure
5642s our servers are ready for that and so
5643s this is what this is about we still want
5644s your feedback I'm just saying manage
5646s expectations you may see the results of
5649s that feedback more towards season one or
5652s such so just something to be aware of
5654s yeah so uh lots lots coming up here this
5658s weekend A lot's coming up before launch
5660s as well uh for for Diablo 4. we're
5663s obviously really excited this is
5664s actually I will note this is our last
5666s developer update live once here one tier
5668s before launch we will continue these yep
5671s post launch even if it's just you by
5673s yourself we're talking yeah I will just
5674s jump on a camera and deadpan for one
5677s hour you know what a Starbucks yeah I
5679s imagine we'll be talking a great deal
5681s yes yes we've already spoken quite a
5683s great deal and there's more there's
5685s plenty more
5686s [Laughter]
5689s I mean that's what it is to be paid by
5691s the word yep that's true and uh just
5694s another reminder that all the the the
5696s topics that we discussed today regarding
5698s uh season's battle passing and shop and
5700s so forth those are actually going to be
5701s available on diablo4.com uh we'll have a
5705s Blog up uh immediately after this stream
5707s uh so people can actually take a look
5708s there and get more information or read
5710s more information if you happen to
5712s um just jump in halfway through or
5714s something like that yeah or or we we
5717s spoke too fast or it yeah and you want
5719s to read it at your own pace then that's
5721s a good place to go do that side eyeing
5723s Joe the whole time uh I appreciate you
5727s I appreciate you judge we all appreciate
5730s you Joe's great Joe's great uh and at
5732s the same time uh the server slam
5733s information we have a Blog up for that
5734s as well and that again starts at noon
5738s Pacific time May 12th noon yes noon
5741s Pacific time May 12th so we hope to see
5743s you guys there in the US Mother's Day
5745s weekend or Thursday Blessed Mother's Day
5747s weekend Blessed Mother's Day weekend in
5749s the U.S and in some participating
5751s countries that have not already
5753s celebrated Mother's Day I know that's
5755s like yeah or we'll celebrate Mother's
5756s Day at a different date but yes
5758s um but yeah thank you guys again uh for
5761s tuning in for another Diablo 4 developer
5763s update live stream thank you again to
5765s this wonderful panel of guests Rod Kagan
5767s Joe uh we are super excited for launch
5770s Diablo 4 service land this weekend
5774s Rod actually has a special treat for us
5776s here
5777s what so my wife got me the the button
5782s for this is a thing that came out that's
5784s a 30-second dance party so why don't we
5787s why don't we end on it we will end on a
5789s 30-second dance party so Ron ready take
5792s us away
5799s yeah bye everyone
5801s check out check out SummerSlam service
5804s lamb server slam
5806s please go to The Graphic okay