about 3 years
ago -
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- In Freeze Tag, frozen players will now spectate teammates.
- In Freeze Tag, frozen players now won’t have the buff effects for powerups they had before being frozen.
- In Freeze Tag, Spectators can’t cycle to frozen players while spectating anymore.
- Added a “Volume” property to ambient sound entities to have more control over ambient sound nodes. The volume can range from 0.0 to 5.0 with 1.0 being the default.
- A “Source” dropdown property has been added to sound entity properties with a choice of 59 different sound loops.
- The editpad properties button to set a block to type “Set invisible, player collides, fire collides (full clip)” now correctly sets it as an invisible full clip block instead of emptying it.
- The map loading screen now features community-contributed tips.
- Fixed issue where the map information was not correctly updated when the match host selected different community maps.
- The map selection button in the custom lobby is now larger and above the other options.
- Fixed the missing “update” icon on the community maps list.
- Updated German, Spanish from Spain, Latin American Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Russian translations.
- Skybreak has been updated with new art including decals, particle effects, volumetrics, lighting changes, ambient sounds, and a hole in the sky. Some collision fixes to stairs, thank you to Hendy for the report.