about 3 years
ago -
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- When being pulled by the Hook it is no longer possible to grab the flag/macguffin.
- When activating the Hook while holding the flag/macguffin, the flag/macguffin is now dropped.
- FFA Hook Instagib has been returned to FFA Instagib with the knockback weeball and without the hook.
- 5v5 Hook CTF has been added to the Quickplay playlist for the next week. Matches are formed when at least 6 players are searching and then listed on the match list.
- (Regression fix) Fixed an issue introduced in recent changes to the input system causing a buildup of input latency over a session. Thanks to netborg.
- Further micro-optimizations for smoothness related to the handling of input.
- Fixed a microstutter associated with dropping weapons.
- Added support for binding the Print Screen key (“print”).
- Added support for the Hiragana/Katakana switch key on Japanese keyboards (“kana”).
- Added support for backslash key on Japanese keyboards and Slash key on Brazilian keyboards (“br_slash”).
- Added support for the conversion key on Japanese keyboards (“conversion”).
- Added support for the non-conversion key on Japanese keyboards (“non_conversion”).
- Added support for the Yen key on Japanese keyboards (“yen”).
- Added support for the numeric keypad dot on Brazilian keyboards (“br_num_period”).
- Added support for binding the F16 to F24 keys available in some keyboards.
- (Regression fix) Fixed AltGr and NumLock not being bindable as a result of recent changes.
- (Regression fix) Fixed Alt+F4 not working while in-game to quit the game as a result of recent changes.
- (Regression fix) Fixed Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Shift, Backspace when held, not working correctly in the editpad as a result of recent changes.
- Fixed the issue where client-side and server-side replays recorded before Season 3 would not play.
- Added the Most popular filter to map vote’s filter options.
- Fixed the Most Popular and Highest rated filters in the community map list not displaying the correct list (released on May 31st).
- Fixed the filter width of the community map list overflowing when creating a map vote (released on May 31st).
- Collision fixes to Quarry, Refinery, Roosh, Toxic. Thank you to JoJTheRat, PressOK, mysticaly for the reports.
- Visual updates to Oasis.
Version 0.20.459d fixes an issue when loading some maps that was introduced by 0.20.459b around 1 hour before.