about 3 years ago - Trello - Direct link


  • Chat messages are now very slightly faster
  • The issue with the Chat getting stuck on screen should be fixed
  • The message spam issue when the Chat is bound to Backspace should be fixed
  • It’s now possible to bind most things to the Return key (binding it to Chat still doesn’t work)
  • The issue with not being able to press V while holding Ctrl has been fixed (note that the Ctrl+V bind still doesn’t work)


  • The Weapons list no longer has large gaps between weapons on higher resolutions
  • In the Weapons list, the background of weapon icons of currently unselected weapons is now slightly more opaque
  • Note that there is an issue at the moment with the Ally score and Enemy score HUD elements not displaying the scores in duels, the scores in other game modes work (for now it’s possible to press Tab to see your current score in a duel)


  • Using /connect after /map or /edit is back to working