about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- The final scoreboard’s winner text in Brawl has been changed to only mention the winning team
- There is now an active ability indicator on the dashboard when you’ve grabbed a powerup that has an active ability
Visual changes
- The Haste powerup now creates a red highlighting effect on the player carrying it, which is visible by others, and a red effect on the weapon which is visible in first person by the player with the powerup (previously was orange like the Diabotical’s effect)
- The Siphonator powerup now creates a green highlighting effect on the player carrying it, which is visible by others, and a green effect on the weapon which is visible in first person by the player with the powerup (previously was blue like the Vanguard’s effect)
- When you carry the Diabotical you no longer see red dead eggbots on the ground
- In Brawl you continue to spawn with 125 HP which ticks down to 100 but now grabbing the 25HP and 50HP pickups will only take you up to 100, the 5HP and 100HP pickups continue to take you up to 200 while the health that you can grab from dead eggbots (which gives you 25HP) will take you up to 125
- When you grab any Powerup you now receive 50HP and 50 Armor
- The Diabotical powerup now does 2x self damage and 2x self knockback (previously it dealt no self damage and regular knockback)
- The Diabotical powerup no longer allows you to see teammates and enemies through walls at all times, you now have to press the ability key which will give you that vision for 3 seconds and then has a 10 second cooldown (there’s an indicator on the dashboard which is meant to track it) - this will change soon
- The Vanguard powerup no longer deals self damage (previously it dealt half self damage)
- With the Haste powerup you can now press the ability key to create a slowfield around you (centered on you, and follows you) that slows down players by 30% for 3 seconds and then has a 10 second cooldown (there’s an indicator on the dashboard which is meant to track it) - this will change soon
- The respawn time for Super weapons is now 60 seconds
- Furnace has been updated
- Refinery has been updated
- The map called “example” has been updated with the new powerups