about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- Experimental LAN/Direct connection support: It is now possible to select Direct connection in Custom Games in order to host Diabotical matches and play with others through a direct connection. Players are required to be online in their Diabotical accounts in order to join a lobby, if the players are not on LAN, you as the host will need to open UDP port 32123 on your router in order to start a match with others, a selection of your detected IP addresses will be shown prefixed as Direct/, including the Public IP (for players online to connect to you) and your Local IP (to host matches on LAN ) - This is a feature under development, only client side netcode is currently supported in this mode and statistics are incomplete at the end of the game
- Updated translations
Visual changes
- Tactical pings by teammates now have indicators on the edge of the screen when not within the current field of view
- New map! Factory is a MacGuffin map available for now in Quick Play 4v4 and in Custom Games, this is the arted version of the MacGuffin map Test 1 which will be available until next patch if you would like to compare them
- Collision fixes to Ukiyo