about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- The menu header has received some updates, the text and icons are now brighter when hovered over
- The respawn bind is now part of the game category, for the moment you will have to set a dedicated key for it
- The default Custom Game team colors have changed
- Note that there are issues at the moment with the Header disappearing in the menu and with the text and icons lingering too long when switching to a map
- It’s now possible to press the tab scoreboard during the intro
- There is now a “Waiting for all players to load.” message during the intro to explain that state of the game
- The Rectangle HUD element’s color is working again
- More UI optimizations - as a part of the UI optimizations that have been done recently, the way that multiple elements work has changed, this is why certain elements that worked before stopped working and have had to be fixed
- The Chat now empties out messages that you submit and those messages are visible to you instead of just to others
- The Chat’s input box appearance stands out more now
- The Press F3 to Ready up message now changes to Ready again after a player readies up
- The Healing Weeble now has an incremental tick sound whenever a player gets healed which pitches based on duration left of the healing effect, and a more general impact with lingering effects throughout the duration. Its ranges are shorter than most other things
- The enemy jump sound was changed slightly to be less bucket-sounding
Visual changes
- The 2 letters over your teammates which are visible through walls, now change color depending on the stack of the player, from greens, to yellows, to reds
- The Shaft’s beam is no longer staying on the map when it’s being fired and the game restarts (it is still staying when you are firing it and die, and then goes away once your respawn)
- There is a new Healing Weeble model
- The Healing Weeble’s particle effects no longer include the placeholder effects
- The Healing Weeble’s particle effects no longer increase in scale/glitch out when moving towards or away from them
- The Healing Weeble’s particle effects are now the same color as the team of the person who threw one
- The on-hit shield effect seen on Eggbots has been repositioned to more closely match the model of the Eggbot -On death your weapon and HUD now become hidden
- The Eggbot collision has changed again, it will for now make you go through other Eggbots if the situation would have caused you to become stuck, and it is working with elevators, blocks and props in a tolerable way
- In Wipeout the Heal Weeble is now the first Weeble to be selected when you press your Weeble bind - note that at the moment the Explosive Weeble is being used instead of the Implosive Weeble by mistake
- The camera no longer goes inside the shell of the player being spectated
- The Weapons list is now visible
- wo_prb_02 has been updated with a lot of new art and collision work