about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- Items now respawn during the warmup state
- Fixed a resource leak causing performance degradation over long game sessions - thank you to neeple for testing
Visual changes
- In Settings-More settings, there is now an option to select what type of damage numbers are seen, outgoing (the potential damage of the hit) and incoming (the damage received by the player which depends on the health they had left) the default is now outgoing damage so that it’s clearer how much damage a hit can do - this does not effect the damage number
- In Settings-More settings, there is now an option to see the first person weapon model in center of the screen
- Collision fixes to Perilous, Icefall, Furnace, Toya Fortress, and Refinery
Masterserver and matches
- It’s now possible to queue Quick Play and Ranked while in a Public Custom Game running the Time Trials mode (it’s also possible while in a Private Custom Game, it’s not possible in Public Custom Games on different modes)
- The victory/defeat screen now depends on the player being spectated