about 3 years ago - Trello - Direct link

Update #1


  • The Diabotical logo on the Header is now being resized correctly in lower resolutions
  • The Matchmaking map selection screen is now centered
  • The Matchmaking indicator is now showing up again after you’ve played a matchmaking game during that session
  • The custom weapon combat settings are now working again
  • The background of the dropdowns in the Settings menu is now blue to match the background color of that menu
  • The appearance of the checkboxes has changed
  • The Custom Game’s More settings button has been repositioned


  • The aspect ratio options in the HUD editor are now limited to your current aspect ratio and options with less width
  • The appearance of the checkboxes in the HUD editor has changed
  • The Armor and HP bars under the avatars in team modes have been aligned
  • The Stack HUD element now includes a Dormant stack option which will show you the amount of armor that will not be used when you are under a certain amount of HP relative to the amount of armor that you have, +0 means that all of your armor will be used (armor mitigates 66% of the damage to your HP meaning a 3 damage hit will cause you to lose 1 HP and 2 Armor)
  • The Stack bar HUD element now includes the option to place the armor on top
  • In Wipeout the Dashboard HUD element’s what previously was the Weeble cooldown indicator is now an indicator of the type of Weeble that you will get for that round and the number of Weebles that are available to be claimed - this HUD element will receive some changes soon (note that currently the Dashboard has an empty icon in the other modes and doesn’t display the Rage meter in duel, however the Rage weapon function is still working)


  • In Wipeout you are now assigned one Weeble of a random type each round along with the Healing Weeble. Before the round starts you will be able to look at the Dashboard HUD element to see which Weeble you will get, and after the round starts you will be able to claim it by pressing your Ability keybind (Settings->Controls->Ability), when you claim it you will switch to it (meaning you might want to only claim it when you want to use it or claim it in a safe situation). Every time that 1 minute passes you will be able to claim one more Weeble of the same type - this gameplay mechanic will receives some changes soon

Visual changes

  • An occasional but aggressive visual glitch which flashed a texture in the middle of your screen in menu backgrounds and maps that contained the prop called props/harvester has been fixed


  • wo_mrh_01 has a new connection from the mid level under the bridge in the graffiti room to the bottom level
  • wo_prb_01 has received more visual updates
  • omar_city_04 has been updated
  • ctf_pr_08 no longer has 2 doubledamage pickups overlapping each other, only 1 in that location

Update #2


  • In Custom Game the alignment of the spectator list has been fixed


  • The Game Timer HUD element now has an analog option if you want to replace the digital clock with an analog clock that measures minutes and seconds (think of a regular analog clock but instead of the short hand indicating hours it indicates minutes, and instead of the long hand indicating minutes it indicates seconds) - if you wish to see both you can have multiple Timer elements, one with the option turned on and the other with the option turned off. This type of clock might help some people with timing items by visually measuring the distance or pizza slice width from when an item was grabbed to when an item will respawn, without having to add up numbers
  • The Play Of The Game text that says “PLAY OF THE GAME” “PLAYER NAME” is showing up again
  • In Wipeout the Dashboard HUD element now has the equivalent of a Weapons list Weeble slot which indicates the type of Weeble that you have for that round and the number of those Weebles that you have at the moment (the Healing Weeble is still displayed in the Weapons list, in other modes the Weebles are currently only accessible through weapon_next, weapon_prev or weapons_specific binds)


  • In Wipeout you no longer claim Weebles. Every time that you spawn during a round you will spawn with one Healing Weeble and one Weeble of the type that you were assigned for that round, you can see what type that is and how many you have in the Dashboard, and every 60 seconds that you spend alive (not every minute mark on the timer, it’s every 60 seconds relative to when you spawned during that life, unlike in the past) you will receive one more Weeble of that same type. To select the assigned Weeble, press your Ability keybind (Settings->Controls->Ability), and to select your single Healing Weeble press your Weeble keybind.
  • The countdown time for a match to start after players are ready has changed from 5 seconds to 7 seconds - note that the countdown timer for a round to start is unintentionally still 5 seconds (recent unreported change)


  • wo_prb_01 has been received some more updates including spawns
  • omar_city_04 has been updated


  • The collision hull of rescaled static props is now accurate to what the collision mesh shows (recent unreported change)