@DecayingBlond @RodFergusson We said in the coming weeks. It’s been less than a week since the stream. It isn’t just a balance patch and has many other components to it and as noted it requires us to submit to first parties (console partners) as well.
You know you work with great people when you see at least 3-4 others post this sign on Twitter today.
I took a pic of it as well.
All hail, Pizza Barbarian. 🍕 🪓 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FzMvZTlaAAAzYCM.jpg
@Ghostidian @JPiepiora @RodFergusson I do want to clarify... The mount cosmetics should transfer over but let me fully be sure in the morning when people are back in. The gear items you salvage from one mode probably won't. Will follow up tomorrow with ya!
@OG74185641 @BlizzardCS @RodFergusson the nightmare dungeon changes announced during the livestream are more than just tweaking numbers and we are now in the phase of bundling more items into fixes and hotfixes as we are outside the launch window. It is on the way. We will let players know when they become available