about 3 years
ago -
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Some recent changes that hadn’t been reported and some changes from today HUD
- New HP bar and Armor bar appearance
- Bar dividers are now called segments
- The default HUD now includes 8 segments for HP bar and Armor bar
- The Crosshair center alignment has been fixed
- The G-Meter’s keyless/minimalist version has lower opacity and less aliased
- The G-meter’s outer rings default thickness is now thinner at 25%, compared to the previous 30%
- The Current Ammo HUD element now has a text-shadow option and a disable circle option
- The Frag Feed has been fixed
- The background color of the scores in the tab Scoreboard have been fixed
- The Score colors on the Ally and Enemy score elements have been fixed
- The scores at the top are working again
- When dead your teammates and enemies now show up on the correct side of the screen
- There are now respawn timers under the teammate and enemy avatars
- There’s now an Unready/Ready message under the avatars (currently it’s not resetting after a match starts, its appearance is not final)
- The UI animations’ performance has been optimized
Visual changes
- Prop animations have returned
- The Slowfield Weeble’s appearance has changed, it’s now light blue and instead of a half closed eye there’s a clock-face (note that the weapon pickup is currently using the old appearance and there’s an issue with the slowfield not being visible)
- The trail of the Slowfield Weeble has changed color to match the new light blue
- In the Wipeout mode players now start with 200 HP and 100 Armor
- In the Wipeout mode the Weapon9 (BFG), Minigun and Grenade launcher have been removed, the Machinegun with 100 ammo has been added
- In the Wipeout mode the Shaft’s ammo has changed from 250 to 200
- In the Wipeout mode the initial respawn time for the first member of the team to die is now 5 seconds
- The weapon that a player is holding when you start spectating them is now the correct one
- You can now dead-spectate switch between player being followed in the Wipeout mode, however you are not yet limited to spectating teammates only
- There is currently an issue with the HP and Armor not being updated upon spectating a player until they change, and with the Shaft beam appearance
- wo_prb_02 has been updated, the water sections have changed, the new water wheel prop has been included, there’s a wider bridge in the lower garden teleporter
- ca_prb_01 has been updated to include more art
- wo_mrh_01’s deep acid pools now have liquid that reaches their bottom
- The Explosive Weeble pickup isn’t working at the moment