about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- There have been some performance adjustments related to the UI backend transition
- Some decals have been added to the customization, search for
tag 18
,tag 19
,tag 20
,tag 21
- backspace isn’t working as of the Gameface transition, for now you will have to move the cursor and press delete (recent unreported change)
- duel_bioplant_wip has been updated, the dark Void Cannon corridor now has some large windows to let the light in and make sure that players are happy and relaxed
Fixes concerning the properties menu:
- The color picker has returned
- The dropdown menus are working again
- The Rotation Z field is now showing the Rotation Z instead of Y
- Copy-pasting in the input fields is working again
- Double click to select the input field’s contents is working again
- The contents of input fields are once again being selected after being submitted