about 3 years
ago -
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Update #1
- The appearance of the Custom Game’s dropdowns and input boxes has been updated
- The issue with the border of the map image in Custom Game has been fixed
- The default team colors in Custom Game and More settings have changed, purple is now the default second team color, khaki has been added
- Changing the video resolution now shows the warning message that you need to restart the game
- Some more decals have been added in the Customize menu, medal decals (Diabotical\autodecals\Jacobs_Decals\Medal_Decals), sun and moon decals (Diabotical\autodecals\Jacobs_Decals\Random_Decals) - thumbnails will be added soon
- The Crosshair is now returning correctly after you respawn
- The Ally and Enemy Remaining HUD elements now work correctly, they are only displayed if the mode is Wipeout or Clan Arena
- The default HUD now has the Pickup Notice message and the Remaining player numbers - click Reset HUD if you use the default HUD
- In the HUD editor the name of the selected element displayed in the Type row is now the same as in the list of available elements
- In Brawl and Instagib the round score indicators below the current scores are now working
- In Brawl and Instagib the tab scoreboard now resets after each round - note that the final scoreboard only has information about the last round at the moment
- The Wipeout’s Weeble indicator now displays the correct Weeble recharge time and current Weeble amount again
- The “Following " message when spectating and the respawn countdown now have text shadow to improve visibility
- The appearance of the final scoreboard’s team scores is now more similar to the in-game scores
- The final scoreboard’s redundant DMG column has been removed (displayed the same as the Damage done column)
- The mouse cursor is no longer visible during the Play Of The Game
- The mouse cursor is now always visible in the final scoreboard and its position will be where it was last left at when navigating the menus
- There is now an announcement when powerups are about to spawn (“incoming powerups”, instead of “incoming double damage”), powerup specific announcements when you, your team or the enemy team has grabbed Diabotical and Vanguard - currently the Diabotical line plays incorrectly when grabbing the Haste powerup
- Every time that the Diabotical powerup is picked up the song played is now a random track between the following tracks: devilish, bytemaster, eggbilly, happy, pr0t0typ3 and wicked
- In Brawl and Instagib, instead of “Game starts in 3-2-1”, “Fight!”, the announcer now says “Round #” (number of that round) while the countdown is ticking, followed by “Fight!”
Visual changes
- The default first team color is green and the default second team color is now purple
- The Armor pickups’ glowing core now has the shape of a shield
- The Blaster and the Void Cannon now have a lightning effect inside the little window
- The PnCR’s beam now stays still after being fired - note however that there are some issues with a second beam being visible sometimes and with the PnCR beam switching position between the previous target and the current target sometimes
- In Instagib, the Knockback Weeble is no longer visible at all times, only its animation is visible when the Use button is pressed
- There is now an armor break visual effect when you deplete someone’s armor and the shield pulse effect doesn’t happen if the player that you hit doesn’t have any armor
- The spawning visual effect that was being played at the origin of maps is now playing correctly at the spawning location of players
- The round functionality of Brawl and Instagib is now working properly. When a round ends, players remain in control and see a countdown for the next round to start and then respawn - note that frags/orb captures during the inter-round period don’t count
- By default Brawl is played with 6 minute rounds, first team to 2 (score limit 2/best-of-three)
- By default Instagib is played with 5 minute rounds, first team to 2 (score limit 2/best-of-three)
- In Instagib the Crossbow’s bolts no longer can self kill you (note that in other modes they can still do self damage)
- a_junktion has been updated with some floor collision fixes to the floor pipe areas
- Furnace has been updated with some visual fixes in the PnCR curved tunnel and and b_furnace has had its Grenade Launcher pickup removed for now
- Refinery has been updated, the map now uses kill volumes instead of liquids with damage, meaning that you will no longer hear the leaving water sound bug when respawning, after dying due to falling in the liquid. b_refinery has had its Grenade Launcher and Implosion Weeble pickups removed for now
- Wellspring has been updated
- duel_outpost_dunia_wip has been updated with a new upper yellow location, new staircase in place of the former teleporter to upper yellow and new art in the upper yellow room
- It is now possible to set the property and value “kill true” on triggers in order to create a kill volume (create a volume selection, /add trigger volume, /forsel set %1 kill true)
- Props and blocks that have at least player collision now don’t allow dropped weapons/items to go through them
- The props city_platform, city_wing and city_wing_mirrored have been added
- Thumbnails for the Medieval props have been added
Update #2
- There is now a Time Trial option in Custom Game (race mode) which currently includes the maps df_p0_01 and df_p0_02
- Thumbnails for the Medals, Sun and Moon decals have been added
- The Settings and Quit tooltips are now being displayed over the Leave Match button instead of below the letters
- The tooltips no longer have a flash at the end
- The Quickplay menu’s modes are now using the correct map names
- The alignment of the Weeble/Skill keybind and Weeble number in the Dashboard has been improved
- In Time Trial your current time is displayed via the regular timer, it starts when you go through a start entity which is indicated via a Go! message in the middle of the screen
- In Time Trial there is a message in the middle of the screen that shows your final time
- The tab scoreboard in Time Trial shows your best time during this session
- Time Trial is now a mode available in Custom Game, this mode is about going from the starting point to the end point the fastest that you can, to start a new run press F3 or alternatively press K or the key that you have bound to /kill and go through the starting line (in df_p0_01 it’s indicated on the ground, in df_p0_02 it’s placed along the first corner visible to the left of the spawn)
- To create a Time Trial’s starting line create a volume selection, type /add trigger_start volume then type /set trigger_start action start_timer, to create the finish line, create a volume selection type /add trigger_end volume then type /set trigger_end action end_timer
- Thumbnails for the Medals, Sun and Moon decals have been added