about 3 years
ago -
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Halloween Survival
(Some of these fixes were released to the servers throughout the day.)
- Fixed issue with a stairs prop’s geometry causing bots to not be able to traverse them.
- Fixed some minor bot navigation issues. More improvements in this area are planned.
- Implemented a more elastic flocking behavior so that bots don’t get stuck while going in different directions. More improvements in this area are planned.
- Fixed issue causing bots not to be affected by knockback.
- Tentative fix to a server hang related to AI.
- Increased the number of bots in the first round.
- Tweaked the health, damage and speed progression of bots.
- When a match is found the taskbar icon no longer flashes if Diabotical is already in the foreground in order to prevent some issues in Exclusive Fullscreen.
- The daily challenge countdown until new challenges are available is now updating live instead of after every match.
- The appearance of the challenges list has been slightly modified.
-The Shop has been updated.